>Chappelle also added as he picked up the microphone following the attack: 'I am going to kill that n****.'
>Chappelle said: 'I grabbed the back of that n**** head. His hair was spongy. Absorbent.'
>Chappelle said: 'I've been doing this for 35 years. I just stomped a n**** backstage. I've always wanted to do that.'
>Chris Rock, who performed later in the event last night and was similarly subjected to a violent outburst on stage at the Oscars in March, came on stage and joked: 'Was that Will Smith?', with Jimmy Carr standing behind
>Chappelle was uninjured and continued with his set, joking the attacker was a 'trans man'
Chappelle also added as he picked up the microphone following the attack: 'I am going to kill that n****.'
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videos please, especially the jokes
inb4 his dumbass ends up in prison for assault
It's not assault if a POC does it.
Racist white flyover pig
Nigga transitioned into a pretzel
Any time you try and beat up a comedian, you already lost bro.
self defense bubba
I dont get it, you're there to sit back and watch a funny man. Why are more and more people trying their hardest to be offended?
Because that's their "culture". The Culture of Being Offended. It's all they have. Stomp and kill them all.
I can bend my arm that way, it doesn't have to be broken. Seems he just got kicked around a bit.
Apparently the nigger had a weapon (gun or knife) so him having intent is going to basically fuck him if he ever does try to press charges
I thought it was broken before, but I think it's just cuffed in a weird way
>Dave Chappelle stomps a trannoid while Chris Rock starts taking the piss out of Will Smith's cuck ass some more
Sounds like a based show to have been at
this is no real lol is it?
Is it open season on black comedians? Why are they so hated all of a sudden?
Every single word is real
"it's their ""culture"" lolol god you fucking yurpoors are pathetic
It's not self defense if your security team already has them restrained.
Dave is gonna get Dimebag Darrel'd soon.
>His hair was spongy. Absorbent.
lul. read that in his voice
It was literally a replica gun with a spring out knife inside kek!
>'I grabbed the back of that n**** head. His hair was spongy. Absorbent.'
I don't get it.
he had nasty hair and dave's finger slit into his "hair"
Will Smith made it popular and socially acceptable to attack comedians while on stage
For me it was his Rick James voice.
Chris Rock was there too and went on stage to ask into the mic "was that Will Smith?". Seriously. What an epic event.
his only joke that was actually funny
A nigger punched one and got an Oscar for it.
so was it a tranny or not?
Apparently niggas love shitting on black hair. They’re not wrong, all these gay soundcloud/zoomer niggas can try to emulate long white boy hair but the touch will always be so gross and black that even a nigga like Chappelle noted it because it was so jarring. Get that porn folder open, bisexual reggincels.
Why would you conceal your knife in a fake gun. That makes no fucking sense. Are Americans okay?
self defense didn't keep Kyle Rittenhouse out of jail. yes the jury found him not guilty, but he still had to prove himself in a trial.
>bringing up something irrelevant to instigate a /pol/ argument
Stick to your retarded board reddit refugee
read cynical theories
they view current ideas of gender norms to be oppressive and are "fighting back"
Or you can say that the knife was trapped in a gun's body.
>yfw we become brothers in arms with the darkies to fight the tranny threat
lol this faggot bended his arm for attention to look worse than it actually is
100% trying to sue chappelle
Now he gets to have the best medical treatment ever, for being a dumbass.
He's gonna get charged an arm and a leg for it. Then have legal trouble out the ass. Chappelle gets a cool story and will probably carry a nightstick/tazer on stage next time. Maybe even a sniper in the balcony.
if it's a nigga vs nigga in the courts
rich nigga usually wins
25 years I swore this was denser
>clown-world stupid
"monkey see, monkey do"
That is the mentality, and no didn't intend to make the saying racial.
Probably not, feel like the news would make a bigger deal about that part if they were
He means it’s nigger culture you stupid fuck
>Comedian Chris Rock, who performed earlier in the night, came on stage with Chappelle moments after the attack and joked: "Was that Will Smith?"
lmao did they broke his arm as payback?
You gotta see it at a different angle, its jutting out at the shoulder
will smith normalized this and his career is dead
>Chappelle was uninjured and continued with his set, joking the attacker was a 'trans man'
absolutely based and redpilled
>I just stomped a n**** backstage. I've always wanted to do that.
what an evil fuck, no wonder he's so hateful of trans people. Dave needs to be canceled.
same thing bitch where do you think your roots come from
Dave is keeping it real, he's making the world more sane. Anyone who runs on stage with a knife, or a gun, or a knife-gun - deserves repercussions. I do not cry for his injustice of a broken arm.
>Human is now 15 years old
Dang this hurts.
I used to listen to The Killers a lot in High School
Anyone else kind of glad when bill burr laughed too hard at one of his jokes and dave went insane and moved to africa?
fucking beautiful chain of events
laughed when chappelle started running after the guy
Dave's going to get sued by the guy and lose because he just publicly admitted to beating the shit out of him. Why are blacks so retarded at containing their violent urges and then bragging about it?