Moon Knight Season Finale
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I've watched every episode and have no clue what's happening.
>that final fight
"Hoy te toca perder"
*Shoots you*
I guess we gotta wait for everybody to finish watching the episode
Here's some clussy in the meantime
Jake is a Spainish speaking limo driver
Love this change, otherwise pretty meh finale. "Are you an Egyptian Superhero?" took me out of the final fight.
It was an ok episode saved by the post credit scene.
hated the "you're my only real superpower" line.
What a shit fucking show with a fucking lame villain. You should watch Legion instead.
>I love this cheap Latino representation because I'm a huge cuck
Shit show, shit finale. Waste of Ethan Hawke.
They played it really safe, kinda a meh episode overall. The show had potential to be something really cool, but it ended up just being okay overall. Glad we at least got the Jake scene at the end though.
There wasn't even a villain. Ethan Hawke was just a guy who got betrayed by one God, so went to serve another, and the out protagonist, a slave of the former God, shoots him. This isn't a super hero show, it's just some random shit about a schizophrenic Jew killing White people. The whole German village that he massacres? What was the point of that? Jewish murder porn. This is stealth Inglorious Bastards.
Yeah I agree with the comments, the show was ok, I'd say second after Loki
>There wasn't even a villain
What about big croc lady?
Or it's just more interesting than ayo I'm driving a cab ova ere.
>Latino representation
You clearly care more about that shit than I do, lmao.
>big croc lady
Who was in the show for how many minutes? And who accomplished what? What a waste of time.
Moon Knight in a pretty shit D tier character and he gets a pretty shit D tier disney plus turd. It fits.
Is there anymore blatant anti semitism in this episode?
>Finally get more moon knight action
>70% of it is yas kween layla
I should've expected no less from a disney plus show
The crazy moon guy has to stop the crippled guy from killing everyone.
Gonna give it 7.8/10 and move on from it.
Gone and forgotten in a month tops like every other Disney+ dogshit
hello latinx
Oh well, another dud. Guess I'll be saving Disney+ by myself.
How do I even use this. I went into QBittorrent and tried to add link but it doesn't work.
How many minutes of Moon Knight did we get in this nearly six hour Moon Knight show? Ten minutes? Less?
I clicked out 30 minutes in the first episode but considered there wasn’t one second of moonknignt in that span it probably was 10 minutes total
You're legally retarded and belong in a Marvel show
>nooooo, stop introducing characters by showing their struggles
>just quickly exposition me with sentences what I should know and let me see my superhero outfit guy punch le definitely unequivocally evil monster RRREEEEEE
Yes, super hero shows and movies should contain action scenes with the titular hero. Just like Westerns should have cool gun fights, if you disagree with this, it doesn't make you high brow, it makes you a confident shit eater with no standards. If you aren't going to utilize the genre elements that make a genre fun, why even bother playing in the genre?
but there are action scenes with Moon Knight in the costume
It's true, there's barely any Moon Knight in a show called Moon Knight
I guess they'll flesh him out more on season 2
Like what? What scenes? He gets ran through with spears once, they cut away from him fighting a dog in a toilet, and what else? Why are you lying?
Just search moon knight on piratebay click on the get torrent and start the .torrent file. To add the torrent to your client you would need a magnet link.
Stop posting this
You are giving me a new kink
It's clussy, and it's here to stay, unlike a good season finale for Moon Knight
>Entire season of Moon Knight
>Only like 5 minutes of Moon Knight AT BEST
MCU Disney+ shows continue to hit their lowest continually, I see.
20 minutes in and this is boring as shit
It doesn't get better. Disney shills will praise it for roughly 48 hours before disappearing until the next dumpster fire product from their favorite corporation comes and they have to shill that.
What did he mean by this?
There's barely any people praising the show
It was kind of a letdown, as most would agree
well at least he's there at the end
>killing unarmed and incapacitate enemies is.. le good!
They did this with Thor beheading Thanos and now Moon Knight executing an unarmed cripple in the back on a limo. Why are Marveldrones so demented? This shit is perverse.
do clussy tits honk if you squeeze?
jake is not the good guy and the story isn't really implying otherwise
We have Wonder Woman at home
Jake is a part of Marc. He's not being portrayed as a bad guy, he will get some redemption the same way Scarlet Witch does at the end of Doctor Strange, despite the fact that she slaughtered hundreds of innocent people in that movie. Marvel movies are actually seriously fucked up and perverse. No wonder antifa types love them so much.
legion was ruined with the whole rape plotline
you probably should research the background to the pic you posted... because right now you look stupid
so was the staff powered by an infinity stone?
Her moves are better plus she does have an ass
What the fuck is wrong with you Marveldrones?
Why was he wearing a suit
I want amitt to step on me
He's more in tune with Jake, and Jake wears the suit that Steven summons
>just the thing that Falcon already does
>has falcon wings even though she's a hippo goddess
>Ammit eats the souls except they also showed them entering the underworld
>Ammit gets bigger from this but Khonshu just shows up bigger
this episode was like a free association of ideas they thought were cool with zero care about coherency
Damn bro Khonshu got da drip senpai fr fr
I think the ending was really satisfying, I actually believed they were gonna go the easy way like usual and have Harrow locked up at the end as sequelbait but they actually killed them.
what annoyed me most was how people were getting judged an dying while there was a monster fight nearby but its business as usual around the city still, like nothing was happening.
Shut the fuck up and inform yourself before opening your mouth.
"Greater than an image, is the context. Context is the single driving force of truth past the immediate surface elements of a photograph.
Despite assumable context, the "victim" in the photo, is not a civilian. The man being executed is Viet Cong prisoner Nguyễn Văn Lém (also known as Captain Bay Lop). Van Lem, or Bay Lop, was an ASSASSIN, THE LEADER OF A VC DEATH SQUAD who was targeting South Vietnamese officials. Early on the morning of the photograph, Bay Lop had led a unit of VC tanks to attack the Armor Camp in Go Vap. After taking control of the camp, Bay Lop arrested Lt.Col Tuan along with his FAMILIY. In an effort to gain intelligence from Tuan, Bay Lop TORTURED, and eventually EXECUTED, Tuan. Bay Lop then WENT ON TO KILL ALL THE MEMBERS OF TUANS FAMILY INCLUDING HIS 80 YEAR OLD GRANDMOTHER. Captain Bay Lop WAS THEN CAPTURED NEAR A MASS GRAVE OF 34 INNOCENT CIVILIAN BODIES, leaving little doubt to his involvement in the atrocity. Upon proudly admitting his participation in the horrific war crime, Bay Lop was brought in and promptly executed with the .38 side arm in front of AP photographer Eddie Adams."
Can they see the monster fight?
he was on a limo
Probably not, it seems the gods have to actively make people see them, hence why usually only Mark/Steven can see Khonshu except for times he has to speak to others like with Layla and the guys in the temple
Yep, you're fucked in the head. No wonder you like Marvel movies.
Of course. But a show full of that shit would suck ass story-wise. I don't fucking care about superhero #228 if I don't understand his or his enemy's motivations. It's just not what movies and series are about. Go play Smash Bros if you need it that much.