What a waste, if it was its own thing then people will be praising it

What a waste, if it was its own thing then people will be praising it

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Doom Annihilation is better and funnier

it practically is it's own thing and most people like it. quit being such a pretentious fartknocker

What a cute.

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I actually like this movie

strong nipple-itis

The problem with this movie is the set design was so fucking bad and felt nothing like Doom. It's all so lazy and generic, like it was made for some low budget D2C sci-fi channel movie.

i've got that. like pencil erasers

Do you forgive her, Yea Forums? Do you accept her apology to all the gamers?

>"I feel partly to blame in that respect because I think I failed just through ignorance and innocence to understand, to fully get a picture of what Doom meant to fans at that point. I wasn’t a gamer. I didn’t understand. If I knew what I knew now, I would have dived right into all of that and got fully immersed in it like I do now. And I just didn’t understand. I feel embarrassed, really. I feel embarrassed that I was sort of ignorant of what it meant and I didn’t know how to go about finding out because the internet wasn’t the place it is now for the fans to speak up. I wouldn’t have known where to find them. I do now! In fact, I now have many friends who were massive fans of the game and I just wish I had known them then."

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I will praise this shit for actually trying as opposed to hours of filler junk content such as TV Halo.


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>there are people that don't like this movie

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I don't like Dwayne, guy has no range and just plays The Rock in almost every role he gets.
I love me some Karl Urban though.

Karl Urban is great in just about everything. The Rock had some cool movies like The Rundown with Sean William Scott and that guy is also good in just about everything


problem, orphan?

>doom movie
>absolutely nothing to do with demons

These interviews are so cringe. Everyone already knows none of this is true and she is just retroactively trying to butter up doom fans to secure future features. Why would a million dollar actress give a fuck about video games?

How did the demons kill all the scientists?

went to theaters twice to see it and bought it immediately when it came out on dvd. still enjoy it

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the only part that seems disingenuous is the part about having friends that played doom. that could even be true though how the fuck would you know?

I feel like Portman should have been played by Stone Cold Steven Austin... same lines same death.. but that'd be too distracting and people would think it's a WWE movie... as it even had it's moments.

she is ultimately a human being with emotions.... imagine being this dumb

By talking to your friends and seeing what they like :-|

"A colorful crew of hardasses investigates an isolated deathtrap" is one of my favorite genres. I wish these were made more often.

I like how the rock wasnt afraid to call it the BIG FUCKING GUN, even after it was established to be called the BFG (bio-force gun)

need more litty movies like this these days

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This is going to blow your mind but rich people have hobbies too. As for not knowing her friends were into it; if the new Doom came out, and I liked it, of course I am brining it up to my friend who acted in the Doom movie next time I spoke to them. This should be common sense.

Violence, presumably.

its one of the few incest kinos
you can feel the sexual tension between them in almost every scene they have together

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See through shirt

You find out what games your friends play by talking to them user. It's okay go learn about people don't be so bitter!

meant for

they really did not try. It was a cash grab attempt. Glad it failed

she obviously meant acquaintances or something. seems genuine to me

why is she always tricking me i thought she had flapjacks

She's the right kind of age that she'd have male friends who played Doom.

>he doesn't know

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The amount of retards who truly believe this shit is pretty remarkable. I really is easy to make the masses believe anything as long as you have the tabloids on your side.

which is more likely
>actors and actresses have lives outside of acting
>there's some elite evil jew elite conspiracy to control people with movies

I don't get why they were so afraid to just run with the original plot, which is "scientists accidentally open a portal to Hell and space marines fight the demons".
It's like if instead of Hellboy we got a movie where Hellboy is just a mutant who fights other evil X-Men.

Late 90s to mid 00s saw a trend in scifi, and everyone was still recovering from the boom of cheesy 80s fantasy schlock. The resurgence of fantasy monster movies was only starting so I can see why the producers went with the mutant angle instead.

If it was its own thing, no one would have seen it. It probably wouldn’t have existed.

I watched this as a joke last year and ended up liking it by surprise. Also the first person scene was ultra based.

Doom has my favorite
>guy who vaguely reminds you of Steve Buscemi
type of actor.

Yeah Portman was based

Doesn't he mention going on vacation to fuck ladyboys?

Are people upset it dosent resemble doom 1 and 2? It only got picked up seriously considered after execs got a preview of doom 3 game, so you cant really expect execs not to meddle and force it to be like 1 and 2. Or to give some director carte blanche or whatever 60 million and a well known star to emulate a game over 10 years old that (while is still good) looked amazingly outdated compared to 2004 games. It woulda been nice, sure, just dont know what people expected.

In a different timeline someone gives the hardcore henry guys the same money and a ton of practical effects artists and they just make a 90 minute rampage movie, but as if that was gonna happen.

this death always made me physically cringe. and they just sorta stand around and let it happen over a few seconds.

they made a sequel (i guess it was a sequel, none of the other characters were in it) and it fucking sucked. was on netflix, might still be.

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I think people were upset because it turns out the """demons""" were just humans that got fucked up by a virus instead of literal demons from hell. That was one of my gripes anyway. Still a litty film.

What? Doom 1 and 2 was so big it was in the newspapers and international attention. Doom 1 came out in 93, and violence in videogames got enough attention the ERSB got founded in 94. Even bill gates made a commerical/presentation where he held a real shotgun while edited into a doom background.
And then a little incident in 99 got normies and the media talking about it all over again: columbine.
Doom was unironically being brought up in coversation and its extremely easy to picture someone going "oh yeah, they made levels in doom? Man i played a crapload of that" to someone bringing up any of the controveries that it was "involved" in

It was a fine sci-fi movie that had the poor fate of being labelled a Doom movie.

If it is, seems kinda minor. Its been a while since i saw it, but that feels like an execs handwave (you cant have actual hell in this, uh, uh, make it a virus).
What i thought peeved people was it having characters, people and dialogue instead of just being onscreen violence of ludicorus levels. The first person segment for 90 minutes, basically.

This film was a fucking solid monster movie tho. It had great practical effects, enjoyable b-movie cheese, decent gore, likable characters, and an intriguing story line for what it was. Karl urban gave good performance and the sets look decent. Its a bit dark in places but so is doom 3. the fps sequence was gold. Fuck you all, I like it.

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Just to add to this: what would you think if the execs looked around for story, finding doom 1 and 2's script is literally "unstoppable doom marine is pissed his rabbit was killed", looked around and then found the 96 doom comic.

You think anyone could convert it and people would of liked it? Bombacious, insane. A violent doom...comedy? Who would you even cast to be the ONLY human cast member and make work for 90+ minutes?

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the rabbit thing was a joke they added when people were bitching about lack of a story or motivation

Where those monsters still humans or not? Like human soul in a grotesque monster body?

Yes but how?

Yeah and without it its even less. Demoted soldier goes to mars and commits violence wordlessly and kills hell. Its a script thats paragraph. From a movie execs perspective thats concerning. If they had gone with thaylt, you just know 50% of the movie would of been made up character building with a bunch of literal who's around him being "a good guy" who wouldnt shoot civillians.



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