What are some other unfilmable/uncastable kinos?

What are some other unfilmable/uncastable kinos?

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why would it be unfilmable?

i could make that

it would be very hard to film the colossi. they might step on the cameraman.

>Shadow of the Colossus
it's basically a movie already, it's one of the least video gamey video games ever

Every soulsborne game except maybe Sekiro

Idris Elba as Agro

you start

>the story of a guy who simps so fucking hard, he kills these magnificent creatures that just want to be left alone
Why the FUCK would I want to watch something like that?

cowboy bebop
death note
fullmetal alchemist

you don't know what unfilmable means you fucking retard


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Naked Lunch
>b-but le Cronenberg
That was a hit piece against the author’s weird history and Cronenberg pushing his insect fetish on a classic book. The actual book could never be adapted.


i could fuck that colossus

that's not even close to true lel

it's true it was more "cinematic" than games of its time period, but compared to modern games it is super gameplay heavy

Eh, Primal had no dialog besides some uga booga from the cave man. I could see something like that done with SotC, though it would be hard to pull in live action

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stop motion could work

Your're are a retard buddy.

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I miss these niggas like you wouldn't believe

Half Life 2 is one that Hollywood could never get right. They would do it as a retarded alien-shooter action movie (with a Romeo & Juliet romance between a nigger rebel and his white civil protections gf), ignoring the bleak meditative sovietbloc substance of the games.

anime is gay and for faggots that paint their nails
>anime website
lol notanymore

I miss them so much bros...

Coming to pc when?

The Bible

based Saverio Costanzo could pull it off, I've never seen anyone be able to adapt and compress metaphor and feeling so well. It'd probably have to be a 3 episode miniseries though...


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did I get them right

I would kill for an animated series with the artstyle of the mata nui online game but a b8t more detailed and with smoother animation ofcourse.

Close enough

keep seething tranny

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Turning Shadow of the Colossus into a film would be idiotic since the gameplay and being able to traverse the lands yourself are what make it so great in the first place. The bare-bones story isn't enough to carry a film.

There literally are over 30 films that are based on it.

The Silmarillion. So many great moments, that would just get slaughtered in the big screen. It must be experienced as a written work, maybe some small stories could work. Andreth and Aegnor could be a straight forward love story. Aredhel and Eol could work, the family drama would make it appealing. The story of Haleth and her people would be soiboi friendly and everything.
I'm afraid anything bigger or more complex, specially the chief stories, would be very difficult to make them justice

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>death note
The Japanese live action flicks did it well enough.


>watches anime
>tries to call others trannies
Oh no no no no

>he cares about the story
you could make it an extremely atmospheric movie with no dialog whatsoever, having him traverse beautiful landscapes in a nicely shot manner until he comes upon a colossi and it turns into a 10 minuet pure action scene before he continues on. why would an adaption of what is basically an arthouse video game need to focus on a story? you sound retarded pal.

What's the fucking point of adapting it? Just play the game or watch a playthrough on YouTube, since that's apparently what you want.

And none of them portray it accurately with universe destroying magical nukes

nice midwit take

>the film includes 60 minutes of nothing but riding around with a horse and then some fights to fill another 30 minutes
Sounds boring as fuck. Literally just the game but without gameplay.

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so you think the live action adaptations are good?

>watching streamers play video games

The reading comprehension of a five year old.

>hurr durr anime sux bro

Yeah, imagine. That's what the faggot wants to see on the big screen.

Yes. It's a pathetic medium with lonely virgins as its main target audience.

I'm a time traveler from the year 2048. In 2033 they make a 2 hour long Shadow of the Colossus movie with about 30 lines of dialogue in total.
The 10 minute scene where the protagonist cooks and eats a lizard in silence was weird.

could have been filmed in the 60s/70's using stop motion and a big tittied Italian girl like Sinbad was

stay in your lane Yea Forumstard

I do so hate these retarded blanket statements

malazan, the whole thing

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Stanley Tucci as quick ben
Josh Brolin as whiskeyjack
wesley snipes as kalam
colin firth as fiddler
jessica henwick as sorry
idris elba as anomander rake
robbie ammel as ganoes paran
julia garner as tavore paran


>you will never see SotC directed by Bela Tarr

if you reduce the amount of colossi, add more stuff about the creepy cult, maybe put some small flashbacks about Wander's life before arriving there, yes, it would be amazing