What the fuck was his problem?

what the fuck was his problem?

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Did Majin Buu's cousin Harold find this man?

He was a smeghead duh

mommy AND daddy issues, also entitlement and narcissism

he was a pedo for holographic children

Pretty much this. Dude had some serious delusions of grandeur, was socially incompetent, and his parents treated him terribly.

loud = funny

why did he constantly call the lazy black man a goy


I like Lister, despite his skin color. Sometimes I see some elements of Rimmer in myself, though. It's like there two parts of my consciousness - my wild, irresponsible side who just wants to party and get laid, and is a complete failure in life is Lister: my uptight, by the book, no nonsense demeanor and complete failures as a human are Rimmer.

He was too based

Canonically his parents hated each other and his mother had affairs with many men including the retarded gardener, who is Rimmer's real father. They hid the truth to spare his feelings, but this only made it worse. He had to watch his brothers succeed with little effort, while he struggled with the simplest aspects of life. He tries to find a little dignity in following every petty rule and regulation, but it just makes everyone hate him.
He would actually be better off having one colossal failure to break him. This is exactly what happened in an alternate universe where he was forced to resit a year of school. He gave up on his rulecuck persona and just put maximum effort into everything he did. He became a test pilot and flew experimental craft for the Space Corps, earning the nickname Ace.
Ace Rimmer not only becomes the exact opposite of smeghead Rimmer, but learns to train Rimmers from other universes to become Ace. A lineage of billions of Aces is thus formed, performing heroic acts across many parallel universes.

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What about this one?

I don't remember him ever saying that. Are you sure it wasn't gimboid or something?

His wiener is a hologram.

he can still play with it and it's indestrucable

Holograms can't masterbate

he hasn't gotten to the really interesting bit yet

Good post

he's the best character along with kryten

What a guy!

you mean goit as in goiter


>americans try to join in on the banter

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Zoomers will never know the sheer brilliance that is Arnold J. Rimmer, BSC, SSC


Who would win?

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Ace every time. I can't think of a single character ever written who wouldn't fear and admire Ace.

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I wanted to hate Ace, but I just couldn't. He was just so fucking great.

Didn't he cheat to get his Silver Swimming Certificate?

Post like this happen when you let a burger out of its box.

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We can't just have a thread enjoying Red dwarf? You have to seethe here too??

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Arnold later admitted he can't swim, so yeah

ahhh, that was it. Fucking Rimmer. I wonder if it burns the actor up that he has to play Rimmer all the time when he knows there's Ace inside himself

the despair squid was never surpassed. one of the best episodes of any television show

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I think he got to go all out in the Ace scenes, after an overdose of being Arnold all the time must've felt damned good.



Stoke Me A Clipper is unironically one of the best episodes of sci-fi ever written. I shed a single tear every time when Lister salutes the coffin at the end.


>tfw you identify with rimmer more than any other character
it's over

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You don't identify with Lister? You post here bro, you can't be that separated from him

Lister would live on /o/, Yea Forums and Yea Forums.

I can just picture him, shitposting from his bunk all day, ignoring the schedule Rimmer made for him with no effort at all.
Comfy life bruv

Lister had friends and a social life

For me it's this part

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>ctrl-f- Gazpachio
>zero results


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Season 6 was great.

and Yea Forums

Spend time in the service you'll find it's full of people like Rimmer. Imbeciles who try to be "by the book" but fail, but also sometimes have just enough of a modicum of power to be a PITA.

I'm glad Rimmer eventually got a good ending.

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Absolutely nothing.

What a guy!

This poster is correct.

>rare Red Dwarf thread
>it is already dead
Why must this always happen to me. Same with Farscape and Rome threads.

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listers skin colour is good worldbuilding
he's the mudblood mix of everything that america is turning into

America made from Listers wouldn't be so bad tbqh.

The Red Dwarf was the best constructed ship in all of sci-fi

If you're in trouble he will save the day
He's brave and he's fearless come what may
Without him the mission would go astray

He's Arnold, Arnold, Arnold Rimmer
Without him life would be much grimmer
He's handsome, trim, and no-one slimmer
He will never need a zimmer

He's Arnold, Arnold, Arnold Rimmer
More reliable than a garden strimmer
He's never been mistaken for Yul Brynner
He's not bald, and his head doesn't glimmer

Master of the wit and the repartee
His command of space directives is uncanny
How come he's such a genius?
Don't ask me!

Ask Arnold, Arnold, Arnold Rimmer
He's also a fantastic swimmer
And if you play your cards right
Then he just might come round for dinner

He's Arnold, Arnold, Arnold Rimmer

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what a guy

>Will someone punch im out?

but what of good sidonius?

Yea Forumstards would chase him away and call everything he likes "dadrock".