Coworkers start talking about movies

>coworkers start talking about movies

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Why withdraw? Embrace it
They won't get good taste by themselves

I don't have coworkers since I don't have a job

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I don’t get it

>coworkers start talking

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I mean just don't repeat anything you've seen on Yea Forums and you'll be fine.

>coworkers start talking about the latest capeshit flick

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>how can you watch that shit? Its mega pozzed kike propaganda. Now that will smith slap, that was based! How many times y'all watch cooties?? Cunny4lyfe

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do americans really just strike up casual conversations with their coworkers?

Who doesn’t?

>coworkers start talking about politics

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normal people who work and then go home?

t. the weird quiet dude in the office that never comes to fun friday drinks at the barcade and didn't sign Sara's birthday card

>Hey user, what did you do this weekend?

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>let me tell you about the jews

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Yes, they are the best part about my job. I have somehow made friends despite my best attempts not to.

>may the 4th be with you user haha get it it's like star wars may the force be with you haha because it sounds like may 4th haha omg i'm SUCH a nerd!

Fucking this
I'm on a zoom call with a bunch of them right now, one of them is literally a cancerous lesbian.
Nothing but mind killing lefty chitchat.

Any of them sperg out yet about losing their baby killing rights?

>Implying revealing your power level is ever the right idea.

Americans are mentally ill holy shit

german detected

>say kino in actual human conversation
>turn 360
>contemplate suicide

Do beta yuros and third worlders really not talk to their co workers? They just show up like robots to Shekelberg's office and drone for 9 straight hours?

Nah, I'm a fucking leaf, so they're not impacted.

This is such a faggot Yea Forums Yea Forums meme. Fuck off with this shit.

They work, they don’t talk like idle retards. Then when they’re done, they go home and talk to their family and friends. Crazy innit?


It was established pretty early on that nearly every female in my workplace thinks I'm a sketchy creep(one woman repeatedly insisted I was a psychopath, and I debated following her to her car and beating her up or smashing all her stuff but I thought that would only prove her point). Anyway none of them are going to fuck me and that's been made abundantly clear and so I've got no reason to socialize with them or pay them any mind. I still do, and I have to fake nice to maintain a healthy work environment but they know I hate them deep down and they hate me too. I told one woman right to her face that I thought she was a whore and that "things wont end well for women like you" and she went to HR and I had to lie and say I'm gay, kek. Anyway thanks for reading my blog and please remember that anything I write on this board is 100% satire

that's what the worst thing, you can't ever use that word, what's even worse, in many languages kino translates to cinema, which makes it impossible for those who don't know to get the feeling

Lmao that sounds autistic as fuck. Literal drones. I'm sure Mr. Rosenblatt will reward your high productivity fairly

sounds like my "friends" from college

>I have to fake nice to maintain a healthy work environment
>I told one woman right to her face that I thought she was a whore


Americans were a mistake

>mention movie I watched at work
>but user that movie is SO OOOOOLD
>bro you watch movies from the 80s!?

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>I just fucked you in my house after we got drunk remember? Then you went to your house where your boyfriend was waiting for you
What a life

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Girlfriend does this and calls me grandpa. Said casablanca was the worst movie she ever watched with me. I have to resist the urge to smash her brain in. If she wasn't a conservative and (former) virgin I would have dumped her long ago.

You realize that you can talk with people both at work and on your freetime correct? Honestly I find dealing with people when I'm off the clock much more exhausting, when I'm working at least I'm getting paid for it.

>talking to coworker and the godfather comes up
>coworker explains that he tried watching the godfather but it was too boring and that the toxic masculinty in the movie was gross

>May your first child be a masculine child

>Dad and uncle are on the Veranda
>Uncle's old priest friend from Jerrusalim
>thinking how funny it would be to start mentioning jews
>guy starts flaming jew like there is not tomorrow
You'll be surprised

for the longest time the blur in the picture made me believe skinner was being shot or thrown or in any other kind of rapid or violent motion

>friends never talk about good movies and shows
>only talk about shitty netflix movies and shows

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I love blade though

Jesus, do normies really? How would they react to watching movies from 1920s (or earlier)?

>today at the office
>"May the 4th be with you"
>Baby yoda everywhere
My bullies were 100 % correct in making fun of me because I liked star wars

The only time this happened to me my colleague said Tarantino films are "underrated"

Just get one lol.

>friend suggests a show for me to watch

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imagine working at an office instead of your own home

>when your roast is ruined

>coworkers start talking about literally anything at all
How can you be as retarded as the average normoid?

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Same. Except I also have no gf, no place of my own, no car, no friends, no skills, no education, no money and poor health.

OP thinks he has good enough taste to judge others

>nothing much, you know. hahahha
they can never know i spent 48 hours gooning and didn't even leave my house once

Lets see your gooncave bro

I tell them I don't watch TV, actually anything they ask to talk about I tell them I don't follow it

this is a blue board but it's 4 screens and usually around 16 videos at once and i have one of those fleshlight torsos that i exclusively fuck in the ass
good times

They refuse to even believe that any human being under 80 would watch such a thing. Seriously, I mentioned I saw the original 1933 King Kong, and it's like I said I went to the moon and hung out with Elvis.

its not always so bad. when someone says Forrest Gump or Shawshank Redemption is the greatest movie of all time ill disagree but I respect the moxie to actually pick something and put your opinion out there, especially since ive known adults with successful careers says the first Fast and Furious is the goat. i cant bring myself to answer the question, i avoid the question every time it comes up.

>coworkers start referencing the simpsons
>keep laughing and saying sneed

Kraut/finnish hands typed this post.

>coworker starts talking about her favorite serial killers of all time

actually happened btw

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