Zero story

>zero story
>CGI final battle
>female lead has to come to the rescue constantly
>most of the fight scenes happen off screen because no budget
>hero spares the villain for no good reason at all
Another textbook Marvel finale. Yawn.

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>if you kill your enemies, they win
typical edomite hullabaloo

>hero spares the villain for no good reason at all
He realized he was being manipulated. You go be a God's bitch.

>Jew """saves""" Egypt by destroying their Gods and leaving half their population dead

Really makes you think.

haven't seen that happen before
not at all

>you can't kill evil people if someone else wants you to

>hero spares the villain for no good reason at all
marc/steven get to take the moral high ground (as weak as that is) and jake gets to be introduced as the actual unhinged schizo and the actual muscle of the body. it's a win/win

too bad they won't get another season to really hammer that down
good thing though, this season was lukewarm dogshit, just like all the rest of the capeshit they shat out

>too bad
>good thing
i relaly need to make up my mind
i'll admit they had some good scenes

why wouldn't it get another season? disney is all over this shit of stretching things out way longer than it sometimes needs to go. jake/khonshu are perfectly positioned to be some type of antagonistic force to marc/steven

>moon kike :D

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>>hero spares the villain for no good reason at all
Nope, he don't spares him user

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They should have made it a proper 10-episode season; then you have time for drama and Oscar Isaac's character stuff and also a complete story with action and screentime for the actual superhero in costume. And not still be explaining crucial elements of your story in the final fucking post-credits scene.

That was really embarrassing to watch.
I kept looking over my shoulder to make sure no one was seeing me watching this.
I live alone.

You have issues bro, just enjoy being a capeshitter

everyone who watch this after this age of 14yo has issues my bro, and this includes you

It actually might. One of the official twitters described this episode as a "series finale," deleted it, and then like 10 minutes later reposted it but saying "season finale."

>why wouldn't it get another season?
Disney submitting it as a "limited series" for awards and no word except for one tweet so far saying it could be getting a second season so far. It's very much up in the air right now.

2 great episodes, 4 episodes of absolute trash
>are you an egyptian superhero?
>unnecessary kaiju fight
>insanely rushed for no reason
I actually liked the female hero until they made her tell a little girl that she's a hero, it's all so tiresome
With some luck we get a second season that's actually kino and commits to the aesthetics of the comic, otherwise it's dead in the water

This shit should have been a standalone movie with a decent budget. It could have been Marvel's Joker if they weren't such passive assholes who can't stay away from their old formula for long. God I wish this Studio just died already

Batman can't kill the Joker, but Bruce Wayne can!

Last episode was total dogshit.
Rushed and didn't really make much sense.
Nothing felt like it mattered. Ending completely unsatisfying.
Gay n' Shite.

Yeah, I am really glad this is over. I am not going to watch a second season of this. Jews as always created a morally absolutely abhorrent ending.
>killed most of the Egyptian Gods
>for some reason implying that killing Ammit is evil now (absoutely fucking retarded)

typical jewish tricks

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>zero story
>CGI final battle
It was fucking cool
>female lead has to come to the rescue constantly
>most of the fight scenes happen off screen because no budget
Ignoring like 50% of tis episode then?
>hero spares the villain for no good reason at all
Maybe you think this because you missed the story

There was no reason for this to be a series. Take the 6 episodes as they were shot, and edit them down to a 2hr flick. Not that it would have improved it, but it would have eaten less of our time.

Nah, it was alright. It was low key which I liked. Not great, not terrible. Worth pirating.

>2 great episodes
I'm afraid to ask which ones. They were all pretty weak.

Imagine being this contrarian, there wasn't a single bad episode

>final battle
>literally the most important battle in the entire show
>hero is in a no-win situation
>blacks out

I don't think I've ever seen worse writing than this.

>just kill for your masters without question
You must be American good goy.

And why did you faggots think it will be any better, shilling it for months before release?

Yea Forums now is so contrarian that has become onions

>killing dozens of mind controlled people is a win
Fucking Americans, you don't deserve capeshit

This isn't your blog faggot

moon knight comics were my favourite. Ruined this character for me. fuck marvel

Why do people think that egyptian gods are dead when only their Avatars died?

fourth and fifth, for actually delving into the mental split properly while staying in the egyptian myth context
But with the rushed nonsense ending one couldn't even cut together a decent movie out of all this material

Because they didn't intervene at all in the final fight, despite Konshu being able to fight Ammit, while his Avatar was temporarily dead.
Therefore a fair conclusion is that many of the Egyptian Gods are somehow out of Order.
I am willing to grant a slight excuse in so far as that the death of an avatar will shock a God and give him a debuff. Konshu was imprisoned, when Marc died, so he didn't get a debuff.

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>moon knight comics were my favourite.
YOUR FAVOURITE? I get liking them a lot I do too but your FAVOURITE. That is cap bro fr fr

by winter soldier I mean the shitshow of Falcon and winter soldier ofc

The first two would have been a half decent opener had the series been longer and less retarded

why didn't they cast a kang then

>It could have been Marvel's Joker

Yeah Marvel would never make something so unoriginal and embarrassed of it's own source material. I can only imagine how bad their Moon Knight would be

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People on the LEDDIT forum loved this freaking mess. Jesus
The show was nothing happens, generic superhero nº 137

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It was a show with a great potential - they clearly had some good ideas and the whole Egyptian aesthetic was well done - but horribly constrained by the Marvel formula. They wanted to tell a standalone story with lots of threads but were tied to a mere 6 episodes. They wanted to do introspective character stuff but have to keep it kid-friendly so balance that out with e.g. awkward comic relief hippo.
Between this and Dr Strange hopefully Marvel gets the message that its formula is starting to throttle their creativity again.

Nah this show was kino

>Waaaaah my mom spanked me a couple of times so I totally disassociated and broke my own psyche
Do zoomers really?

What if your mom was Jewish

The first and the asylum one

>>killed most of the Egyptian Gods
Only their avatars are dead

>Khonshu's whole deal is punishing people after they have committed evil acts, fighting against Ammit because she punishes people before they can do the evil thing is the central conflict to the whole story
>the whole season he wants to kill Harrow before he can bring back Ammit
I really thought they were going to address this, it seemed like they were teeing it up so obviously

God this show was so fucking bad, what a shame, they wasted Oscar Isaac and the kinoman himself Ethan Hawke

When they tried to fight he said they are merely judges, not fighters.

I kinda like that he's portrayed as a full on hispanic driver

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What I really wish they went into was the fact that Harrow was Khonshu's avatar for years and we never saw any of it or why Khonshu released him from his service.
How did Harrow go from being an avatar of Khonshu / Moon Knight to immediately becoming Ammit's avatar

>villain's ultimate curse is being a woman entity trapped in a man's body

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> first Muslim female superhero
> she’s the representation of fertility and motherhood

Mohammed Diab is secretly based AF

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>dresses like a slut
thanks globohomo

I don't even know anyone who liked it enough to watch all 6 like I did.

This, completely

The 6 episode formula killed this show. The show was actually pretty good up until the finale. Sure, had some clear studio involvement like the shitty banter that was shoe-horned in to make it more appealing, clearly laid out in the 2nd and 5th episode.

Due to time constraints, they had to abandon their side characters to focus on Marc’s development, leading to Layla and Harrow feeling like completely one-sided hacks with no personality.

If this had 13 episodes to actually allow character development and even pacing, then maybe this would’ve been something great, but the fucked pacing and completely rushed and botched season finale might’ve killed any chances of Moon Knight getting a redemption season

seems based to me, she's cute

they proably cut 1 episode worth of story addressing this shit. It's why the finale felt so rushed

Mussies have a lot more in common with the christfag conservatives than both groups care to admit, honestly, a caliphate is essentially the dream state of a lot of /pol/'s posters.