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Overrated garbage flick, the dance is the only reason it is remembered
Underrated garbage kino, and I barely remember anything about it
Rated decent movie. A few memorable parts.
Unrated cinema. Haven't watched it though.
Appropriately rated one of the movies ever made.
Movie. Ok.
Moderately appraised and is considered to be a movie
This is how I feel when I wake up at 6am for my wagecuck job.
Creepiest part of a not-so-great movie.
Is there like a word for something that you feel is unrightfully a "cult classic"? When something is not only overrated, but you also want to BANISH the cultists.
>the dance is the only reason it is remembered
tar man is pretty cool
I can lip read and I can only see
Naked dance
Punks vs Zombies
Nuclear bomb ending
Introduced fast zombies
Introduced the concept of eating brains
It's remembered for a lot.
>what zero pussy does to a mf
Suicide was based.
>When friends asked for a ride he gave it to them
>Cares about their relationship, wants to be seen more than just a ride
>Introspective, questions how he's perceived and how choices he makes gets across to other people
>Respects the dead
>Upon hearing his friend's screams takes charge and dives right in to help.
Yea I sympathize with Suicide, I'm loyal to a fault and would probably get eaten trying to help ungrateful friends.
Also Suicide's actor Mark Venturini died young from leukemia which sucks, he was talented.
He died really young irl of lukemia IIRC
No party time for you.
Shut the FUCK up retard
I don't even care that much for the dance, I love literally everything else about the movie
2nd one was better
Be honest Yea Forums... would you?
I havent seen many peoples opinion on the second one besides parroting " IT SUX, I HEARD SO"
So what do you think the second movie does better than the first and what do you like most about it?
>it’s another ‘I thought a video game or manga I liked as a kid was original but it’s actually all stolen from a hugely popular movie’ episode
Resident Evil just stole the ending with the military nuking the area and having planned it in the first place
What movie?
I love resident evil 3 and rotld
Return of the living dead (1985)
Written and directed by Dan O Bannon, of ALIEN fame
FPWP. This movie had lots of memorable moments. Not everyone is a coomer like you to only remember the naked dance
>40 minutes, no response
what a faggot
NTA, but it's really not. It does make attempts at trying to be a good movie, but the humor is just not as sharp, and a lot of it is recycled. I liked zombiefied kids angle which potentially could've been really creepy but the movie is so preoccupied with recycling jokes (to the point where they got same actors who played Frank and Freddy to do... almost exactly same thing with them, just without kino suicide scene). It's not the worst sequel ever made, but it doesn't do anything to not be just another bad horror movie sequel. Maybe they were too afraid to take some risks with zombie kids.
Not him but personally I really only remember the power-plant sequence at the end because they totally ripped it off in resident evil 3. I thought it was alright, more of the same but that's not a bad thing. I've not seen the 3rd movie yet but it's on my list
>"they want brains? we'll give em brains"
This movie was about SUBVERTING EXPECTATIONS before hating subverting expectations was cool
I mention this often but what I love most of ROTLD PART II, is it feels like real locations, the hospital setting is super creepy, especially when he's alone down there by himself.
I LOVEEEEEE empty cities and this movie has just enough for me. The zombies joy riding in a car is funny, but also creepy as fuck. Imagine you see that shit in a zombie apocalypse and they all turn their heads and try to turn around kek
I like the early grave robbing scene/scenery as well.
Only parts I would say I do not care for that well are:
The bully kids actor, the main kids actor, the thriller reference
that chick was so hot
someone post the webm
He was apparently a really nice guy and the other actors loved working with him.
Such a creepy idea in what is mostly a comedy.
How's the soi enemas going, plebbit?
Rated R movie. I want to fuck that skelly.
That's why he's the leader of the group. Leaders attract followers and good leaders who don't just do it to exploit others end up being devoured.
fucking hell that's the third post that's been eaten this week
what's with all the faggots coming out of the woodwork suddenly calling rotld bad, is it because it doesn't matter how charming a movie is charisma doesn't add up for a retard?
They're faggots
simple az
the fuck kind of shoes are those lmao
>manlet nerd had to beg to lose his virginity
>chad suicide gets it in plate
the 80s summed up in one frame
>now in this scene my lead actress will take off all her clothes and dance around for no reason at all
why are movies so fucking gay now?
>trash and suicide die in the second act
>movie loses momentum
should have been the last two that survived together with the mortician
It was definitely made, that's for sure.
Yea Forums makes me sad because it reminds me of why 4 chan is shit, if for a second they see you enjoying something some cunt will meme it into the ground
God I wish that were me.
Dan O' Bannon is a weird writer. all his stories are shit and fall apart, but he somehow wrote all these decent to great movies.
I just watched Dead and Buried written by him. Shit basically makes no sense and is mildly retarded but it's just got that special kino tone of writing.
Play Alone in the Dark someday.
You want to be reanimated against your will only to be starving and in pain constantly?
they have nice tropes
chestburster laying eggs
ashes turned to rain come down awakening the other dead
army nukes whole town
im putting dead n buried right now to check it
>eating brains
the guy who's in agony who is struck by the realiziation that the pain will go away if he eats his girlfriends brain is just fantastic
also the >send more cops/paramedics bit is great aswell
it's an enjoyable movie, just like rotld, you can see clear flaws in the story but remains good regardless.
it's got the grandpa from willy wonka in it.
was there a new rain scene after the town getting nuked? I can't remember would be cool setting up a sequel where the storm moves to another town or state
Hitler was right. 1488.
Fake news.
Maybe organ slippers. Makes sense if hes a vicar.