Is Star Trek dead?

Is Star Trek dead?

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Thats what happens when you let Lucas sell it to the Mouse

Mike is done for now.

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Secular blasphemy.

What does that mean?

I hope that's Mike doing a Kurtzman impersonation because he's looking pretty homo there.

He's mocking the writing and acting in nu-Trek. Specifically the long monologues where it sounds like they are trying to make some sort of profound point but aren't actually saying anything meaningful and it's just emotional manipulation.

He's specifically imitating Picard's monologues.
Patrick Steward totally lost his voice. They should have done a Picard show about decade ago, now it's too late. He just sounds like a shambling old man.

It ended with TNG

You will get old too you know

It means that Star Trek is so bad that it offends God.


Are there any active Admirals in their late 80s who struggle even speaking? He still had his commanding voice when he did Lords of Shadow 2, in 2014, now it's just gone and he sounds like he should retire from acting.

No, his clothing retard. his hair is weird too. Is he trying to look like a preppy Nu-male Star Trek fan? He looks like Fred Flintstone.

>You will get old too you know

And I won't be parading myself around at 80 in some tv special.

When I'm patricks age I hope to be dead for 40 years.

Most old people don’t spend their golden years tearing down their own legacy, he’s just an out-of-touch, effete, old fruit.

I think he was trying to mock how that fag Wheaton looks at every Picar interview he shills.

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Christopher Lee at least still had his voice before he died, so he could still play Saruman. Patrick Steward has nothing going for him now.

You know, if I were hired to write the script for a The Notebook sequel, well first I'd turn it down as I personally have no interest in the romcom genre and knowing I wouldn't be able to do it justice. But the realities of life do mean that hollywood writers dont always get to pick and choose their jobs, if I needed to eat then ok I might take the job and in doing so commit to at least some bare minimum due diligence for that job, such as reading the original book and watching the original movie. The point of the sequel is to appeal to the original audience so I'd try to construct it for that target audience, dropping in car chases or giant robots battling to appeal to hollywood blockbuster viewers just wouldn't be fair to the source material or the audience. But I dunno, thats just me.

They thought watching the TNG movies was proper due dilligence. They thought that is what TNG was.

The now common practice of hiring people who have no experience with these mega huge IPs is just baffling. Sure, hiring fanboys can be bad, but hiring nobodies who just graduated a few years ago and are not part of the demographic who watched the show is worse.

>Star Trek? Is that like Mass effect?
>He-Man? Never liked it. Let me make the man-babbies angry.

Nope, check out the daily Trek general thread.

Only for stupid right wing chuds who thought Star Trek was for them.

It ended with Voyager.

It increasingly feels like they go out of their way to hire people who actively dislike and want to change the source material.

change and progress is always good, chud

True! Sadly, this isn't progress, it's regressing.

You ready for Nuralink too?

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Where the hell did this even come from? It sounds like a Beavis and Butthead insult.

technically its Undead.
Trek is a corpse but its still animated for now.

there hasn't been a new star trek movie in some years now so yes, can say that star trek is dead

why does anyone still talk to Wheaton? He's such a faggot that not even nuTrek fans like him. He didn't even get invited to Picard S3 but he still does these talk show things? If I was on TNG I would just refuse to do interviews with him today.

Isn't his talk show a legit part of the show, like that Talking Dead thing was for TWD?
They're probably contractually obliged to have to go on it.

>It increasingly feels like they go out of their way to hire people who actively dislike and want to change the source material.

These are nerdy tv shows, video games, comics, etc. They are hiring hip urbanite progressive university kids with 4-8 years in humanities. The demographics of your core base and who is being hired can't be more different. Any blind hiring is gonna produce these people, as that's what university culture and material is producing.

To avoid it, you'd have to hire 40+ dorky white guys with science fiction backgrounds.

Then I would be openly contemptuous of him. There isn't a person on this planet more pathetic than Wil Wheaton. He has made a career out of a role he had 40 years ago and people already hated him then. It's beyond obvious he has absolutely no skills to do a real job because the only "work" he can get is to continue living in the public eye despite being widely hated.

It's been dead since 2009. What we're seeing now is a bunch of suits sticking their dick inside a pile of bone dust.

TNG and to a greater extent DS9 ruined trek by introducing a sense of rigid continuity to what had previously been essentially open ended space fantasy. The moment Star Trek died was the moment they dropped a bridge on Kirk.

all big franchise SciFi is dead. It's been strip mined away by all these media mega-conglomerates, with a firehose of shitty, stupid, cheap, lazy content that fucking noone asked for. Noone wants 4 fucking startrek series running at the same time. Noone fucking wants 6 fucking Starwars shows. Noone is fucking watching all 10 of those shitty fucking marvel streaming shows. It's literally just garbage, made to sit on a digital streaming shelf, collecting digital dust. They should be treating these IPs and franchises like proper, solid tentpoles to hold the roof up. Instead, they are treating them like piles of elephant shit, that they use to make the tents look full.

I am happy the western media landscape is currently imploding

Being old isn’t an automatic pass to embarrass yourself by completely dismantling you’re most famous role. I agree with Mike that Picard is probably a vanity project for Stewart that has spiraled completely out of control. It’s probably the same for all the writers too which is why it’s complete incoherent nonsense.

>the two reasons anyone even remembers ST existed are the thing that ruined trek


TNG is the highpoint of popularity for Trek and it's been downhill ever since.

Hell, I think the showrunners missed the appeal and tried to "change up the formula" for DS9, Voyager, and Enterprise, when I think people just wanted more comfy TNG.

A S8-9 with Riker as captain would have been fine. Then follow it up with TNG replacing more actors and moving to another ship. Maybe Captain Worf?

Deader than Star Wars


*no one

SW at least made billions and still has rabid fans. Star Trek is stuck on a streaming service no one watches.

Why does Patrick Stewarts voice still sound so booming in American Dad, even the new seasons? Do they alter it?

Obviously and those clips of Wil Wheaton are fucking awful. Shut the FUCK UP WESLEY

I was never a huge Trek guy (although funnily enough RLM's reviews of TNG made me go watch it and I found it delightful) but it seems weird to me that they would have discovery going as the new bombastic kelvin timeline crazy shit series, then advertise Picard, a series that would invoke TNG and it's much more thinking/philosophical/ethical kind of cadence and discussions, but then also just make it the big crazy action series. Like even from a greedy corporate perspective wouldn't you want to cast that net to catch suckers in both boats? I refuse to believe there simply aren't good writers anymore in the world that can't be made an offer they can't refuse to write some good Trek.

Why was he putting on a Batman voice when he started talking about ICE?

Probably recorded years ago.

Big Mega-Corps are incompetent at this sort of thing almost by design. A mega-corp is hiring random assholes who have a "proven track-record" of making profits as execs, and then people with a proven track record for writing. None of these has anything to do with actually understanding the original series, or its appeal, or even caring.

It's hacks hiring hacks. The bigger the corporation, the more likely idiot hacks are hired. Breacking up Disney and others is the only way to establish some sanity.

He was trying to be as unlikable as physically possible

Trek used to have a policy of taking fan scripts which meant a lot of the stories were from actual authors. Or conversely stuff like Measure of a Man which was from some random woman. There are many many problems with these new Trek shows but the biggest is the writing and whilst they still have a few curveballs you'll constantly see the same credits over and over, people whose only background is in writing for television.

is that real?

Star Trek used to have actually authors, now it's My Little Pony writers.

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Picard celebrates emotions where TNG celebrated logic.

>TNG is the highpoint of popularity for Trek and it's been downhill ever since.
Even then, they had the god damn good sense to stop at 3 shows, and only have 2 of them overlapping at any given point

That's streaming strategies now. They want a big catalogue of new shiny shows that entice people to sign up. They split shows up into demographics and have one aimed for each.

It's been dead for at least 13 years.
It's time you learned the truth.



>They split shows up into demographics and have one aimed for each.
God, I can't wait until they finally make one for the 'Star Trek fans' demographic...

that would be chode, he he he he...chode

Have no fears, they have stories for years. Like, maybe spock gets a cellphone?

It died a long time ago, my friend. Pay no attention to the grotesque mockery carried on by these soulless fools waring it's skin like a suit and dancing to the tune of the corporate media.


>God, I can't wait until they finally make one for the 'Star Trek fans' demographic...

lel that was supposed to be Picard. It was nostalgia bait and rememberberries.

>Have no fears, they have stories for years. Like, maybe spock gets a cellphone?

Or Picard becomes a robot. Do-do-dodo do do do do...

>Star Trek
>Star Wars
>Game of Thrones
>Wheel of Time
>Lord of the Rings

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