The eternal debate.
The eternal debate
Women? Yeah, hard pass for me bro
There is no debate
JD is annoying and weak, Turk and Cox too. The women are cunty and stupid. Generally, the women act like tough men and the guys act like pansified pussies. The show is disgusting and the humor is very light and mild. *insert le random daydream cutaway after someone just died dramatically xDD* It's a gay ass show and I fucking hate it. Don't waste your time watching this atrocious show.
And as always, you're welcome.
How is this a debate? Kek
yeah tough choice /s
Speaking of Dr.Cox, remember that scene where it pans to him sitting alone in his apartment watching TV? The implication was clearly that he was a very isolated person. Was he a hyper aggressive autist all along, all the narcissistic putdowns just a facade for his own failings?
He was a cuck emsculated by his bitch cunt wife just like Lawrence of Billcuckia irl.
>Your problem isn't that you make bad choices, it's that you identify the good choice and then intentionally do the opposite. You see, behind this boorish bravado of yours is a paralyzing fear of letting anyone into your life. And it isn't because you weren't loved when you were a kid, it's because you're so ego-centered that the love wasn't enough. So, you pulled pig-tails and you pushed the fat kids into the dirt so no one could ignore little Perry. Well "little Perry" is now forty years old. And you're so invested in this neurotic, narcissistic notion of yourself as "loner" that you can't quit. And you'll just keep dumping on everyone around you, until eventually - and please, trust me on this - there won't be anyone left.
Was there ever a hot asian nurse/doctor lady on the show?
didnt that episode end with jd going to his apartement to console him only to see he was watching sports and drinking beer with his buddys?
he is talking about the one where you see him inviting people and jd shows up and tells him he needs a break from him and then cox goes on one of his "lmao i dont need you i have a million friends in here" and then you see he is all alone with tons of pizzas and beer
Nurses are usually great lays with zero inhibitions.
Neither. This lass.
Elizabeth whatserface was shit character but hot lass also
Scrubs is all a deathbed fantasy of the first patient shown in the pilot episode as the “characters” unsuccessfully try to leave his life
Forgot to post her.
blonde girl has manjaw and the permavirgins picking her are whitecels that never even have sex, has a way uglier face too
Brown beaner girl genuinely looks sexy and her hair accentuates her facial features, also appears to have bigger bitties.
Beaner wins, this is objective. You cannot refute this.
You like Latina chicks. We get it
I always thought that Carla had an ugly face. She looks like a male pajeet. Menawhile Elliot looks like your typical blonde bimbo, how can you not like her sexually
No sir, if I see a hot or ugly woman I'll call it how I see it.
Fair, but in my opinion you will get bored of a bimbo much faster
>manjaw is... le bad
Your children will never had Chad facial features because you're intimidated by a woman's chin
Be careful what you wish for
They look so trashy I love it
>tfw Elliot will never shove an unnecessary colonoscope 3 feet up your pooper
>tfw Elliot will never give you an enema or a digital rectal exam
>tfw no Dr. Reid prostate massage
>tfw you became ted
Sarah Chalke all the way, no debate
I just want to feel Elliot's cold fucking hands on my cock and balls
I think Nurses would make great partners too. They enjoy taking care of people.
They're both awful, all the women in this show were horrible people. Probably the most realistic depiction of women in television.
nice cope, forehead-fetishist
no. interesting. i never even thought of this. they even tried to pretend there was a hot negress, but never got a hot asian on the show.
They are serial cheaters and hospitals are among the worst places to have partner. I unironically believe a stripper gf will fuck less people than a nurse.
Lonely stripper hands typed this post
haha neither, the one stealing drugs was the hottest
Angry poor brown hands typed this.
Yeah. A life-lesson for everyone is that if you say too many noes people don't ask you anymore, if you say too many yeses people take you for granted and if you are too much of a cunt or too much of a sweetheart you end up with the same problems. You always learn it the hard way: friends who doesn't invite you anymore, family members that doesn't appreciate you, girlfriends that leaves you or cheat on you and so on.
>So, you pulled pig-tails and you pushed the fat kids into the dirt so no one could ignore little Billy.
I thought it was funny
I have a pretty good jawline but nah, think you might be homosexual, bro.
Kek so hateful and autistic, post your hand and I'll prove I'm white than you
they all look like licorice pizza face
>going to some award shit with your father
>oh I know I'll put on something that barely covers my tits
why are women like this?
is this really true?
my gf is a nurse
Nurses are whores who murdered countless people during covid. I wont ever forget the way they laughed and dance while they put my grandma on a ventilator and blew her fucking lungs out for the insurance money
Sarah Chalke. There's no debate. The other one is trash preachy insane cunt bitch. I'd rather get with Lisa Simpson.
user, I.....
As if it’s a debate
For me it's Jordan
Best brown girl on Scrubs was either Nurse Robinson, Turk or JD's girlfriend can't remember her name.
>JD, the difference between white and black women is, when a black woman asks if her ass looks big in those jeans you say yes.
not all nurses are whores but they do have a reputation, it's like dating a hairdresser
She took the bogpill big-time in later seasons.
Come on now, a stripper's hands are never lonely.
nurses are great fucks but also crazy and terrible relationship partners
a big part of this is the positive encouragement of crazy behavior from other female coworkers, that many women together with an overinflated sense of power is a terrible echochamber
Brown girls sneer and lips are fucking gross
>hehe this scene is totally funny right guys? because she's being sexy ironically and comically
Do actresses ever get called out on this or is it just a quiet truth that everyone knows and both sides just decide not to mention it because both get something out of it?
Get called out on what?
that they are just there for eye candy
this sounds like cope
I think it's pretty well understood, you're not going to cast ugly actresses for the role
Wait, so why did they cast Sarah Chalke?
thats dr cox psychiatrist, user
I'm talking about the sex scenes specifically which aren't actually funny, but everyone pretends they are so they can watch the softcore porn
What? The blonde 100% are fooking kidding me?
She cute
>>Your problem isn't that you make bad choices, it's that you identify the good choice and then intentionally do the opposite. You see, behind this boorish bravado of yours is a paralyzing fear of letting anyone into your life. And it isn't because you weren't loved when you were a kid, it's because you're so ego-centered that the love wasn't enough. So, you pulled pig-tails and you pushed the fat kids into the dirt so no one could ignore little Perry. Well "little Perry" is now forty years old. And you're so invested in this neurotic, narcissistic notion of yourself as "loner" that you can't quit. And you'll just keep dumping on everyone around you, until eventually - and please, trust me on this - there won't be anyone left.
When I was 14, I told a guy I was hanging out with at lunch that "I had no friends" like I was a cool lone wolf. He looked at me really hurt.
He never actually forgave me for that and was never friendly towards me again. Soon I would spend all my lunch breaks reading in the library instead of playing with other kids.
Luckily I grew out of the narcissistic "lone wolf" behaviour when I was 17 and have been able to reliably make good friends ever since :)
Blonde scrubs 100%, no question so long as she doesn't age like Sarah Chalke has irl