To celebrate May the 4th, what do you think is the moment in Disney's Star Wars that did the most damage to the franchise?
To celebrate May the 4th...
Obi wans wife becoming a tranny wasn't too good
Its inception
JJ Abrams as director, Kathleen Kennedy tossing Lucas' original plan. Basically at the start.
The exact moment for me was when Disney killed the EU. I've got like 30 books and most of it was great.
I was convinced everything was a steaming dumpster fire after watching TFA. I still don't understand how people who consider themselves fans enjoyed TFA.
At the end I was just disappointed and annoyed, it was all forgettable garbage with a superficial veneer of Star Wars.
Ironically ST was the one that made me hooked to EU stuffs. They may not be perfect but they were comfy enough
I like the characters but they're stuck in 3 terrible flicks. I even like Rian Johnson's other movies. It's better to just play Battlefront 2 or Lego Star Wars and forget about the movies.
Luke in tlj was obviously it.
>The exact moment for me was when Disney killed the EU
This. They had a curated set of stories that worked.
Had they trimmed, filled holes and adapt the best stories into film they woukd have made a shit-ton of money. Instead they decided not to pay the well deserved IP to the authors and killed the golden egg goose