Are you the person who understands the officially codified doctrine of Islam?

>Are you the person who understands the officially codified doctrine of Islam?

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what the fuck persuaded Ben to turn into an islamist on Bill Maher?

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What a fucking chimp. Democracy for me but not for thee

Why did he say it like that? Trying to hard? I mean come on how Islamic is Ben Affleck truly, I doubt he attends much anything he doesn’t want to

He hates Jews, and here’s why that’s a good thing

Attached: atheistjak2.png (1377x837, 533.66K)

He found out his ancestors were apparently slave owners on this ancestry show
So he was probably just overcompensating

The child version of me sees 2 based atheists completely roasting a fucking idiot on the topic of a horrific ideology.

The adult version of me sees 2 Jews ganging up on an honorable white man who will not accept their slander of a religion that is practiced by a billion people who have more integrity than the 2 Jews.

That was like the Peterson Woods interview before the Peterson Woods interview

The adult version of me sees 2 Jews ganging up on an honorable white man who will not accept their slander of a religion that is practiced by a billion people who have more integrity than the 2 Jews.

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was it roid rage?



>are you the person
Okay but seriously is he emulating the speech of an ESL Muslim because he thinks that’s culture? Or is this sermon talk? Where did he get this verbiage

He was more on steroids than the hackers at Yea Forums.

The moment that launched a thousand SJW's.

He was beefing up for Batman at the time and probably on a lot of steroids. Could explain the rage

In other words you got more racist as you got older.

There's no greentext so you look like that and you say that.

so you got dumber weird flex

But Islam is codified as a slave-owning religion, it literally says that you can enslave a non-believer.

There is no officially codified doctrine of Islam.

Based Ben dabbing on the Zionists

Its not uncommon for religous texts to be taken out of context regarding an act of its time and people use it as some universal rule.
Even the Old Testament has strange rules like "if you slave refuses freedom, you can pierce his ears", or "never kill a burglar during the day time". There's a lot of random stuff like that which make more sense (not by a lot) in the context of what is being discussed and probably is ignored by people today.

It's not out of context, Islam and Jewish faith explicitly delineate between the chosen ones and the kuffar / goy who have zero rights and you can do anything to them. Big difference from even Old Testament Christianity.

Well even in Old Testament there are rules for owning a slave. Similarly in Islam it doesnt sat yoy must enslave all non believers. It says if you have a slave (which was common in that time) then you cant enslave a believer. Its just a rule in an outdated way of life (owning slaves).

Yo. Buddy. Everyone had this conversation back in 2014. We talked it to death. The Islam-supporters and the progressives and the fuckign Young Turks et al lost that debate. They looked stupid in the end.
Ben Affleck still hasn't been back on the show since Sam Harris humiliated him. case closed

It doesn't specify the slave's (non)religion though. Islam not only says that you CAN enslave a non-believer, it even allows Muslims to lie about their intentions (Taqiyya) so that they can take over a society.

I know how I can get you to support trans people.


That guys a Twitter pedo. He went on the Killstream with Richard Spencer and outted himself

cold heart logic and facts, u dumb jew

>pedo that criticizes trans people
But /pol/ told me that it's the pedos that are pushing for trans people.

I was friends with a muslim woman for a few years till she went back to Turkey, she was a huge Ben Affleck fan.

>It doesn't specify the slave's (non)religion though.
No but it specifies that they aren't allowed to enslave other muslims regardless of their class.
> even allows Muslims to lie about their intentions (Taqiyya) so that they can take over a society.
This is on the basis that they are in war. Which brings me back to what I said before in that a lot of the stuff mentioned are things said within a certain context, like there's a section discussing a religous war. A lot of it isn't really applicable for every day life.

>what is the quran

Basically. I would just add that it's two Jews ganging up on a Gentile for not seeing that in the context of the welfare of Jews, Muslims become enemies overseas.

He thought he was winning SJW points.

I see two filthy Jews ganging up on a man who wants to be honorable but has only seen the best of what he defends but doesn’t realize the views held by the vast majority of his defendants.

>tranny can't greentext
>fetchimage (1).jpg

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Based truth-sayer

He was on roids at the time, that why he was so bold

god i wish destiny would stop dodging a systemic racism debate with people who actually know what they're talking about

Lol got him good

Why are you listening to /pol/ you fucking retard.

I'm a fan

I’m tired of being like “oh yeah I totally respect you believing in ghosts and magic beans because a Jewish book 2000 years ago said so or whatever”. Religious people are the original Potter nerds and need to go read a better book and stop thinking some desert goat fuckers are the most enlightened people ever

i stopped caring when i was 16. leftists are a far bigger threat to me than people believing in imaginary gods.

Why does Ben think it's so hard to understand?

People who mobilize Zionist cultists towards military ends rule the world, leftists don’t even rule the media.

Typical sandnigger answer.
Too bad that 100 sects give you 100 different interpretation and in fact you guys behead each other all the time.

Can't help to notice a certain group omitted from that chart.

leftists love using the military to make more west-friendly democracies but that stuff isn't as important to me as the hatred that they're causing of white people because they unfairly blame them for the poor outcomes of certain non whites.

I always found it extremely retarded and pathetic when in one breath say how much they hate kikes and then in the next proclaim their love for the jew on a stick and how everyone should live their life according to the book of jewish fairy tales (which incidentally mentions that jews are the greatest lifeform on earth and that god loves jews more than any other race) especially here on Yea Forums
honestly it's so stupid it's hard to be to believe but i'm sure someone will crop up ITT to justify it with some cope

>The adult version of me sees 2 Jews ganging up on an honorable white man who will not accept their slander of a religion that is practiced by a billion people who have more integrity than the 2 Jews.

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How’s the weather in tel Aviv this time of year? Planning a trip

So you were dumb as a kid and now you're dumb as an "adult" (you're probably a high schooler)
Shocking indeed

hey look it's real atheist euro hours itt

For real are you paid by the hour or by the post? Or by the (you)s?

this guy is a second gen sandnigger in the west

I'm with the JIDF, we're on salary

Neo-cons aren’t leftists, there are no leftist generals in the United States nor are the Blackwater and Dynacorp mercenaries who do most of the actual fighting by any stretch of the definition “leftists”, they are explicitly contract killers for privatized intelligence that is still an apparatus of the state largely.

You mongos would have people believe Erik Prince is a leftist. But you’re wrong. Erik Prince is one of you guys. The guys who do coups and wet work and occasionally get caught human trafficking, are not leftists. They are fascists, free market evangelists, or completely apolitical psychopaths more often than anything else

Holy fucking based as fyurk

Pseudo based. I love jews now.

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>Neo-cons aren’t leftists
they are. they have leftist social values. they want to spread LGBT to the middle east.
>The guys who do coups and wet work and occasionally get caught human trafficking, are not leftists.
it doesn't matter if internationalists do bad stuff like this. what matters are their social values and the type of society they're creating. in the only respect that matters they are leftist.