Why did game of thrones collapse? What was the turning point?

Why did game of thrones collapse? What was the turning point?

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When the show runners ran out of material because that fat fuck won't write

When it stopped being based on the books

dorne, dorne was a complete shit show that made absolutely no sens and the only good to come from it is bad poosy.

S5 was shit and they still had plenty of book material to draw from.

Remember that time Yea Forums tried to act like Kit fucking 10/10 russian models was somehow a bad thing and he wasn’t based as fuck?

>first sign
Fookin legend
>abandon ship
Asha raiding the dreadfort
>what the actual fuck
Fast child wights and one outs with an Other

Should have left out Dorne

s1-4: made for ASOIAF fans
5+: made for GOT fans

>interacting with Russians in any way

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The moment it went to shit.

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1) When they ran out of source material
2) When they became so mainstream popular that they started forcing reddit humor in to it

it collapsed because it was so good. going into season 1, grrm had no idea how it would turn out. he was in the writers' room. dnd followed the book. then it got released, was great, and had commercial and critical success. grrm stopped writing. dnd started making changes. the turning point was unironically the end of season 1.

full version

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In retrospect it went to shit after season 4. I remember everyone talking about how boring some of those seasons were but "its all building to the ending so its okay" and then we got to the ending and that was shit too.

kikes can only imitate just like satan

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probably around the red wedding when they started inventing shit because their egos were out of control

When they ran out book material.

The facial structure and composition almost reminds me of a Pepe

It was going downhill for years but season 7 is when it was really noticeable for your average viewer.
D&D were set on 70 episodes
They started looking for a way out around season 6 and signed a deal with Disney for star wars
This is despite the story clearly not being close to its end point
For some reason, HBO did not want to replace D&D despite their lack of interest in finishing it properly

You didn't give a single shit about Russia until the TV man told you to start hating them

Emilias lips wrapped around a massive dog cock

When they introduced the black character

It’s because the kikes didn’t want to share the royalties, they have an interview and it’s very telling on their mindset. D&D we’re hacks that got carried on actual good material.

you can/must/should/better go back

stop projecting faggot and go back to you favorite outraged /pol/ youtuber

Arya laughing at the gates of the moon when they tell her Lysa is dead was the shark jumping moment, I knew in my heart the show was never going to be good again.


It was a long time ago but IIRC that was the final episode of S4, and that whole season had a lot of signs that D&D were phoning it in with some lazy writing, that was just the perfect lazy, smug, and poorly acted moment right before the show went to total shit

You didn't give a single shit about Russia until the TV man told you to start hating them

When Dorne ended up being a cringefest. Season 5 could have been so much more interesting. Kevan Lannister got downplayed, Aegon got nuked, Stannis was raped. It's like they didn't even care about the books anymore and they just wanted to make the show all about Kit Harington and Lena Headey

Dabid had plenty of great scenes like the Tywin and stag scene they just stopped caring

It went downhill when D&D got confirmed to write for a bunch more shows, and then instantly not giving a fuck for GoT, more money awaits!!!!!

That was fine frankly, since they had endured so much shit only to get turned away at their destination. What can you do but laugh at such shitty luck?

the moment i stopped watching, completely out of character.
only later i learned that this isn't even in the books... so wtf

>you now remember the 2 Walls theory

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i also support the current thing


Emilia is so cute bros

>Nazism is female

this was the moment for me too
zero fucks given about the worldbuilding for years,lets add a famous singer in a meaningless scene because fuck you

Season 7 is awful but 8 might just be the worst television I've ever watched

Thay focused on the cinematography and the dragons and forgot that the audience only cares about the how the story affects the characters.

This didn't bother me because I have absolutely no idea who that is.

Wrong. I live in a country that's had a one sided hate relationship with russia since the 1600's. Project some more you utter retard.

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i just started watching the show. at which point does it start to deviate from the source material, and which book did the show reach by then? did it cover the story up until the fifth book or did it do its own thing before?

>What was the turning point?
Pic related.

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Russia can suck my nuts. So can ukraine. You're both foreign pieces of shit.

>all ears have bones

Arya is announced as alive to Littlefinger's men and this is never acknowledged

the end of season 4, which corresponds to the end of book 3. there are some changes before then, some major and some minor, and there are some parts of later books that are incorporated into the remaining seasons, but starting from season 5 onward the show becomes its own entity rather than being an adaptation of the books.

It deviates in season 2. Season 3 has fan-fiction storylines

>you know remember the crazy theory crafting and comfy insanity of /GoT/

When Tywin dies

affc and adwd cant be turned into tv seasons. they both happen at the same time and only half the characters are in each book, its too complicated and too long. d&d took those books and made their own shitty plot by changing things around but it was garbage.

getting rid of vargo hoat and all the harrenhal shit was actually a good change because that was a fucking mess in the book. the control of harrenhal is so confusing

How is it possible for her to be that hot at the top? Damn

>kuh kuh kuh
Fuck, that was painful

Shirtless Ramsey

Okay, polACK (or maybe a swedecuck but that doesn't matter).

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