Movies about America?
Movies about America?
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Bow To Jewish Complete Power 3.
Nice straw man
god bless america.
When is Walmart the movie coming out
Enjoy your ban Ivan
this kind of visual landscape is unavoidable in modern societies. the fact americans maximise its aesthetic repugnance is one thing but you'll be able to find examples of this in all first world countries.
>American women are currently chimping out over their compulsion to kill their unborn children
Not in ones that ban billboards in favor of preserving the view
>Enjoy your ban Ivan
The Russkie is really buttfucked. Rubel is turned to shit, all of Russia's assets are spent on military - in return for what? A destroyed country whose citizens hate you. You will live in poverty for the next 20 years and the inflation in the west due to Corona will be nothing compared to the one due to your military budget. Russian citizens already travel to EU and beg for medical treatment because Russians doctors got the fuck out of that country long ago. Pension, healthcare, welware, nonexistant. Russian elderly and poor die en masse. This is the future you chose.
I mean, it's the jews though???? i hide my powerlevel but all my normal friends have even started making jokes about jews recently, it's becoming quite the thing. i think you guys might be in trouble in a few years, just a heads up.
>this kind of visual landscape is unavoidable in modern societies
not really
it's just that Americans cope and accept all this abuse because they HAVE to be the best otherwise the reality starts to crumble
they think this is how cities develope when in reality they have been victims of lobbying to push people into buying cars
>essential buildings farther and farther from each others
>more cars, more parking lots
>buildings get farther
>no business in suburbs
>cities became hellsprawls
there is this falsehood that americans think, that cities are just so naturally developed because we use cars
but american cities used to be different, they were build by men for men and later destroyed for the car god
t.seething, delusional mutt
New worlders seem to have this compulsion to tear down what little historical heritage they have in the name of "progress"...
you're insane if you think you'll see anything even close to that shit in the UK, France or Italy. Unless you're in a mall which is a place specifically dedicated to consumerism.
>live in america for 6 months (near Philly)
>this is how i felt each day
it was alienating
i've been stopped by a cop for resting under a tree in a park
also, how come there were almost no benches? is loitering that dangerous?
Beavis & Butt-Head Do America
pic related
most American cities were built before the car, yet most of them think the cities developed around it's use
Why do americans love Stroads so much?
came here to post this
Did anyone else read the sign on the left as "shart your engines"?
soul... europoors seething
Is this real??
god nuke america
no but this is
Tree-lined streets have been devastated by Dutch Elm disease last century & Emerald Ash borer in this one.
>he has an issue with gay and black rights.
kys chud. you will never be accepted in society
well plant some nice pine trees then
and the tram line and buildings?
130 years, plant new trees
street on the left is also 15 degrees colder than the right
yeah in UK you'll just see "refugees are friends" on posters and billboards. Also butter knife bins
in the US some schools have gun racks inside lockers
I thought they wanted to use heavy diesel powered machinery to mine trillions of tons of lithium in order to build electric cars that can ejecto seato cuz you for wrongthink.
Well atleast you're not a europoor living with parents that just blindly hates on the u.s.
In the UK there are bomb shelters on every block, also used in venues to orevent kore children from getting exploded'ed by brown people
i just want americans to realize how good they could have it
an immense amount of land, mostly flat, and they simply fill it with sprawls of parking-lots and concrete
imagine if Americans invested in high speed inter-rail
what a depressing shithole
They want you to stay in the town you were born in by taking away your car. That way you can't spread wrongthink
then again though, I guess ugly inbred UK children getting martyrdom'd is actually a good thing, KEK
>parents that just blindly hates on the u.s.
the US is giving crack pipes out to people in soup kitchens to stop racism
>I thought they wanted to use heavy diesel powered machinery to mine trillions of tons of lithium in order to build electric cars that can ejecto seato cuz you for wrongthink.
electric cars are the wrong direction and anyone who really cares about the excessive car dependency knows it
Musk boycotted the green movement because people think electric means clean
the right direction would be more bikes and more public transport
why do soccer moms drive a 7 seat disel suv?
>they want to stop globohomo
Damn... I can't wait to get some fresh air
>the US is trying to stop its citizens from dying in the street like dogs
I don't believe you, it's too sensible for that shithole country.
Because modern diesel cars are very fuel efficient and have great torque at low rpm
Boris, just stop
>They want you to stay in the town you were born in by taking away your car. That way you can't spread wrongthink
only because you retards got lobbied out of trains lmao
>take away car
>basically in prison in your town or suburbs
tell me again how the car means freedom, when you are forced to use use it? blackmailed into buying a 30k car + fuel or you're useless
Americans make their cars fatter so they don't look as big by comparison
>59 Posts
>25 Posters
>make a critic of the American condition
>burgers immediately on defense mode
>y-you too
>we're the best
listen niggers maybe some criticism is for your own good? you are being fucked over jews and gladly accept it and defend it
nothing wrong with a bit of self criticism you don't need to be the best at everything
maybe swearing on the flag since 3rd grade caused all this
In the future, we are going to be running ads inside your eyelids. So when you close your eyes, you'll see ads, and you will be happy.
rat race is the most american film ever
We have the worlds greatist democracy
you're trapped anyway
most americans live
your cities have been gutted of anything not useful to the car
>world's greatest democracy
>only 2 parties to choose from
You mean the world's richest oligarchy
americans be like
>vote for jewish controlled politicians for 100+ years
What "country" are you from?
Well atleast I'm not a British """"person"""". The rest of you fingerprint Eurofag countries are so insignificant in the grand scheme of it all so I don't care
Ausfag here and went to US and was shocked at how fucking disgraceful their suburbs are built
In Australia, where I'm from at least, suburbs are built with MOSTLY cul-de-sac streets which are connected to paths where you can walk around the block from, and every suburb has a mini store attached to it and schools etc
Everything in the US is stretched and soulless. Also the carpark meme is so fucking true, its literally just endless carparks
Australia cunt
"democracy" is worthless if those who vote are brainwashed and moronic retards ie nigs, libs, women etc
I am half convinced global warming is caused by all the black asphalt americans pave for their carparks