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love tron legacy, simple as
Tron is cool and deserved better than it got.
Tron Legacy was shit that people only now keep praising because it looked really good. It just reinforces my belief that people are growing ever most obsessed with the aesthetic aspect of film and disregarding everything else.
knocking on the sky, listening to the sounds
The visuals get boring after 30 minutes.
It didn't just looked really good, it had a fantastic score that they perfectly synched with the action that was happening.
The Club fight is the best examble.
The level of detail was absurd. Down to Tron developing a verbal tic and repeating himself because of the damage. Wish they stayed on long enough to show the disk degradation setting in. That freaked me out the first time I saw it.
i liked tron very much
It was a meh movie but the visuals and sound effects are far better then anything in any Star Wars.
Yeah I'm thinking kino
why did it look so good and why are we never getting anything like it again?
Clu's plan made no sense
>why did it look so good
Because it was made by white men.
>why are we never getting anything like it again?
Because CG is outsourced to india and other non-white low-wage shitholes.
>Tron jumps around avoiding discs
>Acrobatically sends projectiles at Sam but ultimately loses
>Steps out of the arena and takes helmet off
>A grey, bearded Bruce Boxleitner proclaims "I'm too old for this shit."
Its "Take the shot" you absolute fucking low IQ faggot
Show me one non-science thing that didn't make sense.
If Top Gun Maverick is a hit adscritics day, will Konsinski get to do Tron 3?
>KOSINSKI: The movie was called, “TRON: Ascension”, I think that’s out there. I think we got the script to about 80%. We were in good shape. We were probably eight or nine months out, which is still a good amount of distance from being ready to shoot it, but I think the script was in good shape. What I’m excited about is the concept, which is an invasion movie from inside the machine coming out as opposed to one we’ve usually seen. So we hinted at that at the end of Legacy with Quorra coming out, but the idea for Ascension was a movie that was, the first act was in the real world, the second act was in the world of TRON, or multiple worlds of TRON, and the third act was totally in the real world. And I think that really opens up, blows open the concept of TRON in a way that would be thrilling to see on screen. But there’s also a really interesting character study in Quorra and a “Stranger in a Strange Land,” trying to figure out where she belongs having lived in the real world for a few years, and where does she fit in.
He couldn't have made all his army real, not enough matter. Also, weapons wouldnt work or vehicles.
>KOSINSKI: I don’t see them having superpowers. I don’t see them being able to shoot lasers from their eyes or do what I would consider to be a superhero-type movie. But in her DNA itself, her being the first digital-human hybrid, there’s something in her being that allows objects from inside the Grid to exist in the real world and makes them permanent, so that was the idea. So I think the idea is strong, it’s just a matter of the right time and the right place and the stars aligning as they have to do for movies.
I said non-science thing. Besides the entire point of his character is that he made the computer insanely efficent and "perfect" so they might work with quantum-bs.
I would love a second season of Uprising but sure as hell not by current Disney.
There's a new Tron movie in development with Jared Leto, it's over.
is there another movie that even have these peak aesthetics ?
Wild to think that one of the most impressive CGI movies of the last decade came from Disney, the same people putting out all the awful looking Marvel movies
This bitch made me diamonds. The clean aesthetic in this movie really made the women look good.
She was pure sex
old crap version of mine - i remade it
I want to fuck a computer programm
i leave you with /bestgirl/
Made for rimming
What ISO ass taste like?
ISOs are perfect beings, so probably strawberries and cream.
tangy and sweet
watching these clips and remembering the film, it wasn't far from cerebral but it sure looked and sounded nice. Now all we have are films that are both offensive to the senses and the mind.
It was peak comfy. Jewish nepotism really rotted Hollywood from the inside the last decade.
Would Tron 3 with the cast returning make money?
probably be like bladerunner 2049, fans will go see it but most people won't care.
bro they are going to fill it with trannies and blacks. dont get your hopes up
film is an aesthetic medium rare
I think it would make 1 billion, legacy got pretty popular in 12 years since release
>movie starts
>sam and quorra killed off screen
>clu is somehow alive and in the real world with his army
>clu is now a black trans
Theproblems that the last remaining talented CG artists were monopolized by Cameron so the movie would look like shit
what is with the wrinkles at the base of her neck? is that skin colored fabric?
it's tight
I read in some rental catalog that her suit cost 20k to make.
Where are those suits now?
disney warehouse
seems a bit excessive but hollywood accounting n all that
Fun fact: J Kosinski got shortlisted into Tron Legacy because of an ad that he directed, which copied the original Tron concept.
It was about some athletes, rowers, leaving color trails.
(I tried finding it, no luck).
Then he made almost exclusively ads.
After selling the treatment of Oblivion to Tom (Cruise) at that ComicCon he kept pestering him for more work (while he made rendered ads direction), then you have the Top Gun Maverick concept.
Moral of the story: if you have any concept in your head is better to make it at least as a render then upload it so others can watch it.
i fight for she