What did Yea Forums think of the ending?
Ozark series finale
It's a hard series to end but I thought it was just an okay ending. Underwhelming and thought some of the character decisions were weird, but underwhelming and not all resolved is pretty fitting for this series.
I get that the private detective had an ego so wished to declare victory, but how could he seriously not expect the Byrde family to try and stop him by any means necessary? Or even call a cartel hitman on him?
If the private detective had a gun out that would have made it better since it would show he took some precautions.
I really liked how they killed Ruth writing wise. Showed Marty putting his family above others, probably because the car crash made him realize he could only protect so many. He tried to save her but knew once she killed Javi that it was likely over for her.
The show had really developed characters for sure. Great family dynamics, in that way it did better than breaking bad since Walt Jr. was a very boring character.
It was fine but I love how much it made r*ddit seethe
Yeah for sure, they were upset it didn't get a happy fairy tale ending.
I don't know, I didn't watch the show.
>duh ending
I had heard people were unhappy with the final episode and I thought that it was going to be all of them dying in the car accident what had everyone upset. But then it turns out they all came out unscathed from what was a brutal rollover and that really was a bit much for my suspension of disbelief.
Turns put Ruth dying and Jonah going full-in on the family's dirty business is what actually has people upset seems natural and acceptable in comparison.
Am I alone on this was no one bothered by this?
Depends on what you mean. Season 4 in toto was a bit underwhelming and tedious. The final scene/general conclusion wasn't revelatory or anything but it didn't shit the bed either. I thought it was fine. The show arguably deserved better.
I liked the scene with the traffic jam
nah you got it right in one. It's not like Ruth didn't act like ruth to the bitter end and it's not like we haven't seen Jonah groomed to be a gangster (by an actual old school gangster) since season 1. Ozark ended with the "you can't beat city hall" version of corruption and it's very in line with the rest of the series and ultimately what the show was always trying to say.
Breaking Bad ending = reddit
Ozark ending = Yea Forums
kind of a lazy ending but it could have been worse
the whole season was full of boring plotlines, no stakes and out of character behavior.
I get
> le evil people win
but shit still sucked
I thought nothing.
I just kind of went, ok, that's an ending.
No emotion at all.
Didn't like Ruth being killed.
It's not unrealistic. Unlikely, sure, but bad looking car crashes happen all the time where the family is unhurt. That's why cars are made to crumple. Was important since it made Marty feel how important his family is to him and that danger may come at any point so have to put them first, as shown when he didn't risk his family to save Ruth as he has done before when she killed Javi.
This. Also Jonah was mutilating dead animals and always wanted to impress his father so made sense to continue Tons of foreshadowing about Jonah becoming like Marty. Also Jonah was even going to kill whoever killed Ben before so not like he wasn't willing before. Definitely internalized as Marty has that family comes first.
Same, fun scene and helped show how different Marty has become.
user and they made it a point in season one like episode one to highlight the van safety features “highest rated” when he was working out a payment deal with Del.
I enjoyed it. Didn't like Ruth being killed, but I loved the "redpill" ending, as in, bad people who fuck everyone over actually get into politics, get rich and that's how the "rich families" are made.
If you actually watch the Behind-The-Scenes of Season 4 you'll see that the writers and director are very critical of THAT type of capitalism, the one where poor people who try to get out of their shit situation get fucked and the one where rich people with connections get away with crimes.
Just watch the behind the scenes, it'll all make sense.
Ya it makes sense but doesn’t mean it was good
they kept showing her butt and hips i liked it a lot
there's always money in the banana stand
Hilarious they covered up this jews past
the car accident had no significance either, it was like the plane crash in BrBa but actually meant nothing
If I were at all nervous about being murdered by the cartel and saw the cartels car of choice parked at my trailer with its lights on I would probably leave the area rather than get out and walk up completely unarmed.
A better ending would be ruth killing the cartel boss and they Byrds having the same ending but mistakenly believing that everything's all sorted out and taken care of.
Absolute shite.
That show gave me so much stress
I was hoping everyone would get their comeuppance but sadly only Ruth.
I could LITERALLY eat her feet raw with a bit of salt, a bit of paprika then shoot myself in the head and I'd be happy with my life.
Damn, I want to fuck her so hard
now that I look at it this was the opposite ending to Breaking Bad. which is great cause that show was ass.
Redditors loved it fucktard.
Only thing I didn't like was Jonah becoming one of them. I thought he was better than that. Only way the "corrupt guys become democratic politicians pretending they're the good guys" ending could have been better was if Marty got a blowjob from a fat chick.
SPOILERS AHEAD, I don't know how to black out text. Anyways it was shit. Ruth dying while not a single member of the Byrd family was shit.
>inb4 le powerful people always win user
fuck off I want to be entertained, enough with the cynicism.
What they should've done was had Marty take initiative without his bitch wife's approval for once and tell Navarro that his sister tried to kill him. Navarro would have killed her, leaving no need to kill Ruth as he did her dirty work killing Javi. He gets extradited back to Mexico, with the Byrde's still in his pocket like what always would have been realistically. Meanwhile the detective uncovers what happened to the brother, delivers that shit to the FBI woman, she now has dirt on the Byrde family, fucks them over one last time and simultaneously exposes Navarro. The family is freaking out over this and is distracted from the laundering scheme. Meanwhile Ruth cleans her record and never lets the family launder through the casino after getting the rights to it. Double the pressure, Navarro gets pissed, says fuck it and puts the hit out on the family. The kids fuck off and go with Ruth and 3 because they're tired of their parent's shit. They hit the road, who knows what happens and if the cartel is chasing them. Now at this point SHITS CRAZY, fucking gunshots and explosions everywhere, fucking cemetery scene shootout at Buddy's mausoleum. Fucking Marty starts crying like the bitch that he is, Wendy telling him to shut the fuck up while they got duffle bags of cash. Walk out do the dinosaur, you get the point, this show could've ended way better but the writers went with the le politicians always win route.
>if Ruth's death bothered you
Just know it's Marty's fault for being a cuck. Fuck Wendy
I found it a bit out of place that she came face to face with the woman who killed her son and she just kills her with a single gun shot, I would expect a future boss of the cartel to torture her first.
>Showed Marty putting his family above others, probably because the car crash made him realize he could only protect so many. He tried to save her but knew once she killed Javi that it was likely over for her.
it was their one failure, they couldn't control everything
how the FUCK is she so cute goddamn
This. At the very least she would have slit her throat.
But honestly once she killed Javi, I knew she wasn't going to make it. But I always thought it would be Wendy to sell her out. Also Wendy trying to think of a way to save Ruth was so out of character for her. Marty would be the one trying to think of something and Wendy would tell him it's too late.
I hate myself for falling for watching this shit. Every time I tell myself I'm done, I'm never watching some pozzed western bullshit tv again. But then I get hooked with an actor I like or an interesting setting and think maybe this time it will be different. This show dirtied my soul, I feel like a worse person having wasted my time on it. Never thought I would see a more hateable mother thank Skyler but somehow Wendy topped it by a mile. Every second with her on screen I was just hoping she would get shot in the face or better have her face ripped off. I can't believe that smug psycho got to live while ruth dies in the dirt. Just an absolute joke of a show. Congrats netflix, you fooled me more than twice at this point, shame on me.
you're a fucking retard letting a show affect your emotions like this. go see a fucking shrink.
God when they finally showed the end of the car crash I was hoping Wendy would be dead in that wreck
Sorry wendy your acting sucked and you are the poster for the resting bitch face. Your eggs are dead the world has no use for you anymore. You aren't saving anything your existence makes the world a worse place you two faced hypocrite bitch. Your dad was right he should have put you down old testament style when you were a teen.
Why the fuck did they tease it. Would have been a perfect end for her
Not him but what's her name is a great actress for making me hate a character that much. They had to have been making her play a shitty person on purpose. Idk who would be rooting for her to win.
There were so many scenes like that with people acting completely out of character and retarded just to move the plot along. There is no fucking way the ruth who had made it up to that point would just walk out unarmed in the dark of night when she knows the cartel is around and already had one guy after them and she just turns her brain off because the script needs her to die. Absolute fucking joke of an ending for the best character in the show. Fuck these writers and fuck this show and fuck netflix.
Honestly it would have been better to have them take Ruth away in the Casino just like they did Marty, and we don't see what happens. Would have been more realistic
Doesn’t even look like her
I haven't finished it yet but Ruth is the most monotonous character in the show.
>Why did yoo chouse you famly owa mey, Mawty?
underwhelming but I teared up a bit when Ruth woke up and there were Cade, Russ, Wyatt and others
and I'm kinda happy that Wyrdes managed to keep their shit together and unite again as a family
>Israeli rightfully playing a piece of white trash
>No proper white watche this cancer
Sneed /thread
Pretty bad
Mel and Ruth both went full retard at the end just to quickly sweep things up. The slow motion for the Ruth scene was exceptionally stupid looking
Getting a preview of the car scene completely undercut what was going on with the kids and their grandfather for absolutely no reason. We absolutely did not need to have it previewed to us at the beginning of the season
I don't mind the Byrdes winning in the end, but I really feel like they missed a massive opportunity for Wendy vs Marty
I thought it was great.
felt like there should have been another season
I didn't mind it. I was pissed that they didn't die and that nothing got resolved but the ending makes sense for what they're trying to say.
It definitely doesn't feel like a "finale". It feels like they could make another season if they wanted.
But honestly, an okay ending is all a popular TV Show can hope for. So many have dogshit endings and ending a multi-year show in a satisfying way is like finding a needle in a haystack.
I had no idea it was the series ending until today
They didn’t have to do the Tarantino thing at the end but the ending was pretty much the most realistic thing about this show.
The bastards win, and the poor get fucked.
Justice is deferred to some theological dimension, a la the priest guy.
>nothing got resolved
literally everything got resolved.
it was an open ending, so it can keep giong in your head, if you wish for it
I think the only resolve people will be happy with, is if it's absolute, like the whole shitbird family dying
what did the season finale really do?
I think ruth dying was the only thing that made it FINAL (in a shitty way), if something so significant hadn't happened they could've kept the show going for another couple of years
they still could, but then ruth dying would be kind of pointless and lame
>what did the season finale really do?
omar dead, camilla established as the leader of the cartel, fbi deal, wendy getting her political power. Everything that was setup got conclusion.
I see your point, at this point the show would just get ridiculous if it kept going
though I feel that it already got too ridiculous with wendy and marty from s3 onwards, especially season 4
one running the US the other running the cartel
it's an ok conclusion, I'm not really dissatisfied with that, just the whole plot in itself didn't feel very entertaining