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How many days until Avatar 2?
looks like shit
I actually loved Avatar, but I feel as though that shit was a one a done type of deal.
I mean, how the fuck are they going to make four more movies of people running around in the fucking jungle.
I feel as though the concept should have gone beyond that, like that tree being part of an ancient alien civilization far more advanced than anything else in the galaxy, and maybe humans stupidly waking them up resulting in an intergalactic war or something more interesting that just more Dances with Wolves with blue people.
You don't know what the sequels will give us. There is no reason to doubt Cameron.
I mean, the name of Avatar itself can lend to a ton more stories
Why ia she green?!
My pops says avatar is propaganda designed to poop on the oil sands because james Cameron didnt like a big sandbox
A reminder that natives are jews, niggers, and spics all wrapped up into one.
Looks like shit, as expected. All blue furryniggers will get the rope just like when I killed Abatap over a decade ago.
>Russian police considered it a suicide
I'm good.
I can't stand CGI. I have zero respect for it. I miss practical effects and hand drawn animation.
I wanted one Avatar sequel to get an original story in the setting, and because of the Cameron sequel magic. Signing the rest of his career away to Avatar was a mistake though. His projects were all pretty unique but now you know what to expect.
I hope we'll get plenty more cute neyney scenes
>different skin tone
>curly hair
>more "wavy" skin stripes
>blue eyes
it's already pretty clear that water na'vi are another race than jungle na'vi, but can we expect them to be different mentally as well, different levels of average intelligence for example?
I hate racist faggots. Please kill yourselves.
i can't believe it had to be uploaded to bitchute, too hot for youtube
>Humans just walking around without respirators
>That one guy casually jumping around with the Na'vi
Isn't a very important plot point that the air on Pandora is absolutely lethal to Earth life? That's the entire reason they even have to create avatars for fuck's sake
Lol this shits gonna flop so hard, no one cares about Avatar anymore. People only liked the original because of the special effects and action sequence, but now we have 100 capeshits every year that top it
>literal frolicking
Cameron is a fucking hack
>Humans just walking around without respirators
Second time I've seen a fag claim that Cameron is stupid for forgetting that Pandora's atmosphere is toxic in these threads. I also wonder where they get that.
Forgot how dumb the Na’vi look in motion
avatar was only interesting for the 3D gimmick
everything else about it was a fucking paint by numbers
no you look dumb in motion
A perfectly fitting name for the material.
They were clearly able to obtain tho.
>what if gollum was a sexy blue cat
what did they mean by this?
>Humans just walking around without respirators
Every human in the trailer had a respirator on if they were in Pandora.
>They were clearly able to obtain tho.
Were they, though? I mean they tried to and the Na'vi sort of handed their ass to them in a skirmish. Humans got sent home without their "obtainable" unobtainium.
Why does she make my cock throb.
That was decades after they already obtained millions of tons and brought them to earth, their spaceships are based on unotainium.
First Avatar was a smash hit because it was a groundbreaking movie from technological standpoint which made normies depressed because Pandora isn't real. Story wise it's just another dances with wolves. But now you have your annual Marvel/DC capeshit with CGI just as good if not better than what's shown here. Unless Cameron invents a way for me to sniff Neytiri's braphog or taste her sweat I don't think this will be anywhere as big as the first Avatar.
Because her skin is green tinted. You're used to blue Na'vi, and so you view them as white. By extention, this makes green Na'vi the equivalent of brown human. And as every fa/tv/irgin knows, thirsting over brown women is always the patrician choice. Through the gulf of interstellar space and distinct evolutionary histories, deep within you is a cluster of neuron that reckognizes a brown woman, and wants to colonize her with your seed.
I for one think it's beautiful
>Unless Cameron invents a way for me to sniff Neytiri's braphog or taste her sweat I don't think this will be anywhere as big as the first Avatar.
This is why it'll inevitably flop.
this looks really, really, fucking dumb.
is the first one worth watching?
>But now you have your annual Marvel/DC capeshit with CGI just as good if not better than what's shown here.
NO way. I think Avatar has a weak story and the MCU is more interesting narratively, but after seeing this trailer, absolutely nothing in the industry looks this good. MCU, DC, Star Wars, NOTHING I've seen looks this damn good.
2 more weeks bro trust me bro
Neytiri is … ?
Will Cameron be able to top the big final battle from the first movie? We know there's gonna be a huge ship that's like a mothership aircraft carrier or something. Will we get giant sea animals attacking the humans? Some alien kraken monster?
What are you hoping we will see with regards to action spectacle?
>trailer leaks
>studio doesn't then release said trailer officially
smell like woke shit
hypnotic golden eyes...
I mean have you seen how Cameron handles sequels? Look at the action from T1 then go to T2. He's known for one-upping the first movie.
You're being short sighted. Doing an Avatar Saga was no mistake.
Here's the timeline you wished for.
1. Makes Avatar 2, is an amazing sequel everyone loves it and it revives cinema
2. Then releases an original movie every 3-10 years until he's too old to direct anymore. So realistically anywhere between 2-6 more films. Probably with the quality declining when he reaches his 70s.
That's not a bad timeline right, you personally may have got to see some Jim originals you liked more than Avatar 2,3 and 5. However, this makes absolutely no sense from Jim's POV.
Something you should understand about Jim are is absolutely love for nature.
So here's the timeline we're living, and we should all be grateful for.
1. Makes Avatar: The Way of Water, it's an amazing sequel and everyone loves it and it revivies cinema
2. Avatar mania starts with the anticipation for Avatar 3
3. Avatar becomes the Star Wars of this generation
4. The Avatar Saga causes people throughout the world to become enviromentalists and fight against the desctruction of the planet
5. Avatar 5 finished, everyone in tears and it creates a fandom for 50 years atleast. Spin-offs etc will come out once Jim is dead.
6. Jim is remembered as the biggest filmmaker of all time. His Legacy solidified.
You shouldn't underestimate the power filmmaking has on influencing people, it's actually the most powerful tool. Avatar will get billions of watches.
Just from the trailer I can tell there’s going to be some snore fest trouble in paradise shit going on between jake sully and blue girl, this movie will only be good if humanity comes back in full revenge mode but it already looks like they’ve got good relations with earth
> but it already looks like they’ve got good relations with earth
did we watch the same trailer?
Quaritch Na'vi is running a miltary base lmao, you're trolling or dumb?
>if humanity comes back in full revenge mode but it already looks like they’ve got good relations with earth
Uh... nowhere in that trailer did earth show up. that was the humans on pandora with military stuff
are we seeing the same movie
Nigga please for the love of god try watching the trailer before poking holes in it. The trailer shows Quarritch and Wainfleet are back and hunting Na'vi, it shows a massive buildup of RDA forces on Pandora, it shows Jake's kid being shot at. And anyone not fully autistic understands that the one line of dialogue in the trailer means that Jake and his family are on the run.
Avatar gave us the most fully realized and immersive alien planet. Pandora just can't, and shouldn't be filmed on an Earth location, like they do with the desert on Arrakis, and a movieset just wouldn't be enough. They literally have thousands of pages about the various plant and animal life, geography and climate of Pandora and how they interact with each other, a complete fictional ecology
Lol already blocked on YT. Its l;egit
Pic related
>3. Avatar becomes the Star Wars of this generation
>5. Avatar 5 finished, everyone in tears and it creates a fandom for 50 years atleast. Spin-offs etc will come out once Jim is dead.
God, I fucking wish.
Avatar was the only film of the past 20 years that actually made me yearn for more, the only thing that really pulled me in thoroughly.
The few other things that aren't utter cancer just don't have the same pull.
I want to be excited for things like the marvelcucks and the star wars sois
Would look better with yellow orange eyes
>Jake's kid being shot at
Idk if I'm blind but in what part of the trailer does that happen?
Fucking agree.
it's cool, there's a scene where the blue people use bows and arrows on against helicopters and mechs
You better believe it brothers.
The first is already the highest grossing film of all time, despite being in an ERA of franchise based filmmaking. It's an anomily because it touches people on a level the rest of blockbusters just can't.
Avatar: The Way of Water will be a better film than Avatar.
1:13, as he's jumping into the water there's some flashing lights behind him (I'm assuming muzzle flashes) and some sparks in front of him, which I'm assuming are bullets hitting the metal walls
Jim will save cinema. Even the normies can tell his stuff is genuine.
I find it incredibly strange that THIS is what James Cameron feels is worth devoting the rest of his life to
no, see
lol there's no way that trailer could have been faked
even with that blurry cam quality I could tell the lighting and shadows could only be done by professionals
Trust the plan.
Cameron will pull some Erdtree Outer Gods eldritch shit