Thinking about going back and watching this since there’s a 3rd one coming out. Are the first 2 any good?
Thinking about going back and watching this since there’s a 3rd one coming out. Are the first 2 any good?
Yes they're both good. I liked the first one more hour GoS is still kino.
Never seen any other Sherlock but 1 is pretty good and probably Ritchies best
Eh...they're not bad. I like the chemistry between the actors, but it starts to treat intelligence like a superpower instead of logical deduction (although nowhere near as bad as the Sherlock TV show). Allow me to re-use another poster's response to the Sherlock TV show.
The only thing I can remember about these movies is the "discombobulate" and the chair camouflage.
I told my sister that I noticed him before the reveal and she didn't believe me.
I guess lookin at Rachel McAdams in period clothing is alright.
Very forgettable. Guess you can do worse.
Better than that cumberbatch show thats for sure. These movies are actaully kino, but fly under most peoples radars
They have a Hans Zimmer Score and excellent filmaking. Please check them out.
there’s a 3rd one coming out ?
these movies are great, the train scene was really cool, IMO
The 1st is 8/10
2nd is 710
Both highly enjoyable and one of Downey's best roles.
Great atmosphere good movies, quite a good time watching it really, what more to ask?
>since there’s a 3rd one coming out.
They're definitely worth a watch. For an American production, it ain't half bad. Obviously, for 3 there will be a sassy black woman actually solving everything while Holmes blunders around, so do yourself a favour and enjoy them while you can.
both are 10/10 and WB are fucking idiots for not making a third one.
The Hollywood blockbusters were more in the spirit of Sherlock Holmes than that awful piece of shit BBC show. Not even in the same league as each other. The movies are the gold standard of Hollywood blockbusters, exxellent films.
they're actually really fun
Blame RDJ not WB. He got sucked into doing capeshit for obscene amounts of money and basically forgot he isn't actually Tony Stark.
Really enjoy the first film. Great sound track, good settings, and I liked Mark Strong as the villain. Also the name of the main theme is literally, "Discombobulate".
>no one says otherwise
lmao fuck this shit thread
I remember liking them just fine at the time, but to lesser extent Game of Shadows for some reason. I think it might have been RDJ fatigue because he was at the peak of his comeback with Iron Man at the time of release of Game of Shadows, and I rewatched it and I found it absolutely delightful, Jared Harris kills it, it's a little bit sad that his performance was somewhat overshadowed by that faggy BBC's Sherlock Gay Moriarty. It rarely happens when you rewatch the movie and you realize it's better than you remember it being.
Best Moriarty. Also he did nothing wrong
They're pretty homosexual. So yes.
Why are you gay
neither did you though
> since there’s a 3rd one coming out
We don't actually know. It seems to be in development hell and they said that they are going to do spin-off series with HBO (perhaps instead of a sequel).
> Are the first 2 any good?
Yes. Great adventure kino. Great atmosphere, music, acting, action. They only needed more proper mystery solving.
They're kino. I recently rewatched the first one and never noticed the "order out of chaos" foreshadowing.
They're kino but Guy Ritchie isn't returning for the 3rd one so I'll probably skip it.
the first two are a lot of fun as far as movies go. theyre not super complex or really mysteries like the novels are. that being said even though they arent mega accurate to the books i prefer to imagine robert downey jr and jude law as holmes and watson in my head when i read them. the movies are pretty sweet honestly.
Well the villain was literally a Freemason member
the first one is pretty good, full of book quotes and references. the second is an utter clusterfuck.
That's my point, the line happened before that was revealed.
They're fine
I think the second one overdid it a bit with some gags and attempt at humor, I like the first one a lot more
Third one won't be directed by kino director Guy Ritchie so I wouldn't be too optimistic. The two films are good though.
That's not Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels.
Movie Holmes is nowhere NEAR Shercuck in this regard.
My favourite part of RDJ's character is his first deduction where he notes that a night watchman is probably a drinker and has a bum knee - therefore hit him in the fucking liver and dislocate his knee lol
I remember seeing the trailer for the first one when I was like 14 and thinking it wasn't Sherlock Holmes at all just a dumb action movie. Then I watched it and it became one of my favorites of all time. Great flavor great plot, the sexond one is also great. Cool sort of steampunkish vibe to it. Great cinematography or whatever you call it. Lots of creative shots.
Seen the first and its pretty fun
dont know about the second tho
very fun movies
I'm surprised to see so many people here saying good things about these movies
This doesn't feel like Yea Forums
These movies don't get threads very often but whenever it happens people usually talk fondly of them.
A bit too action-focused (though action is great) and it misses out on the oppressive gothic atmosphere of London but other than that it's just as good and has a better climax than the first (I always felt that the first film's finale was a bit tiring).
Moriarty is fantastic.
As a Sherlock Holmes film, no, they're shit.
But if you want to watch RDJ larp as an englishman with a terrible accent in a horrendously shot film full of dumb anachronisms riddled with every action film cinematography failing of the past decade, yeah ok then you'll have a good time.
In my opinion the second does everything the first did just as well and often even better. The black magic mason plot was a weird choice to start with. Also, the final fight with Moriarty is pure kino.
Game of Shadows finality was fantastic when you realize that Sherlock settled for a draw when neither of them took into account Watson who could've secured him a win. He was so preoccupied with saving Watson that he never factored in being saved by him.
They manage to do right what the Now you see me films did horribly wrong. Rdj and Jude are an entertaining combo to watch too and the films aren't stuffed with shitskins, so that helps.
Absolutely love this scene on every level.
>”You’re not fighting me…so much as you’re fighting the human condition.”
Kino. I’m so happy Jared Harris got the recognition he deserves as an actor, he’s earned it
>there’s a 3rd one coming out
the fuck? when did this happen
They talked about it years ago and Dexter Fletcher was set to direct but it seems to have got stuck in a development hell.
Recently they talked about doing some HBO spin-off series, too.
I liked it
Comfy Victorian era atmosphere and well casted
tony stark in london
Half the people in the 3rd movie will be black.
which one from the old sherlocks (from like 1940-1970) are worth watching
I would like to mention that not all TV adaptations do this. Elementary is pure Sherlock Kino.
>They're kino but Guy Ritchie isn't returning for the 3rd one so I'll probably skip it.
If he is replaced by Edgar Wright, I’d be down for it.
I went on a Guy Ritchie spree one weekend. It was a great weekend.
Jeremy Brett films from the 80's are the best
>Elementary is pure Sherlock Kino.
I'm on season 2 of this watching with my Father it's amazing
This is my favourite trilogy.
It's been 10 years though and I'm still fucking angry. Can they make the next one already.