Post what this franchise has become. Starting with a clone troonper.
May the 4th Star Wars mourning thread
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Didn't that guy have to apologize for that not being progressive enough or something
Luuke tier
Trannies should not be weird at all in Star Wars all things considered, but they still find a way to make it obnoxious.
>wowie, I place too much interest on canon and treat Star Wars like it’s real and obsess over shitty extended universe garbage like Luuuke and the Vong!
>oh noes, a corporation bought my pretend world and now dictates what’s canon!! :((((
Retarded canonspic, kill yourself
Would absolutely fit into the star wars universe but the fact that they have to emphasize it like this shows. Just have them in whatever show or game or whatever and stop fucking talking about it
And said show or game or whatever will suck fucking ass anyways, nuwars is shit
>kids today will never know the glory of getting kit fisto 4 times in a row
I know it makes me sound like a cranky old fuck, but Star Wars really was better in my day.
>Hey we have some of the most iconic characters ever put on film, what should we do with them?
>Oh, I have an idea
How boring of a person do you have to be to express yourself with color? Are these people really so simple inside that a single color can represent how they feel?
Imagine the smell.
Star Wars is currently at rock bottom. Anything before the Disney era was better but yeah, Dark Forces was dope
if you cared about that reddit fantasy for manchildren in the first place you need to kys
anyone made one for planets/locations yet?
the prequels had the GOAT settings
nostalgia awakens.
>doesn't know the clones got fucking wiped out of existence
I don't know how to feel about this
Based Japan
I hate trannies and women
>they'll never make a death troopers game with the gameplay of L4D
why do they hate money so much?
This is fake, right?
This isn't real
>rock bottom
I don't care what anyone says, phantom menace was kino and it always has been
both real lol
Geode bottom?
Oh no I agree. TPM had some of the coolest scenes and set pieces in the franchise.
And the coolest villain.
Outside of Jar Jar and some pacing issues, it's a mostly great movie
So the current dumb shit writers started a new era set roughly 400 or 700 years before the OT. Here is a list of themes they wanted to focus on in a brainstorming session.
Enjoy the cringe
Video games brought out the best of Star Wars. Before the baddies had an established arsenal and dress code, where it was basically the wild west of Star Wars.
TLJ fucked a lot of things up but anyone acting like Luke's depiction was subversive or cynical didn't watch the movie. Rian at least made an effort unlike that hack Abrams cobbling together two shitty nostalgiafests to pander to manchildren
What a decade of gaming. We didn't even know how good we had it bros...
>thanks for fucking up
nothing past Revenge of the Sith is canon
Based Struzan
Mind the pronouns, chud.
>when your clone is literally trans
this is some randos fan art
how does it have anything to do with the state of star wars
we were far too busy complaining about brown n bloom and the onslaught of DLC to realize what else we could lose
>Star Wars Galaxies
I just want to go back...
Star Wars should absolutely have Trials in Tainted Space style sex change technology, but you can't have fantastical means of gender bending because you can't insert trans drama as easily that way.
I have no problem with minorities, I have a problem with hollywood progressives using minorities to virtue signal within media.
That's why most non-white castings are cringe except when they have non-white director. When it's some big production made by Shlomo Shekelstein and there's random, racially different people everywhere, it's going to be cringe.
why can't it be made for changing demo's while also exuding a respect and passion for the source material?
why is it ALWAYS either one or the other?? ANSWER ME, DEMORALIZATION SHILL!
it was everywhere but it still wasn't nearly as bad as episode 1's marketing
Miss this nigga
this is an extremely binary way of expressing gender and frankly it's not OK
It was still pretty good up until around 2015
Never in my life I thought I'd be looking back on Force Unleashed 2 with nostalgia one day
Hey you guys remember that time when Leia hugged Rey and completely ignored Chewie after Han's death?
Yeah, that was a cool thing right?
>Rey who?
>Rey Frigerator
It's fanart of a transtrooper that just showed up in a new book.
Truly soulless
Can’t it just be that Luke fired the killing shot on a weakness exposed by Jyn Erso? Does it have to be that someone gets discredited?
Of course they do though, because in America social power means the ability to mock or belittle another person or group and get away with it. Basically we can’t have demographic equity because we consider insolence towards other demographics proof of a demographic’s success
On the other hand, in a galaxy full of alien and distinctly non-human characters, why would you expect some non-human to describe themselves with human gender identities and current-day political issues? If there's an alien species that changes its "gender" at will, it wouldn't have a special term for it. And I doubt alien resistance fighter pilots make dressing up in drag and telling everyone they think they're someone else a key part of their personality.
Fuck Star Wars
the right is Harry Potter right
and the point is: both batch are not very interesting, somehow.
i'm not interested in knowing anything about none of those dudes, basically. except the tinman looking one, maybe he could have a weird backstory. the sequel aliens all look like NPC space pesants. maybe space nosferatu with the red eyes could have been cool with a purpose in the story. the one beneath tinman looks kind of ok but too freaky for them to properly use i presume. like that sexy lady who got shot and lost the top of her head and they put a flat dell on top of it instead, imagine the possibilities now thats cool but they scrapped it.
>Rival houses
Harry Potter did incomprehensible damage to an entire generation of "writers"
Reddit has to be the worst site on the internet
I stand corrected
I'll never understand why the prequels got so popular all of a sudden. Aside from the phantom menace, they're painfully half assed