is Easy A worth watching?
Is Easy A worth watching?
i liked it, but i like shitty normie comedies and i coom for emma and i snuke in the theater so i saw it for free soo ymmv
I am entitled to sex with women
I was disgusted by it and had to turn it off
Better move to Vegas
Based. The truth needs to get out there!
it's one of the last good comedies
I used to cum to some xvideos compilation of all her Easy A scenes, the one where she sings in the shower especially. I have since given up porn and realized there's more to life. Seek Christ brothers, it's a hard road, but a fuller life awaits you on the other side
I asked a beautiful girl out in hs once
she said no and afterwards treat me like a creep like a weirdo like I dont belong there
hope she has a shitty life
Yeah its good.
House Bunny is more fappable tho. Thats what your pic is from
that pic is from house of bunny
speaking the truth
jonnah hill hasn't been the same since superbad. what did she do to him?
probably made him lose his virginity and then ghosted him
>coombrain substitutes his porn addiction with religious zeal
Many such cases. Just stop being a slave nigga just become a free man
Weak minded faggot
maslow's hierarchy of needs
Sad post lol
Fourth post best post
Sad post lol
>jerks off
>has to go play jesus loves me on the internet
Find God
He told me to kill christians
>be me
>be 16
>14 year old likes my company
>manic pixie girl
>draws on my hands and spend time with her daily
>feel deeply conflicted about age gap
>instead of asking her to spend time together outside of school, I actually ask her out like a retard
>she is unsure about the age difference
>asks if she can think about it
>discusses it with her friends
>can't walk anywhere without people shouting "pervert" at me
>find out one of my bullies who is also 16 asked out a 14 year old in another school
>everyone bullying him for it and calling him a pedo
>he is surprised at my empathy
I met her 5 or 6 years later. She was nice.
Anastasia Rose :)
What the fuck? In what world? What year did this take place? What the fuck?????
Mid 2000s.
i coom
???????? I was in high school in mid 00s what kind of retarded place did you live. My first gf was 14 when I was 16
It's fake or he changed the age, he was probably 16 but she was 9 or something
he is making it up. is it not fucking obvious?
But it isn't even remotely funny... why make up something that isn't funny
>replace bad thing with good thing
>this is bad according to this chud
Lmao what
I live in Britain. I went to school in a very posh area, if that perhaps affected it.
Kek! Someone here would probably ask out a 9 year old
>being american
user, why would I make something so prosaic up?
Cheese stained fingers
hottest type of shoes tbqh
why is it called that?
>good thing
Agreed. Just another great item in a hot woman's repertoire to signal her sexuality and that she's prey for the right men.
Why do women like to show their belly so much?
and why does it make me want to pin them down and ravage their fuck holes while staring at her bouncing belly as her lips milk the soul out of me
because the toes peep out of the shoe, silly!
on another note, those are hot as hell
Seems like you already know the answer
Isn't it embarrassing acting like a 15 year old atheist?
Well, the Scarlet Letter wasn't worth reading
I wouldn't know. But it couldn't be worse than believing you're a moral superior, when all you do is project your deep rooted unresolved self loathing on everyone you encounter.
What does the "A" stand for
Me in the brown shirt.
It is now!
I watched it and remember nothing about it other than it being fine.
Id sacrifice my first born daughter just to suck the paint of her toes
Yes I've seen it 10 times.
this mentality literally conquered the world several times you retard
It sucks
Your to-do list:
1. cope
2. seethe
3. dilate
4. have sex
5. find God
Based desu