Attached: 1646671377631.webm (960x540, 1.74M)

Other urls found in this thread:



This looks like the beginning of a bollywood movie.

5'6 bros...

Attached: 51e40241-5459-433f-a9d7-878d1c1fe8c1_text.gif (400x225, 352.23K)

>tfw i barely wouldnt have made the cut
>not even a streetshitter or other lesser race
feels bad man

Attached: 1650611376897.webm (1080x1080, 1.99M)

Still better than America's recruitment ads

Attached: based suraj.jpg (639x339, 61.91K)

I'm 173 ;"(

Sir do not rede-

Attached: basterd train.webm (314x410, 832.32K)

5'6 sirs...

Kek I'm Dutch and I would not make the poo in loo army.

You're laughing but at least their third world literal "shithole" is still maintaining their recruitment standards instead of bending the knee to roasties and lgbtq fruitcakes who can be short, obese and 60 IQ, anything to not offend anyone!

whats the story here?
taking back the shoes he paid for?

based. is there a full video?

I'm not laughing, I genuinely felt sorry for the manlet until the end when the recruiter proposed an alternative.

you have to be retarded to get serious anal injury and then go back to extreme anal

I wanna breed that feisty little lady so badly

Sir do not be redeeming. SIR DO NOT REDE-

Attached: REDEEM.webm (400x720, 2.07M)

anyone got a good shot of those soles?

What is the point of recruitment standards when you’re not able to accomplish anything to begin with?


The Indian "National Guard" does not have a height requirement of 175cm lmao, they would have no recruits

Good Mo-

Attached: GoodMorningSi-.webm (408x720, 2.96M)

that man is more man than every other whitoid in this thread

why are there so many vids like this? what is their obsession with trains


shes cute af


Attached: bollywood stuntman.webm (852x480, 2.75M)


>convert from Europoor to based feet/inches
>that stick is 5'7" high
Is this just a consoling of manlets?

Elonbros...not like this

Attached: 1643630675705.jpg (1242x1360, 213.64K)

Attached: StretchShitstrong.png (314x347, 232.24K)

manlets make the best soldiers because they have a natural low profile and low center of gravity. perfect for cannon fodder infantry.
only thing i can think of where height would be an issue would be a pilot or some shit, you don't want to have to get a booster seat


I imagine being a soldier is an easy job for lazy, unmotivated fucks who are too stupid or too confused to find their calling in the world. Even better if you're actually half decent and finished high school/college so you can apply for officers school.

Good morning sirs. Fuck fast bowler benchods.

Attached: REDEEMED.webm (640x352, 1.47M)
his videos have been almost scrubbed off the net

somebody please explain

>what is their obsession with trains
something about the good old days when the British masters brought a railway with them

Do not REDEEM, ahhhaha!!

he was over the line and got bowled out

is he ok?

seems unfair, manlets can be fairly handy in war

Some user cropped this to make it even more confusing
guy off screen to the right sets off before bowler in black/red bowls fowling, bowler notices this and knocks his wickets down. Bloody batter who set off early has a meltdown sirs


what is going on here

You have to remain behind the line until after he has released the ball or else you can get stumped out like what's happening in the video. It's a really frowned upon act in modern cricket but legal.

India is a massive country, literally one country 60% the size of the whole European Union. The railways left by the British are unironically still the primary form of travel for many, since their road infrastructure is dogshit and many can't afford a car anyway. I imagine our ancestors would be just as autistic about trains 100 years ago when 5 people in your town had a car that drove slower than my bike.

someone did this to me in my school league game and people called him a faggot for doing it but umpire had to send me off.

some retard who watched too much alpha incel shit on the internet went out and started calling partygoing women "foids" and saying other mean things, they got angry and at the first slap he whipped out the pepper spray, the way women pepper spray ugly men who try to talk to them

based retard

Based and cringe at the same time. Guy probably ended up in prison for assaulting them.

whats his name?

is he ok?

jay rockefeller, its literally the name of the folder you mongoloid

more like "sisters..."

But, why? also, more like this

Good morning Sirs from East Baharaja (Germany)
I wish u all a pleasent day sir

>jay rockefeller
no Google results

>jay rockefeller incel
>hundreds of results
do zoomers not know how to use the internet?

>using google
sorry, i can only tolerate so much retardation

>the coins are dropping my bastard
this is some top kek

its true tho

Attached: Screen Shot 2022-02-11 at 9.01.33 AM.png (1664x922, 457.91K)

>i call your mother a group i call your wife your daughter a group
What did he mean by this unironically.

Attached: 123106958585.jpg (1280x720, 225.37K)

>at the first slap he whipped out the pepper spray, the way women pepper spray ugly men who try to talk to them

What kind of incel bait is this?

I agree that train is cool but those poos in the webms are retarded playing around with train

its poo tho

whitoids getting genocided, not my problem

always a kek

Attached: 1640723798539.jpg (481x411, 55.45K)

Natural selection still finds a way in India I see

Group as in a group of sirs to rape them.

I did it in a cricket match when I was a kid and my dad was so fucking mad at me he couldn't even speak after the game. It was the next afternoon before he said anything to me and all he said was (while pointing at me) was "Never ever do that again"

It's a fucking dumb stance to take, the batsmen is literally cheating to get an advantage and you can't do anything about it without people calling you a dickhead for it.

It was literally the most angry my dad ever got at me.

Whiteys getting replaced in their own land, natural selection at work there too

I think those are Turks, not Indians

Yeah well, accidents are one of the last few remaining ways nature can apply natural selection to humans. Some dumb poo getting hit by a train is no different to me than being a dumb white kid getting behind a wheel while drinking ie: Ryan Dunn.

Not for long, anit-immigrant sentiment is rising everywhere

I love Indian broken english shit talk and how they harass western women. Elon needs to get more of these bastards on twitter, really shit up the place.

SIRS do not

nah, not in Europe and muttland

if natural selection was enough, the entire country of india wouldnt exist

hahaha holy shit, not a single american would be able to get in.

Attached: american in europe.webm (480x600, 676.7K)

I would do it again and flip him off

Natural selection will ensure that whiteys will get completely wiped out