Does this country have any kinos?
Does this country have any kinos?
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Country? I told you, it's a glorified province
I get that this is a bait /pol/ thread, but I'm going to answer you anyway. There aren't many great films that have come out of Ukraine, but Sergei Loznitsa is a pretty good director. Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors is a great film as well
Its all child pornography and animal abuse videos. Yet britbongs happily want their taxes risen so it can go to supplying old women on the streets with machine guns.
They make decent games sometimes
Yea Forums likes one of those things
$33 billion for those corrupt shitheads
Ukraine has a strong kino history ,but that history is contained within the wider soviet cinematic project. Ukranian philistines high on their own nationalistic farts would probably disown their greatest director, Larisa Shepitko because she was a proud communist.
They try to take credit for some Soviet kinos occasionally but they certainly haven't done anything of interest after 1991
They have many short kinos on tiktok and instagram, that's for sure.
Did you see that sick Arma 3 footage?
Being a communist doesn’t necessarily mean you supported the soviets
it's the ukraine, not ukraine
Larisa Shepitko definitely supported the communists (a good thing).
yes, russia is known for its kino-matorgraphy
/pol/ is fucking retarded
Stalker was filmed in Ukraine.
Again, you’re saying one thing but not necessarily the other.
There really aren't. All of their biggest productions are about the (((totally grassroots))) euromaidan
ukraine isnt european nation. Its part of russia that west uses to fight russia
I'm new to Yea Forums. I've heard lots of bad things about you guys but you're definitely smarter than pol. Jesus Christ have mercy on them they are absolutely retarded and I consider myself more right winged.
Who is the tyrannical minority in charge of Russia? Are the Georgians at it again?
Sorry I meant to say Soviet, but there really is no tension at all, she was avowedly Soviet artist and would probably like to see most Ukranians as fascists and be happy to see them hauled away by security services like in the ascent (the feeling likely mutual)
What Temple OS game is this?
almost all of /pol/ is now reddit boomers who were kicked off of there when a bunch of far right subs got purged. they are fucking retarded and don't even know how to use imageboards largely
Russia is an European nation.
Just because they conquered Siberia, doesn't mean they stopped being European.
One of the most overlooked kinos of this decade
Its the nation part i have the problem with lol. Renegade breakaway province.
Not a country.
Russia is European idiot.
Europeans my ass
Don’t forget the brown third-worlders larping as white supremacists.
yes, russia is european nation, but ukraine is only a part of it and not its own nation
Those dates are like 25 years old , but now do Ukraine lol, its poorer than MOLDOVA.
Ukraine is in Europe. Ukraine is not part of EU. Ukraine is part of UN.
Lefties and /pol/ united to support a new commie empire
russians dont use that gun
Chucky (chess player).
Russians can’t meme.
Ah no actual counterargument I see
Fuck every state department nigger who's spent the last two months "covertly" trying to indoctrinate the mongoloids here into believing that a NATO client state is worth sympathizing with or that I should give even the slightest possible shit what happens to them. Keep posting your gay-ass little monkey Putin memes like the little MSNBC bitch you are, though.
But I support Russia?
If you are unironically siding with Russia, you're the little bitch here.
Feels sorry for the citizens but obviously Zelensky doesn't give a shit. He knew Putin would eventually chimp out, he's been threatening to do so for decades. So he should have spent some of that Biden money on better defenses.
Ukrainians are such scumbags, man.
It was literally called Malorussia in the past (it means little russia). They have always will and will always belong with Russia
I saw a video a couple weeks ago of some azog soldiers gouging out a POWs eyes, does that count as kino?
Shalom rabbi
Is /pol/ seriously siding with Russia? Do they so desperately want to be contrarian that they take the unpopular side in every single debate or conflict, no matter if it contradicts everything they ever stood for? I'm sure if society suddenly decides to hate trannies, /pol/ will worship them.
Ooops guess america better pack it up then since we used to belong to the UK. Just kidding we'll keep mogging vatniks and sending weapons to blow you monkeys up
Servant of the people
Why wouldn't they? Zelensky is Jewish and is siding with globohomo. I don't blame Russia for not wanting that shit on its doorstep.
I don’t know why it surprises you (actually I do, continue reading). Yea Forums’s majority demographic is anglogermcuck. Anglogermcucks come from Asia but desperately want to be seen as Europeans just like Russians. As such no matter what excuse they give, in the end they will always side with Asian interests over European ones, because that’s where their loyalties lie.
>They have always will and will always belong with Russia
The only people who consider this to be the case are Russia and retarded contrarians like yourself here on Yea Forums and Twitter. The rest of the world recognizes that Ukraine is its own country.
Not like le based trad russians, no doubt.
/pol/ unironically thinks Putin and his cronies are not only the saviors of the white race but also clearly the future sole superpower. Putin being a strong man to their single mother upbringing is just the cherry on top.
What are Baltic countries? What is Finland? What is Poland?
>I don't blame Russia for not wanting that shit on its doorstep.
Still doesn't justify invasion though.
>we'll manage our own affairs by sending soldiers into another sovereign nation
Imagine defending this angle. It's not justified with Americans do it but even they don't shit where they eat.
Well, there's also the whole 'Azov killing their own citizens for supporting Russia for eight years" thing.
>/pol/ unironically thinks Putin and his cronies are not only the saviors of the white race
I spend way more time on /pol/ than I should and I’ve never once seen anyone claim this outside of trannies and shills strawmanning. You all even use the exact same words in the exact same order, switch up the script once in a while at least.
Isn't Finland run by some feminist cult
Yes. There are infact movie theaters in ukraine.
source: i've seen camrips with ukrainian subtitles
Good. They are pretty much traitors. It's also obviously Russia's fault as they were the ones who started this war.
Putin himself is Jew, though? As are all proud Asiatic mystery meat men are too.
aka vatnigger propaganda
So you admit Ukrainians were committing war crimes against their own people since 2014?
>leftist memes
Why are poltards like this?
>I spend way more time on /pol/
Oh, everyone can tell.
of course! They put out a ton of creative propaganda almost nonstop.
You have zero rebuttals, either.
>T. Vatnigger
>OMG OMG Jewtin just blew up 50 more White kids today, so heckin based! Globohomo is finished!!!
I thought Zelinsky was a nazi? You guys gotta get your story straight.
Anyone who wrings their hands over muh Neo nazis is a huge faggot. Now kys vatnigger
Nice smoke and mirrors tactics you're using to distract everyone from the fact you have no answer to this
No, I'm saying there was war in Donbas since 2014. Both sides killed people, but Russia started it.
Show me even one example of someone claiming Russia is the savior of the white race
Jewtin literally stated "le nazis" as his casus belli LMAO your pathetic cope makes absolutely no sense. Just kys niggerturd.
>when you are so contrarian that you shitpost your way into a Guantanamo bay esque CIA blacksite
I cant wait
Nice smoke and mirrors tactics you're using to distract everyone from the fact you have no answer to
He's the Nazi Jew racist Führer God-King with the sole mission to bully poor Russia! Also, did I mention he's also gay too?!
Funny how the Russians haven’t released any videos of themselves gouging eyes out or shooting POWs in the legs
What country?
not reading your vatnigger cope. Go OD on krokodil you subhuman
Not the guy you are arguing with, but you are being insanely dishonest if you don't recognize how many times /pol/ has claimed that Russia and Putin are the last white nation and the last stand against "globohomo".
Yeah, like I said Ukraine is basically a puppet for NATO. Thanks for proving my point.
lol goddamn.
/pol/ supports rusniggers = I no longer support /pol/, enjoy the trannies eating you alive you retards.
And that's a good thing
I just want to say that i support ukrainians commiting war crimes against russians and "ethnic russians". Pointing this out wont change anyones opinion.
shill it to me, looking for some movies
Why do you want Ukraine to become another Jewified Africanized shithole like the rest of Europe?
People still pretend to care about ukraine? Even my neighbors have taken down their yard flags like a month ago
Based Russia. Fuck globohomo and fuck mutts.
Asians don’t belong in Europe. Sorry Genghis.
>NATO is bad because... BECAUSE IT JUST IS, OK???
fuck off ivan, you will never be white
Yeah they just shell hospitals full of Ukrainian mothers and children and blow them up as they flee. So heckin based, we're defeating le globohomo, rusbros!!