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The whole idea of the Inquisitors is so fucking stupid.
Just fucking kill me please
cant wait for the Obi-Wan show to not have cameos of Qui-Gon and Duchess Satine (you know, people extremely important to obi-wans life) and instead get cameos of Ahsoka and Maul because Disney need to advertise more TV shows
can't wait to consoom
Is this how garbage looks?
>"obi-wan, we meet again at last, when I left you I was but the learner, now I am the master"
So that line is retconned
Did they fix the shitty alien makeup yet?
Have they stopped setting every show on Tatooine yet?
Did they realise how fucking stupid it's gonna be having Vader and Obi-Wan fight in this series?
Obi wan will make some kind of quip saying that Anakin still has much to learn before Obi wan runs away and he screams NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO again
we were fucking robbed
By "real", he means "real world politics".
Get ready for BLM, white guilt, tranny propaganda, etc.
>screaming black women
yea I'll pass
Wait lmao this is an official poster
How did they manage to so effectively reveal what a steaming pile of shit it’s going to be in under a minute? Pretty impressive.
>when I left you
Do you not understand what this means?
>loud black woman
Instant pass
Oh man I just LOVE the prequels. Hello there! LOL
Fuck it, I won't lie, I'm actually hyped
Is that Vader on Tatooine?
Beyond retarded.
Left as a learner meaning left as a jedi
Why is Obi Wan doing Akido now?
Are we actually going to get a lightsaber duel in this one? Doesn't look hopeful if he's using guns.
Damn actually looks ok. This was the only show from jump I ever thought would actually be good
I guess it'll at least fill in how Obi-Wan knew that Vader was "more machine now than man, twisted and evil", seeing as how the last time they crossed paths Anakin was a burnt marshmallow.
I really, really hate the Inquisitors though, just handing out red lightsabers to any rando faggot is boring and makes them more lame the more of them there are. Inverse ninja rule and all that.
>Why is Obi Wan doing Akido now?
It will be revealed that he was trained by Segal.
>Mandolorian is unlike anything you've seen before
>Boba is is unlike anything you've seen before
>Loki is unlike anything you've seen before
>Falcon & Winter soldier is unlike anything you've seen before
>Hawkeye is unlike anything you've seen before
>Moon knight is unlike anything you've seen before
Can't wait for this to be the same shit where not much happens again bar a few moments people shit themselves over.
this joke trailer has more soul
Oh boy, can't wait to see Obi wan take a backseat to the black female villain in his own show
the stage they film in feels far more claustrophobic than the green screen from prequels
Meh they can be alright if it is done correctly. It makes sense in the universe and with the games especially, like force unleashed. Plus it opens the Universe more for future stuff. If all the force users are gone except obi wan, Luke and Vader it makes the Universe pretty lame and boring. I think making the inquisitors is one of the only smart things Disney has done with this property.
At least it's free, unless you're one of the mouthbreathers paying for streaming instead of pirating like a sensible person.
I forgot to add yoda and the emeperor my bad
>all the stormtroopers and imperials are shiny and squeaky-clean
>amateur makeup and prosthetics on the aliens
>the entire concept of Vader and Obi-Wan meeting at all
>filling in a gap that was perfectly fine as is
Fuck this shit
ayo vader just vibin frfr
This, the whole reasons jedi's can stop bullets with sabers is because they can see the near future with the force or some shit like that.
If inquistors are just some random goons, why not give them guns? They would be much more effective.
i fucking hate youtube comments
>Yet another angry blak woman central to the plot
At least this one is prettier than the one they normally use
Inquisitors can use the force. They're trained by Vader.
The inquisitors aren't goons, they're former jedi, but they're pussy jedi. They also existed in the old EU too.
Wait, what about the rule of 2 then?
I've seen some shit takes on here but this may be the worst
Aren't inquisitors supposed to be absolute trash?
There's no way they could actually take on a real jedi knight, I don't think there's ever been a confirmed inquisitor kill on screen
you fucked it up
Shhh. Don't think about it.
I think the official explanation is that Inquisitors aren't really Sith, so the rule of two doesn't take them into account.
They put up a decent fight against Cal, who is a barely trained padawan, and that's exactly the type of a jedi they were designed to hunt.
Reminder that the grand inquisitor jobbed to another barely trained padawan.
They don't count because they're "not sith".
Sure they use the dark side of the force, sure they know how to use lightsabers, sure they can do dark side shit like force-choke, sure they're given over to hate and fear and general dark side shit, they're just not True Sith.
For some reason.
Idk I didn't watch much of Rebels, did they actually do anything besides show up to menace a child before flying away at the end of the episode?
Yeah pretty much, Vader was the guy to go after anyone that puts up serious resistance.
>Idk I didn't watch much of Rebels, did they actually do anything besides show up to menace a child before flying away at the end of the episode?
They were just an excuse to have some lightsaber fights. Darth Maul ended up killing most of them in one episode.
Will it mention a sequel to Back To The Rancor?
What's the point of sending them after Obi-wan, who's only matched by the emperor, yoda and Darth Vader
Its just going to be 6 episodes of them jobbing before him and Anakin have their 30 second fight
>"like you trained his father"
I would imagine Vader was somewhat famous, and it's not hard to imagine it was common knowledge he was 90% robot.
Honestly looking forward to the series because of Owen. Just him and Obi Wan, and no annoying women.
If you hated the prequels and/or watched Mike Queeflasa' shitty prequel reviews, you are 100% to blame for this. Apologize now.
Obi and Owen being at odds with one another might be interesting to watch, something to establish where the latter's animosity came from.
Trailer was alright until I heard that negresses obnoxious shouting.
I think leaks said that the Inquisitors weren't sent to find Obi Wan on Tatooine, but some other force sensitive who arrives there during the first episode of the show. They just happen to sense and find out about Obi Wan, who they decide to hunt by themselves without notifying Vader.
>Darth Maul ended up killing most of them in one episode.
lmao nice
But this is specifically for the sois who loved the prequels and hate RLM
Someone got filtered pretty hard.
> Trailer keeps focusing on some black woman with what sounds like a fucking speech impediment due to excessive ebonics.
It's gonna suck. Hard.
Upvoted! I hecking LOVE the prequels!
Great! A black female lead. Exactly what I, the average Star Wars fan, wanted.
The fight is done.
We lost.
Stay hidden.
That black lady must have as much screentime if not more than obiwan.
>Hector Salamanca: Origins
Real dumb
The cost is your time (and attention span unless you just have it on in the background).
The rule of two is the dumbest shit in star wars
Based! Fact!!!!