>5'4, 110 pound woman
>Takes on multiple 6'4 men
It's not cute anymore... Stop it.
5'4, 110 pound woman
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but she grew up with 7 brothers!!!!!11
not my heckin realistic action movies with helicopters fencing over volcanos
It is cute and i'm tired of pretending it's not.
What's the alternative? We all know it's bullshit but liberties need to be taken sometimes. It's no different from one guy taking on five, which happens all the fucking time.
It's delightful, let them believe what they want
Look at her tiny fists lmaoo
>What's the alternative?
Simply not having female action characters, or not making them engage in hand to hand combat. It's possible to film it that way.
One male fist into her frail cuntface and she's dead.
She has tattoos bro and wears leather jackets, watch out
>Be at bar drinking in the corner crowd watching until my friends get there
>She bitch fresh out of a Birds of prey screening waltzes in and starts creating chaos
>Starts arguing with the bartender over some kinda 'discount' or something that has never existed in bars ever
>Bartender is having none of it and signals for security guard to remove her
>6 ft 5 300 pounds guy with a beard asks her to leave
>She punches him in the head
>Breaks her wrist on his 5head in the process and starts screaming like a banshee
>Bouncer isn't even phased and just starts dragging her out
>Throws her onto the street like a dog that just shit on the carpet
>She gets up and tries to kick at him but her heel breaks
MFW the entire time
>What's the alternative?
a taller woman with muscles?
Watch Furioza
and then everybody clapped
now explain why this bothers you without sounding like a full blown faggot
Or at least a trained one
>Its unbelievable that a woman was a cunt in a bar
I understand that you don't go outside but its real out there
I think these kind of movies are dangerous for women. There's going to be a few retards that think they stand a change against a man. It os fun to watch unfold though.
In The Batman Zoe Kravitz gets physically dominated at least twice by men she tried to scrap with. It was satisfyingly realistic. You don't see that much anymore.
Lord I wish women were big enough and strong enough.
T. 6'5 guy with 6 years grapplin experience who fears that no woman will ever make him tap again... I've lost so many girlfriends because I tell them I wont marry a girl who can't submit me
every user itt could rape her 1v1
thats fucking hot
The girlfriends left you, because you're gay. That is an insanely gay and irrational condition for marriage.
because the dumb bitches actually believe this shit
even the fucking >167511930
>"trained ones"
just end up getting raped and killed in a fucking ditch by the average crack dindu
>Had accident while filming, fucked her back.
>Kept working with little to no rest.
Shes way more manly than you will ever be.
I don't know if girls really believe this is possible. But if they do is it the result of weak fathers?
I agree, musclefags seething about small characters taking down ripped apes is just as autistic as martial arts fags seething that their gay kwan do wasn't shown accurately lmao
simps will get the rope, together with the fags
and that isn't based? are you fucking stupid?
Manlets, we won.
>I don't know if girls really believe this is possible
a lot of girls really don't understand that men are just naturally stronger than them after puberty and still think playground rules from being a kid apply. had a girl who we'd mess around and wrestle but i let her do what she wants for fun. then one day i decided to just overpower her and she got pissed off and her brain fried and couldn't comprehend that she was so weak compared to an average dude
stay gay, gaylord, strong chicks are straighter than anti AIDS
do NOT reply to me
Body covered in tattoos, is she yakuza?
>nooo how dare you want a woman to suceed! real men are spiteful and get insecure from any female victory
dangerously based
Doggy a 6'5 woman could not even make you submit and you've probably only seen one of those in your life
The more 'realistic' you make female-on-male fight scenes the more unrealistic they become if the female doesn't look or move like she could beat up a child. Gina Carrano in Haywire having realistic fight scenes was believable because Gina is a legit martial artist and quite large. Women beating up men in classic Hong Kong martial arts action movies was believable because they didn't try to make the fight scenes look realistic. But your typical modern YAS KWEEN SLAY Western action movie doesn't care about any of that since, first and foremost, it's simply about showing women beating up men for political reasons. I haven't seen the movie, but I saw a webm of a fight scene from Gunpower Milkshake that is quite possibly the worst fight scene I've ever seen. The girl was small and beating up multiple men her size in a 'realistic' manner with terrible fight choreography all in one single take. It was truly awful.
Jaime Alexander is 5'9"
Probably bigger than your manlet ass
>larping faggot
True. We need more movies where the girl tries fighting multiple men only to get horribly beat up and savagely gangraped. I'd watch it.
And he could still beat her senseless one-on-one.
Just because you're Stockholm syndromed on your mentally-unstable mom beating the shit out of as a child doesn't mean all of us are.
women are inferior
My friend's gf just bragged about this the other day and I had to try so hard not to laugh.
you say that, but one day you will meet a woman stronger than you
>not 5'4, 110 pound man taking on multiple 6'4 women
hollywood lacks vision
>give her 50% extra leverage
>bring her victory point 25% closer
>zomg she's really strong
I secretly wish for this to be true, but the only women stronger than me are on copious amounts of steroids and hormonally indistinguishable from a Man and even those are rare to come by.
>ywn ever ever find a woman taller than you
i just want to be conforted and have my head patted by a taller /fit/ lady, is that so hard?
>Nobody who is 6 ft 5 exists and could possibly have a fetish for strong women
actually kinda jealous
t. 187cm
This series was pretty comfy honestly
Probably should've ended a few seasons early but the characters were largely likeable so I didn't care
if its a so spy movie, you could give her some gadget like a shocker or something, or just make her use the environment and whack somebody with a pipe, no matter the attacker, if you hit me with a lead pipe, thats bad news
They all need to be like Vasquez from Aliens or hispanic dykes. Much more fitting.
why are women so fucking CUTE when they're mad?
Some girls can fight but it is very rare. I knew one who could throw a solid punch and she was awesome. She was this redneck chick who was hot with big boobs. I saw her fight this other girl and she knocked her the fuck out. Shew threw a 1 2 straight to her chin and the girl folded over and fell face first into the grass. I fell in love right then but she wasn't single.
>5' 150 pound chimpoid man
>Takes on multiple 6'4 men
More of this
Women absolutely believe that they're equal or superior to men. If you're a cute girl, 99% of your interactions with men are them being overly nice to you because they want you to like them.
If everyone kisses your ass all day, you start to internalize that you're just better than them and that attitude will survive until you run into someone who does not give a fuck about your feelings and flattens you.
MFW knowing this will never be done in Cinema history
>Gina Carrano in Haywire
I loved that movie. I also liked how she still took a beating and it wasn't like she just got a flawless victory in each fight.
Any movie with Tom Cruise.
Starting with that same proposal but as the fight goes one she gets done bad, broken bones, etc, but escapes, somehow.
Yeah that shit's great. It's such a simple thing but a victory that is hard for the protagonist feels more meaningful than an easy one. It's one of the reasons why Jackie Chan movies are great and Chuck Norris movies are dogshit.