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>batman was unironically ready to turn himself in just because joker asked him to
dumb ass overrated movie
Actually dead cops is a good thing. It's 2022, time to evolve.
People were dying
No, more dead cops
this pretty much. it seems these days regardless of politics most people hate cops. even if you're a 100% law abiding citizen you might have some kind of distaste towards them. if people were given a choice between no garbage men and no police 99% of people would choose no police.
Big scary black man verse ffiscally responsible white man... In the end neither could kill, proving the joker wrong that things are bad.
cops would be ok if they only policed non whites
im a cop and i want to kms
No, more dead cops!
joker kino
The cops are like societies immune system. They work 24hrs a day to keep you alive and you dont even realize it. But if theyre gone your fucked. I hope you get to live somewhere with no police and courts. Even corrupt police are better than none. Brown people will murder you within 72hrs dumbfuck zoomer.
Aw you're adorable
This. My dad is a cop and he struggles everyday trying to keep order on the streets and making sure no law-abiding citizen will be harmed. But you have these leftist woke freaks who don't like this, they want to tear our entire society down because of a myth; "institutional racism". And their top BLM allies are willing to cash in on the chaos they sow. So they riot just like they did in the summer of 2020.
Blue Lives Matter
That's what people DO
It is a sad realization that many of you police lovers have to understand is that when the day comes that the Leftwing Culturally Marxist white-hating pedo jewish communist NWO goes mask off, that it will be your near and dear policemen sending you to the gulags
Am I saying fuck da police, no
I am only making you aware of what will transpire
And also the Left's Defuns the Police stunt is just a cover for their true goal which is to have the police be federalized under Democrat/ Leftwing control, thus creating the aforementioned trannie BLM woke Red Guard
Reminder that these dumb fucks got away with it completely. Paid leave and no time in prison.
surely appeasing the insane mass murderer will improve things
2 points
First, that "old man" was a professional activist and that was a BLM protest and I will remind you that BLM is just another Marxist trojan horse that Globohomo is using to attack white people/ society. So fuck him
Secondly, the video clearly states New York thus those policemen are likely under the control of Democrats
So if anything that video is just two different flavors of Marxists having a spat. Fuck the old man and the (((police)))
I wish I lived in your reality
woah woah woah
can it with that fascism, buddy
Its ok he's white.
>some old blm protestor
kek. faggot got what he deserved.
Are you going to just pretend like the Democrats aren't sympathetic to Marxism or Leftism or are Liberals achuawy rightwing to you
Do you have any idea how many communist terrorists from the 60s-70s were pardoned by Democrats and went on to become academics in colleges and even "activists"
>Are you going to just pretend like the Democrats aren't sympathetic to Marxism or Leftism
I'm not going to pretend that user, I'm going to outright state it. What fucking marxist policy have the dems supported, exactly?
why is old man in quotes? does any of that somehow make him not an old man? lmao
Leftwing idealogy is the ultimate Jewish ideology because it aims to create a raceless, genderless, stateless, multiracial, globalized world
All Leftwing idealogy has its roots in Marxism, and jews want to ethnocide whites so they can create a race of mulatto serf-comrades
Of coarse closed borders for Israel though
Its CULTURAL Marxism, slightly different than Marxist economics
¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡LEGALIZEN EL PETE SEGURO!!!!!!!!!!
Ah, the antisemitic conspiracy theory. Thanks for clarifying.
Send more paramedics
Bootlickers will justify anything.
>Democrats aren't sympathetic to Marxism or Leftism
Yes. Democratic presidents were about to start WW3 with the Soviets while Republicans Nixon kowtowed to China
>But muh Party Shift
You fell for the propaganda
Your father is a faggot and I hope he dies painfully.
The jewish/Marxist subversion of the West was much more complicated and a much more long and storied history than just Red Guy and Blue Guy
Reminder that the Left, Democrats, MSM, and all the other talking heads are getting ready to riot because they can't murder babies anymore
But remind me again how I the lowly fascist truthspiracy theorist is the crazy one
Kill yourself
i pray every morning that all police are disbanded and withdrawn from all the blue cities ASAP.
It was worth a shot
You're right the Democrats pardoned communist terrorists by no coincidence at all
And then those communist terrorists just so happened to become academics in colleges where they would end up slowly indoctrinating students
Its was just a big chud misunderstanding right
Your father is a piece of shit.
Actually overturning roe v wade would not outlaw abortion. the "democrats" are angry because the people will get to vote in each area weather they want abortion or not. Never forget they are angry over the people getting a voice.
please pay off your student loans before you hang yourself.
I personally can not wait for these Moloch Abortion Riots to kick off so I can document them and add them to my redpill folder like I did with the BLM riots and covid psyop
Then I can redpill even more anons than I already have
Its a win win for me
Don't even bother man, this thread seems to be a leftypol raid
Thankfully I will always be here to tell them to dilate
Whites don’t need cops. Only detectives
but is yor gon
It made perfect sense. It was a question of morals and Batman is a hero who should be willing to sacrifice himself for civilians.
Cops are just doing their job, they aren't bastards. However, without cops there would be no jails for all the scum and refuse to hide in and they'd be less to stop us from changing society - destroying the companies, separating our ethnicities.
It is because of the police that America isn't white.
>when the day comes
Yeah that would be totally crazy ha ha thank god it's in the future, right guys
made perfect sense my ass
what stopped literally any other criminal from doing the same shit Joker did?
>inb4 because he couldn't find Joker
because he didn't even try
literally just asked Maroni about Joker's whereabouts and gave up after he didn't tell him shit lmao
world's greatest detective btw