Anyone else tired of listening to them talk about stuff that they hate?

They've been intentionally watching the absolute worst shit out there. Half in the Bag has become Best of the Worst 2. Here's the last 6 HitB episodes -

>Bruce Willis garbage
>More Bruce Willis garbage
>Matrix Resurrections
>Ghost Busters Afterlife
>Halloween Kills

All the good movies get saved for the end-of-year catch up episode where they talk about each one for 2 minutes. Do negative reviews get more views or something? Talk about good movies damn it!!!

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ya seethe?

There are no good movies any more.

>stop making jokes about terrible things I'll never watch
>tell me what to think about the things I already watch
NPC momemt

well I assume they'll do the northman since both of them named eggers last 2 films their film of the year

Find something else to watch.
Wow, that was easy.

>got famous for shitting on movies that are well established as being hated
>why don't they watch good movies
what the fuck is wrong with you?

tired of you making threads about things you hate

>Do negative reviews get more views or something?


>Talk about good movies damn it!!!

Modern cinema is garbage.


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Tired of faggots like you being allowed to live, OP.

Fuck everything they make.
If it was already something and they're making more, then I hope they go broke and lose everything and their wives leave them and they kill themselves to rid us of their insufferable shit.

If I want to hear something nice I'll wait until that furry releases his "best of 20xx" videos for something I haven't seen.

Negative reviews absolutely get more views. The entire algorithmic infrastructure of most social media sites is centered around outrage culture. Youtube and twitter especially. With youtube, comments are one of the main things that will bring a video closer to the front page. Outrage inducing videos naturally instigate viewers into posting a comment, this leads to more exposure, more views and more comments - continuing the cycle.

Stay a whiny soigolem then you tofu formed into a hideous excuse for a human and given moderate sentience. Don't care about you, no one cares about you, and no one ever will care about you. Seethe and die. :)

If they don't make a Northman review they're dead to me.

>this is what dumb people watch to feel smart
he literally described star trek

>shitty pop culture show is about shitty pop culture
shiggy diggy

I'm more pissed how they memed me into watching that turd "Pam and Tommy". Pure woke revisionist trash. Everyone can watch the original tape and see what a whore Pam was but the show portrays her as super hesitant and intelligent

Not me.
Knowing that 5 mins later some hater autist will seethe about it on here makes it even better.

It's cathartic to see them tear down nu-Trek shit. I hope they don't stop.

Old Trek was at least for midwits, current Trek is for literal retards (women)

I can tell you really thought those insults sounded clever

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Please, there's no joy in it anymore. These new shows aren't even Stark Trek.

>Anyone else tired
No. Fuck star trek and fuck Paramount.

I'm not defending the shitty shows and movies, but why watch them and review them when you and everyone else knows that they are terrible? Did anyone tune in to their review of Moonfall to find out what they thought about the movie? No, we all knew the movie was shit from the trailer, and the review was just "yeah it was shit."

Did you not watch the review all the way through? the entire final 10 minutes is Mike saying he's not going to watch S3 of Picard for exactly that reason. It's making him hate TNG.

their entire channel gimmick is watching shit movies retard

Ghostbusters is fine

Jay and Mike talks is more interesting. I had Red Rocket already on my list due to some user posting it in a rec thread and watched it as soon as i saw they uploaded a video to that title to not get spoiled. finding out the main girl had an onlyfans before made it only that much better

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>Anyone else tired of listening to them talk about stuff that they hate?
No considering the stuff they like now is terrible.

>don't review Everything, Everywhere, etc
>don't review Northman
>don't review Severance
>don't review Nicholas Cage's Unbearable Weight movie
>don't review X

They're basically skipping everything they might enjoy and then lamenting the death of film/TV shows or whatever. Literal hackfrauds.

Literal hackfrauds.

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"I loved it" is a short review. Maybe they just want to simply enjoy the movies they like instead of being compelled to critique them.

>I watched S:pic season just to see them tear it down afterwards and started disliking Oldtrek a little bit more in the process.


very cool!

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I miss those bits. I guess reality is more ridiculous than parody.

Too many people didn't realize it was a joke.

they have been unfunny since 2017

Maybe because there's nothing worth watching. It's not like they were ever high IQ kino connoisseurs who love their artsy movies from Europe.

The jews finally broke Mike's faith in anything.

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He deserves it for pretending everything turning into woke trash hadn't been happening for years.
>you now remember him and Jay pretending to have no idea why Black Panther had such a stupidly high score on RT

There is nothing to not hate in current year from Hollywood.

They're working with the material they have on hand. Only way to save them from this misery is if someone gets them to watch some MANIME.

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> Pure woke revisionist trash.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on this one because these days when someone say's that it's not woke, that often means no gays for China. In Shazam every minority was good, all social workers dark skinned, all the bad guys where white, both good kids played by Jewish actors, bully white, mugger white, even turned the mom into a bad guy.

BotW is kino

When you've monetized your rage you have to stay angry/biased.

For the Picard show I assume its because of the TNG connection more than anything. They know what it is and choose to suffer through it like a loved one slowly dying right in front of them.

NuTrek isn't just "woke," it's simply atrociously written by actual idiots who don't understand the source material.

This. There's nothing I've looked forward to except The Northman and Crimes Of The Future. Out of a whole year. And Oppenheimer doesn't come out until 2023. What else is there?

I hope they don't review Everything Everywhere, because it's such a terrible movie for tumblrtards that it would hurt to hear them say they liked it

Have you seen his lion king review? Leave it to a furfag to nitpick the tiniest details in a Disney movie like some obsessed weirdo, but still make it listenable enough to enjoy while playing CK3. I had such a good day yesterday FUCK

The things they like are shit too

>NuTrek isn't just "woke,"
Yes, it 100% is.
>written by actual idiots who don't understand the source material
And that's true as well.

>Anyone else tired of listening to them talk about stuff that they hate?
the irony


The trials and tribulations of Pastor Mike and his congregation are increasing, but only to inspire you to seek your salvation through the power of Christ.

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You are definitely on to something with this image. I've long held a belief that Mike is secretly jealous of Rich's meme status - especially with him sitting on the sofa - and Mike is now trying to create a similar kind of "meme template", but this time starring in it himself.

Watch the end of the episode. They're done with dying franchises, its no fun anymore.

You can't read. You just repeated what that user said to you back to him as if you were arguing with him.


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No, I love it. As long as they are passionate and knowledgable, I don't mind.

What are the best BEST OF THE WORST episodes that I might have missed that came out within the last, I guess, 1-2 years? I've seen most of them but am going back through them to find ones I've missed to watch while chainsmoking in my trailer.

>tryhard opinion

>implying starshit is better than capeshit

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Unironically, this.

There is nothing good out there anymore. Everything is garbage.

But they liked Matrix Resurrections for some reason. Blew my mind.

they don't care. they are financially set to the point they don't need to force themselves to sit through 2-3 hours of capeshit of the month for them to say reluctantly "it was fine, I guess"

I don't think they liked Matrix, they rather found it interesting and admirable that someone can throw so much studio money away. Half of the review was about Matrix 1 beeing the good one.

>Do negative reviews get more views or something?
Probably. But I'd rather watch them talk about something I have no interest in seeing if they have an interesting angle than watch them say the latest Disney product was ok.

>pleb leddit memeia
>kike cucklasa
>gay blowsmen
>bitch evans
>aids moby

I agree to an extent but it's still pretty fun to watch them shit on a bad film. The Matrix Resurrections was pretty good though
They still have Re:View for good/interesting stuff to watch

Go back to your ESL class, and ask your teacher to explain the multiple possible meanings of "just."

They're not your friends , loser