Anyone else tired of listening to them talk about stuff that they hate?

They've been intentionally watching the absolute worst shit out there. Half in the Bag has become Best of the Worst 2. Here's the last 6 HitB episodes -

>Bruce Willis garbage
>More Bruce Willis garbage
>Matrix Resurrections
>Ghost Busters Afterlife
>Halloween Kills

All the good movies get saved for the end-of-year catch up episode where they talk about each one for 2 minutes. Do negative reviews get more views or something? Talk about good movies damn it!!!

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ya seethe?

There are no good movies any more.

>stop making jokes about terrible things I'll never watch
>tell me what to think about the things I already watch
NPC momemt

well I assume they'll do the northman since both of them named eggers last 2 films their film of the year

Find something else to watch.
Wow, that was easy.

>got famous for shitting on movies that are well established as being hated
>why don't they watch good movies
what the fuck is wrong with you?

tired of you making threads about things you hate

>Do negative reviews get more views or something?


>Talk about good movies damn it!!!

Modern cinema is garbage.


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