Is it worth a watch or is it propaganda?

Is it worth a watch or is it propaganda?

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>black being upitty and annoying because the proud wop is proud of being a wop
>gigantic giga nigga chimps out and has it coming
That being said, he did the right thing by inciting the riot. The niggas would have killed the wops otherwise.

>black people are allowed to destroy small businesses whenever a cop kills a black person
If they were black owned businesses it would be a different story soooo no one gives a shit and the cycle continues

New Yorkers are subhumans

Didn't like it that much. Intro was cool with that chick dancing. Watch one of his other movies instead.


>The actress revealed that although those scenes catapulted her to stardom, she was aversed to them so much that she cried during the shooting. "When Spike Lee puts ice cubes on my nipples, the reason you don't see my head is because I'm crying, I was like, I don't want to do this," she said in an interview with New York Times. "It was like, wait a minute. I feel so wimpy. This is not who I am. So that was my first experience, and it was horrible."
What did this scene even add to the film? Was it purely to show that Spike Lee was a suave sexy guy instead of the awkward nerd he really is? Kind of makes you wonder what this film is really about.

Its about Livin Da Dreaaam

this movie is red pilled. it shows that whites and blacks cant live together.

It unironically changed my view on life. Until I watched it I had no idea that blacks think that acting like obnoxious degenerates is completely okay and society should accept it or have their livelihood burned to the ground

It was but not in the way Spike Lee wanted it to be. Sal literally did nothing wrong and all it showed was how nigs will chimp out of anything.

It taught me that African-Amercans are very concerned about the proper usage of the English language.

So uh
What was the right thing to do

Spike Lee is a great filmmaker but he's also a bit retarded. When Mookie asks for his last paycheck at the end I knew I was watching someone who was actually a lot dumber than I initially gave them credit for

You asked the worst place for an opinion on this film.

Its a good film, its funny and at times quite touching. Its honestly a very nuanced take on racism. Very true to heart.

Sal did nothing wrong

It sucks ass

But the conclusion to the ‘nuance’ is that black people are insecure to a point of violence and generally do think random destruction is a reward they get when anything doesn’t go well

No it isn't.

How the hell do you watch the end of that film and see that they were rewarded? They destroyed their own community and every regretted what they did. They hurt themselves and hurt their neighbors. They didn't even hurt the right people (the cops that killed Raheem).

You see the old heads clearly lamenting this. You're also left with the idea that Sal wont rebuild his business and a community that admitted loving his food wont have one of the local businesses.

I mean the act of violence is like their right or privilege they feel entitled to when anything bad happens, in most rational society a riot like that doesn’t logically follow from this series of events. And yeah they end up regretful but that’s pretty much what keeps happening and nobody has any will or ability to stop it. I mean theres the lesson of violence not solving anything, and then there’s just repeated useless violence, which is what we have in real life. It’s easy for people to just say these people are acting wrong

>I mean the act of violence is like their right or privilege they feel entitled to when anything bad happens

Thats what the characters think, and if you didn't notice, a good chunk of those characters are pretty shitty people. Mookie being the worst. Spike clearly meant to show these characters doing realistic things, and asked you if they did the right thing.

I appreciate that I’m just saying it’s very easy to watch this movie and say black people do the absolutely most wrong thing by rioting every decade and living near them is a risk because no amount of their personal guilt or individual decision making can prevent them from just burning everything down occasionally
And I know that sounds very racist to say but that’s kind of the score isn’t it

Had to watch it for a film history course some years back.
It was nigger dogshit.

This is actually one of the few films made by a black director where blacks are just as in the wrong wrong as whitey

To get a fuckin a/c

Quints confirm.

I like 25th hour a lot better.

Spike Lee was one of the earliest mainstream examples of "wypipo bad" so I'm assuming you'll think it's propaganda

They never resolved the fact that rioting is bad because knowing and saying that doesn’t prevent riots, so they just moved on to saying it’s natural black behavior and therefore must be good. Like really the meaning of this film is totally right wing now, to say that it’s bad to start a riot

It’s okay, not sure if I was supposed to feel sympathy for radio raheem but I didn’t

All films and television are propaganda.

>Lee believes the key point is that Mookie was angry at the wrongful death of Radio Raheem, stating that viewers who question the riot are explicitly failing to see the difference between property damage and the death of a Black man.

>if someone is wronged they are entitled to commit crimes and damages of equal or lesser value
Good deal

How is it not a comedy of black errors leading to catastrophe

What did the restaurant owner do again? Why were the black people upset

Propaganda but it's also a good watch. One of maybe 2 Spike Lew films worth watching

It's about the fact that multiculturalism doesn't work as much as they want us to think it works and how everyone would just hate each other.

He did not celebrate Blackness

He had pictures of italians up in his pizza restaurant and not pictures of blacks

Nigger dogshit for a nigger nation. Good riddance.

What does "joint" mean? Is that ebonics for film?

t. esl


>you HAVE to let niggers riot because lives are more valuable than property!
I wonder how well the movie's message went over 3 years later, after the LA rioters beat a man till he was brain damaged.

I found that baffling as well. They frame it was whitey being a white pride nut but his wall is only paying tribute to American wops, not Anglo-Americans or Dutch Americans, etc.

People basically think the LA riots were good now, or at least the zeitgeist is that they and BLM riots are

I guess it’s one of those movies that makes more sense if you live it and that’s just what you have to deal with, but a lot of us live places where nobody burns down anything even when people are murdered

worth a watch for sure.
It has the Gangs of New York effect where the director is trying to villainize a group but accidentally makes them 100% justified in their actions and makes the minority group the bad guys.


Its a good movie. You should watch it.


And really the black people are a lynching majority in the story. I mean sure in society they’re the minority but it’s hard to see them as ‘the minorities’ when they’re a unified mob ordering one man to serve their race.

There was a lot of effort put into making it so the riot wasn’t just for stealing

People comfortable with the status quo always go "tisk, tisk you should just protest peacefully" and them bitch about peaceful protesters being an inconvenience and the more deplorable elements dream if killing them by driving over them, and ultimately nothing changes. The sad fact is that when things get bad enough it leads to riots and only then do yoi potentially start to see genuine change because it forces people get out if their comfortable chairs and actually acknowledge something is wrong.

Change never comes just by waiting for it.

There was probably a warning during auditions that actresses would need to be comfortable with nude and sex scenes, so why take the job if she wasn't? Did she take it expecting them to change it once she said it made her uncomfortable? They should have fired right as soon as she started crying and found another actress,

That's a good point. It's about time someone starts a riot in your neighborhood to implement changes you're personally opposed to.

>Change never comes just by waiting for it.

There is nothing but change. You can wait and eventually die: that's change.

Riots in America have very rarely caused change

Haha god damn look at you thrash around

it's funny because this movie does a really good job portraying everyone as being at fault for being racist and unwilling to compromise. The scene where Spike Lee's character throws a trash can through their window before the riot I always interpreted as him trying to save the Italians from black mob violence by transferring it from them to their store. Turns out no, though. Spike Lee thought his character and the blacks (only) were totally justified. What a maroon.

Its not racist its true. They keep trying to come up with more and more excuses but none of it ever makes sense and they just have to reduce all standards to the lowest common denominator.

>pretty shitty people
So just normal black people. I love when muh nuance means ignoring reality for the prettier version of it on the screen

It's a Spike Lee movie.
What do YOU think?

I've never watched this movie cause even from a young age it seemed like it wpuld be retarded. Please tell me the truth is thos actually the catalyst. Other people are talking about some nigger getting shot so what's the deal here

Spike wanted to be Black Woody Allen so he thought he could get away with starring in his own movies for a while. It was a stupid, stupid idea.

I rather watch more movies about african culture than american niggers desu

In this context it means film. But it really just means anything. If you want to leave a place you could say "let's blow this joint"

What’s the big idea in general, that Sal really is racist and that’s a reflection of society as a whole, and he’s holding turf and keeping it aesthetically non-black, which is unacceptable to the community so they burn it down for lack of being able to change his behavior? I mean I get it he would have avoided everything by just including black pictures on that wall but you can also forgive the guy for being Italian, I mean you like his pizza place in general. I guess the idea is they properly detected Sal had some inner racism which they pulled out by making him say nigger while breaking and entering? There are a lot of interesting points but honestly the whole thing is just a tragedy of dumb errors
Honestly this whole thing is involved in notions of property, hard to say

Pretty much. The wops were racist, no doubt about it, but I can't really blame them in that neighbourhood where they were getting shit every day. The owners had photos of dagos on the wall, the blacks wanted photos of blacks for some reason (this would never happen in an Irish neighbourhood for example, everyone would know the score that an Italian restaurant is going to celebrate Italians, blacks are just stupidly insecure people). A black guy does end up getting killed by a cop which sets off the riot, but yeah the Italians did nothing wrong here.

You could not be more wrong lmfao. Rioting has almost never had a tangible effect on legislation. That's why it's allowed lololol. It's a pit for your anger. Instead of killing politicians, hospitalizing them etc they just cry in the streets and assault random citizens. And then everyone goes home, the average man having been completely demoralized and those in power feeling secure as ever.

This is why Jan 6th is so demonized btw. Not because it was bad, but because for once in the past 100 years people were actually rising up to THE GOVERNMENT and endangering them instead of endangering average citizens.

Is there a point in time when the use of the word is going to stop being used as a blank slate justification for the worst behavior imaginable?

Right, that’s my question, because the movie only really makes sense if an Italian guy saying ‘nigger’ while being robbed and threatened by blacks actually means he’s an ultimate racist whose life and property are forfeit. I mean I get it ‘he has that hate somewhere in his heart’ but the whole thing looks like some black teens harassing someone until he does something racist enough to try and kill him