This morning has been monumental. Where’s the Depp thread?

This morning has been monumental. Where’s the Depp thread?

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jannies cant have it

This morning has been boring

today's batch of jannies are being more autistic than usual

Boring? Depp got slaughtered on the cross of Dr Karen

what trial are you watching? amber got absolutely slaughtered


fight me

deppsisters... i dont feel so good...

>"yes, I beat the crap out of you, I loved every second of it and I will do it again and again and again and you will do nothing"

it's on tape, we got him amber sisters, this case is fucking OVER

>t.amber heard's new pr team

>mfw trying to hear what the fuck these recordings are meant to show beyond Depp calmly talking about how they need to fix their marriage while Amber illegally recorded him

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Jannies have been instructed not to allow Depp threads, by the same people who think it's important to cover up Marvel spoilers. We reddit now.

>is the monster gone
>you put it away
>doesn't always have to be the monster
>i offer you olive branch
>you don't take olive branches from me
lmao what the fuck am i listening to

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Emotional manipulation by a BPD cunt

why did Amber record these kinds of conversations? i'm starting to think it was part of some overarching strategy

Why because some old woman is lying on the stand? And Heards lawyers and said woman get touchy when her notes had to be taken away for viewing

Just confirmed: there are two Australias.
Hope we can get more info on this from our very professional expert.

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>lying on the stand
>constantly looking at "notes" and having to say "I'd have to look at my notes
>lying about heard having childhood abuse
>always starring at the jury when talking to try come across as proffesional and truthful when she's spouting pre rehearsed bullshit

But sure whatever you say mate

When will Amber go on?

why? it's regarding two actors? aren't we on Yea Forums?

I can't find threads in the archive, am I retarded or did janny have a spergout?

reminder that this shrink has been on TV several times spouting feminist ideologies disguised as psychology

she is #believewomen personified

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I think for a while she had in her mind an awareness the all this shit was going to hit a breaking point. Not sure if she thought a courtroom necessarily but she knew something was going to go public so she probably just started recording constantly to get at least something bad from Depp on tape.

Why are you all supporting a fucking monster?

jannies are paid off by miss turd

Why do anons do this? Is it falsflagging to raise interest in the trial or something?

we don't support her though

Literally hired with a script. Lmao

>feminist ideologies disguised as psychology
And she's on an APA board that has been disseminating that stuff in the profession.

must be a heard supporter for some reason? they're both strange in their own messed up ways, but amber is textbook manipulation and I know everyone says it but it's incredible as an example.

>always staring at the jury
Not sure why you guys keep attacking her for looking at the jury, of all things. Dr. Muffins did the same thing. Looking at the jury is normal for a testifying witness. The problem with this person is that she's biased as hell.

everyone sounds so confused

I never thought that lawyer movies are this realistic

>The problem with this person is that she's biased as hell.
Legitimate non-bait post, by the way.

Mommy doctor and this old bat perfectly illustrate the duality of shrinks. "Intelligent, insightful, emotionally composed and eloquent encyclopedia of human behavior" vs "bitch that became interested in mental health because she's nuts herself and to push an agenda".

I want a lawyer to fly of the handle and start badgering the witness even through objections, making the witness break, those scenes are kino.

>it's of clinical concern that a husband wants to be married to his wife until he dies

what happens if objections are sustained

Why is this woman so red.

>The ability to film Ghislaine Maxwell's trial is not allowed
>Meanwhile, dumbass celebrity relationship drama is free to film with news sites and audiences looking for updates on the case 24/7 without issue
Really says a lot about this country doesn't it?

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>Once an attorney makes an objection, the judge then makes a ruling. If a judge sustains the objection, it means that the judge agrees with the objection and disallows the question, testimony or evidence. If the judge overrules the objection, it means that the judge disagrees with the objection and allows the question, testimony or evidence. The judge may also permit the attorney to rephrase the question to correct whatever was objectionable.

She has a lot of cosmetic treatments. Botoxed eyebrows, etc.

I wonder if this fat bitch has ever been married before, clearly she's never heard vows of matrimony in her life.

question are reply are ommited from the trial, can't be used


I want to see Amber go full YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH when she gets enraged.

Why is this retarded "expert" even allowed in this court case? It's incredibly obvious that she is insanely biased and everything she is saying is literally just hearsay of what Amber Heard told her, yet she's telling it all as if they were facts.

>person who wants his trial broadcast to the world has it broadcast
>person who wants privacy is not broadcast because of rules about consent
what a conspiracy


unfiltered kino

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>Types out what PTSD stands for
Some fucking expertise there


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me in the armchair

Hit me too...

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To all you saying that I’m wrong wrt Depp’s loss on the redirect, his team should’ve been able to discredit Dr Karen’s entire testimony by impeaching her on that domestic violence question that was contrary to her answer yesterday and then they lost it on the approach. Total swing and a miss.

The fuck was that psychologist?

>Um Amber is innocent flower, she can't do no wrong, it's all because Depp is evil and aggressive.

>talking about actors on a board about media actors work in is bad

questions and replies* where the objection was sustained are omitted or discarded, can't be used

I don't watch TV or movies.

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It wouldn't even be any new information, she's already said as much to Depp on the tapes.


Quick QRD?

I'm 99% sure this is a case where this psychologist is one of those #BelieveALLWomen retards who is genuinely convinced that women can never do any wrong. That's why she fully and truly believes every single lie that Amber Heard has told her, so she repeats it as gospel.

So is anyone in these threads at all on team Amber?

Or are you all just team Depp incels because you hate women by default?

Fucking waste of a cross

Depp already lost the first trial, there is no reason why he would win this time.

Is a retard who doesn't know the difference between federal and state courts.

Objection, out of the scope of the board

Deepest lore:
>Mega pint
>Dropping a grumpy
>BPD and Ecstasy
>Because you're a cunt
>Hello Mr.Rottenborn
>One million alpacas
>DJ Maxipad
>Officer Squarehead
>Festival of icecream
>How many dabs am I allowed?
>Amber hit the wall hard
>Take your meds
>It looks like it would fit come cocaine
>A pill to make Marilyn Manson stop talking
>Fecal delivery
>People are gone after they leave
>Curry muffins
>Drives out of court
>"I'm the deal guy, I get to yes" - Marx
>Psychic pain

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the second one unironically

Different rules, different judge.

just woke up give me the qrd

They are entirely different cases in entirely different countries with entirely different judges, rules and laws. Stop being a dumbass.

Amberchad reporting. let depp get his just desserts

Even the judge can't keep Dr. Mommy's muffins out of her mind.

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I am on team Depp but its still obvious to me that he will lose. You got to be truly delusional to think he is going to win this.

I understand completely.

give it to me straight our boy in trouble?

what's going on rn? anything good? give me the quick gestalt

depp's guy crossed Dr. MeToo. Wasn't bad for Johnny but a total waste, didn't press her hard on anything really.

It was always a slim chance for him to win, the whole goal was to have this public, so that depp clears his name in the eyes of the public. A legal win would just be cherry on top.

>no mention of Lesbian Camp Counsellor
Please rectify.

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In the first case he was suing a newspaper for defamation for calling him a wifebeater, now he is suing amber for calling him one. What is it about this second case that makes you think that he is going to win?

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>Lesbian Camp Counsellor

This whole thread is like an issue of Heat magazine. Get a life you fucking trannies lmao


>Curry muffins

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we're adults there are no "teams" we listen to witnesses accounts and make our own opinions.

amber heard is a lying gold digging abusive manipulative piece of shit that got johnny depp to sink to her level on more than one occasion and on that note alone, she will will the trial. but the has lost all credibility and was outed to the public and her career is fucking over.

simple as.

fat bitch expert witness was listing out names depp had called heard, one of them being "lesbian camp counsellor"

66 and 99

Pls gib muffin milkers!

you're reaching with some of these but also rollin

Is this autism?

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Stop talking, you clearly have no clue about anything. Dumbass.

One Dr. Milfy, please.

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nice dubs

Both seem pretty unstable and abusive in their own ways. The psychologist was terrible though. She tries to rationalize everything violent a woman does as a misunderstood behavior while seemingly condemning men as the abusers. Now, I know fuck all about psychology, but what exactly is stopping people from just lying when they take these tests? Another question: if one psychologist comes to the conclusion that Heard has PTSD and another says she's faking, doesn't that mean this shit is up for interpretation? Seems like it doesn't belong in a courtroom.

When the story first broke I believed Amber because it was easy to believe that a junkie like Depp would slap someone around. I changed my assessment after I heard about Amber beating her girlfriends and all of Johnny's exes coming forward to say that he was never abusive to anyone but himself. All the stuff that's come out afterwards just solidifies my view that she was violent to others while he was destructive towards himself.

Right so you can't name a single reason why Depp would win this and instantly freak out and seethe when challenged. Its over for Deppchuds.

Stop talking, you clearly have no clue about anything. Dumbass.


Anyone got a good supercut of the trial? I haven't been paying much attention to it.

she is so fucking hot

I'd kill every single fucking one of you to be with 31

That's literally how I'd dress if I was an old alcoholic who got any with almost anything

92 was based and I love her

Check out these 6s

>No mention of the vagina bottle

Well for one this trial isn't presided over by a British judge bought by the tabloids. The tabloids fucking rule Britain because they've got blackmail on everyone going up to the Queen's direct family. They get to do whatever the fuck they want.

I want to marry 66

and 31, who is that???

say it with me bros

Lol @ you if you think 99% of them aren't insane and self-centered. I know a few things about the profession and Depp's psychologist could have fucked his case hard if Amber's lawyers were any good.

Did Dr. Cunny show up today?

Are you new to Yea Forums faggot? This place is always trolls trolling trolls.

Yes he will. Cope, Amber

Let's get some megapints and party.

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muffins did it while explaining the science behind it, this one does it whenever she's answering the lawyer.

Would you smash?

>starring at the jury

Dumb esl poster. You're not even American you fuckin faggot why do you care lmao

>why did Amber record these kinds of conversations?
It was me, I encouraged her to start recording. I even bought the equipment. I also took a shit on Depp's bed

Smash what exactly?

It's drunk talk you fuckin child

Amberbros, this is just a coincidence, right?

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Why are non Americans flooding these threads?

im team johnny tho

>hag lawyer
Let this tie represent what happened to my dick when faced with this curse.

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Welcome to the world of legal proceedings where you are never presented with a real singular definitive objective truth


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>objection your honor witness is a turbo dyke


>99% of them aren't insane and self-centered

That's everyone. In every field.

what kind of incel makes images like that?

imgine if the trial was like twitter
objection your honor the witness needs to have sex

how did the cross go on the dyke?