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-OP’s mom

>-OP’s mom
t. mouse shill

- A S B A S E D

Yanderedev has scrubbed himself up. a bit

This whole supposed deep love of Raimi feels really manufactured. In the past the only people who would say stuff like "I'll watch anything Sam Raimi makes" would be hardcore horror fans and they'd be talking about stuff like Drag Me To Hell and Evil Dead. From the first trailer everyone should have been able to see that the movie has absolutely none of his visual flair or personality, its just a generic marvel movie. So either

A) Sam Raimi is massively popular with legions of normie fans
B) Disney is shilling this narrative

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Has there ever been a more reddit director?

James Gunn, Woody Allen, Taika Waititi

Who's your favorite director?


What now?
Raimi fan btw.

Taika Wide Titty, Leni Riefenstahl

His style is there though, but it appears in short bursts. The problem is the retarded plot and the pre-made fight scenes.


It's getting mediocre reviews from shill critics and the spoilers would lead you to believe that fans are going to be letdown massively. It's not his fault though, he's just a cog in the machine.

marvel is not allowing him to go full Raimi mode, is my guess for now

It's his fault for being near this trash.

Nigga please,he's just extremely creative with low budgets but not one note like Robert Rodriguez

Reviews have been saying the opposite, we wanted a Dr Strange movie not a Raimi movie

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Pacing was absolute dog shit.
I don't usually watch capeshit in cinemas, but I didn't mind the Raimi Spiderman films and the first dr strange was okay. This was just absolute dog shit though, nearly nothing was explained well and there was no real feeling of risk and reward in regards to the characters and the situations they were in. Some of the deaths were pretty interesting but that's honestly about it. It's as bad as morbius.

Like you know anything about filmmaking retard, you wouldn't know a raimi movie if it's anti-semanticism slapped you across the face

Weird how the problem is Raimi here and not the lackuster writing, or shoving a crossover in a single movie which is the main reason why the latina got little to no development.

Raimi's directing and the dialogue are definitely the worst parts of the movie

Polanski is a hack. Take the Frankenheimerpill

Raimi's style was out of place, but nothing would have changed if they got another guy to direct this mess.

>It's not his fault though, he's just a cog in the machine.
That's true but the question is why does he bother with this shit? The last time he directed a movie was 10 years ago and he is a pretty successful producer. So why did he return to filmmaking for a dumb marvel sequel?

If they got another guy it would have been at worst bland, this was just straight up bad. Plenty of directors do good stuff within the constraints of Marvel, Raimi could not

Money is a powerful motivator, and Raimi is a self-loathing kike.

>Plenty of directors do good stuff within the constraints of Marvel
We may agree to disagree there.

Well yeah it's your job as a contrarian to disagree

>you wouldn't know a raimi movie if it's anti-semitism slapped you across the face
It truly was a different time


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A marvel movie is made or broke by its script. The direction has very little to do with. This movie was a disaster the minute the original guy was fired.

Raimi bros..... the jig is up.......

Shut the fuck up user, plenty of filmakers have made good movies under Marvel. There is a reason this one is reviewing worse with Raimi being cited as one of the problems


please let this kill marvel, please god

>Keeps posting the cowboy hat feminist as a source.

regardless of what you hear on Yea Forums, most normies are eating this up

I saw a video on youtube and you could see the green screen outline from that bitch running what the hell happened?

>My opinion is law here.

>regardless of what you hear on Yea Forums, most of Yea Forums are eating this up
Fix'd. Threads for weeks, if not months.

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most normies are dumb, i'm hoping people actually will get sick of this garbage, bad dialogue, shit marvel humor, ugly actors, everything about it is disgusting

Better than any alternative unfortunately

I liked dune for example, even with it's obvious race changing of characters, I think that movie is leagues above any marvel movie from the past 15 years. I'd rather watch something like that

Stop watching blockbusters.

Raimi having a unique and fun style only became more and more apparent and appreciated with the endless string of bland MCU movies and then DC movies under Snyder being more distinct but also miserable

No, you can't have them all to yourself!

I like spiderman 1/2 but i finally saw the original Evil Dead and man it was kind of trash, very goofy and stupid. Remake is 100 times better.

I haven't even seen the movie and I can say it's probably better than any vanilla marvel director would do with shots. Probably got creative with it.


1 movie that is essentially a Marvel flick which all the Marvel audience saw? Isn't really ground-breaking, especially when it is so soulless compared to the books. Hoping the sequel is better
We are talking about normal people who want a good fun movie user

Polanski is still alive and making kinos every year

Yup. Look at the other replies. Shills without arguments usually just call you dumb or attempt to shame you into leaving or something.

Sounds like someone got btfod


Marvel has no good movies. Only decent one is the Winter Soldier and that's it.

Evil Dead 2 and Spider-Man 2 are he's only good films. Flick director tbqh

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Reddit likes tree rape now?

Woody Allen is a Jewish pedophile with yellow fever. That's 100% Yea Forums

i take offence at being called a jew

>i take offence at being called a jew

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well then, i seem to be caught.