Salt mines open boys
Salt mines open boys
looks fake chud
No you dumbass, I'm against denying women the right to bodily autonomy over a clump of fucking cells
not any faker than your neovag, nigtard.
too based for elon
tesla would get cancelled
You're a clump of cells.
Do we get to abort you?
advocating murder for pussy, what a simp, hopefully she reads this bro
The 90s was truly the peak of mankind. You can't convince me that there's hope when people say shit like this - fake or not.
Fake as fuck. Kill yourself, OP.
nooooo i'm not a church mouse uwu
this one's real
america peaked with the moon landing
Yes please
>simping for the pussy's spawn
lmao hope your tradwife reads this bro
yea it had a good run, i think they could benefit from an isolationist period right now
No I'm not. I'm a complex organism with sentience. A fetus is literally mindless for the first 5 months.
I hope so too man!
Women destroy everything they touch. They literally have brain chemistry that makes them emotional and bitches. My girlfriend cried once when she was jerking off with me over the phone because she remembered some character in an anime she was watching died. They are retarded.
Just like liberals in their 20s
Woah what happened to BLM?
It gains consciousness like a man in a coma wakes up. Killing a man who's in a coma who will wake up is killing.
Idk that sounds baesd. If i thought about ffx really hard i could probably cry right now.
Tariq taking the gloves off
Holy fucking shit Tariq is becoming even more based everyday
>sandnigger name
>American flag emoji
Fucking pottery. What a joke of a fractured nation.
>From the democrats who brought you Hussain Obama...
It's not your body though, is it chudette? It's a body inside your body. If you don't want kids, don't have sex lmao.
Based pro-lifer.
i smel wetl Bussy
>I'm a complex organism with sentience.
You will never abort.
why its so hard to just close legs?
I'm pro baby killing but anti womens rights what do?
They never mattered.
>pathetic incels on Yea Forums hate minorities
>wants to get rid of the procedure mostly used by them and keeps their numbers lower
uh huh
I didn't even like Elon. But I've never seen such an effective salt miner since trump
Based Black /pol/
Based /ourguy/
You don't understand, they NEED to get cummed inside on a daily basis.
>roastie whores seething
I couldn't give a fuck less about the morality of abortion but watching roastoids seethe themselves to death is such a treat. I work with a tatted whore who's had 3 abortions and she is fucking SEETHING. Loving Every Laugh
>wants to get rid of the procedure mostly used by them and keeps their numbers lower
that was debunked the last time this issue was forced to cover up the real problems with america
Liberals just love to hate on self made African Americans
you seem happy and well adjusted and not deranged at all
charging the use is contrary to free speech
I love how this narrative always drops when the abortion is involuntary.
John Legend's wife had a spontaneous abortion and yet was all sad about it, roasties where posting their message of support
Why did no one told her it's just a clump of cells?
>Most black murders are perpetrated by blacks
>a linear increase in the number of total blacks increases black-on-black murder rates exponentially
They gun themselves down faster than they can pump more of themselves out
its the same feeling you got when they fired unvaccinated people. remember that sweet feeling?
>bodily autonomy
They have the autonomy to close their legs
uhhhh bros...
any way you slice it it's negative for whites. it means more libtard babies, more nonwhites, bad eugenically, and as an extension european infanticide historically was common and eugenic
Private company, chud
>I'm a complex organism with sentience
She's not gonna fuck you, dude.
>self made African Americans
Another salt mine
Ive seen fags seething when you call elon that because "it belongs to black americans"
If they'd just quarantine themselves from sperm, then wouldn't have to get the abortion. Trust the science.
you will never kill a lib'ral
Being well-adjusted to a sick society full of chimp-brained automatons is nothing to be proud of.
nobody gives a shit about bacteria on mars except scientists who research this stuff though?
And if they're raped?
no, but you're describing schadenfreude, which enforces my initial impression
oh so you knew it was mostly white women getting abortions now, but still tried to play that it was shitskins that are the majority doing it
i'll be reporting your disinfo to uncle joes ministry of truth :)
close off their womb then
Then I guess they arent really autonomous
This is the most anthropocentric post I've seen today. An idiotic human lacking perspective like you deserves to be in an earthquake.
But it's still considered "life"
Single cell organisms are considered life
dont worry she will abort your child but give birth to tyrones
It's only my body my choice when it's broads and babies right? When people didn't want to take an experimental mRNA vaxx and used the same argument they were traitorous child's, why is the same argument okay now?
I'm not the same person. a higher rate on the face suggests increasing population in any case. obviously the largest population will have the largest amount
>zestiness detected
Nobody (except me) gets pussy in this thread, huh?
not sentient life. do you feel bad about killing a mosquito or an ant? what about the bacteria that are killed by you using soap? do you care about them?
>wah wah you need to treat this incredibly dishonest discussion with nuance and fairness
No I don't, we're gonna ban abortion so the holes better watch their drinks and conceal carry.
But it will grow into a complex human. How can you just ignore that and say it's okay to kill it? That's evil.
You retards think this is funny, but if it weren't for abortion, I'd have 3 biracial children right now. 90% of abortions are black, biracial or hispanic. You are fucking idiots... for real.
unlike a woman who's had 3 abortions?
You're just a golem invented by my consciousness. Only I am sentient
>be american
>need to follow jew book so bad that you support rape of your women
But wasn't Twitter already charging for some privileges or something like that?
negro population is going to explode. why cant people see roe v wade repeal is a huge mistake?
DUDE abortion is bad we neeeeeeeed more fatherless black people
I'm not sorry hole, your cock carousel days are gonna be a thing of the past. We will force you to act right.
Not my problem. Just stop nutting in bitches ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>do you feel bad about killing a mosquito or an ant? what about the bacteria that are killed by you using soap? do you care about them?
In the past you would have died in winter because you lack planning skills.
>religion out of nowhere
Do fedora retards really?
what we need is to make it illegal to abort white babies, and special permission to not abort a black baby
yeah government agencies and corporations aren't people despite what the law says so dont simp for them
pop-science publications and their readers sure do. i wonder how many of those are pro-abortion
Tariq is based and nobody can change my mind.