Star Wars

>Star Wars
Killed twice over.
>Star Trek
Skull-fucked and pissed on

It's just a matter of time, isn't it?

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i'm traveling to a stargate that's buried.

So long world.

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they already tried with orgins and it was so bad no one acknowledged it

Silly user, obstructed gates don't dial.

I distinctly remember an episode where they travel through the gate and fall right into the hole it makes (it was laying entrance down).

As long as the ring itself is clear, the whoosh disintegrates everything else.

Good to know.

I'll travel to a stargate deep underwater.

So long world.

All of these revisionists unwilling to admit Universe killed stargate over a decade ago. It was shit, grimdark soap opera shit and no amount of Lt. Hooters made up for it.

Stargate was dead before then. The budget had gotten out of control, millions per episode. SG-1 was ending. Atlantis wasn't getting the numbers anymore.

Universe was more an attempt to salvage things by sexing it up and making it like BSG.

*smiles weirdly at you*

>Universe was more an attempt to salvage things by sexing it up
Too bad they were on a network that wouldn't let them get Sgt. Hooters naked


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>The Goold would be considered “trans” by today’s standards
>they are the show’s main villains aside from the replicators
Really makes you think?

Stargate was a military science fiction show packed full of action. They did this for ten years with over twenty episodes per season. And it was beautiful.

Hollywood Halo has ten times the budget, but only has an action scene every four episodes. The rest is soap opera bullshit. What went wrong?

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Holy fuck i completely forgot about that show

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>Skull-fucked and pissed on
Any movies for this?

Universe started to find itself and fix most of the problems but it was too late because of shit like MGM's financial problems. Even if it had always been more like season 2 people forget the MGM factor and it could have had to be canceled anyway.

We are doomed bros.

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Yep, it will be his next movie after moonfall.

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Stargate is military propaganda that was made during the 90s, when the US went balls out to fuck over the Middle East for their resources. It was shit then, it's shit now, and whatever they do won't make it any more shit than it already is.

It's not all bad, however, I do not have faith in Roland Emmerich these days...

Stargate never quite had the impact comparable to those two
it's possible as they scrap the barrel of franchises it'll get picked up by someone but it's not the same

that is said in pretty much every stargate thread, while also acknowledging Julia massive tits

Amazon bought MGM you know

if it's about the military seizing the mandate of heaven that could be kino, but it won't be, it'll be some gay shit

Stargate Universe did a lot of the same shit that Wars and Trek did later
>Muh gay character!
>Muh black guy!
>Muh Star Trek Voyager ripoff!

so what, they'll just sit on it

yeah but there's been talks about several scifi shows from that era being remade/continued and none has happened so far
I am aware they bought it and Amazon would be the one to do it but there's not been a viable model shown yet

Stargate Universe already shit the bed because a couple of annoying recurring characters the show writers refused to kill off.

Stargate kind of made a similar mistake as Mass Effect by killing off all of the most iconic villains and radically changing the status quo of the setting so much that nothing about it is recognizable.

Based on his last few attempts at writing and directing.. It is most likely going to be terrible, unless he actually cares.


Stargate as a series never handled the villains very well, just clearly was never any long term thoughts given to the setting

Maybe moonfall was so terrible because he was dedicating his time to the stargate script. I doubt it though..

i actually enjoyed the status quo changing with the technology they had access to.
god knows there are too many shows that just shelve and forget stuff that appeared in the show to keep the setting from deviating too much from the original draft

Earth's tech advanced too rapidly and they could have paced the Goa'uld better

The Goa'uld simply became lame.

sure, but to be fair, they never knew clearly for how long the show would go on.

I've always been curious how kino the HBO version of stargate would be. From the pilot all indications it would have been pretty fucking kino.

moonfall was terrible because it was funded partly by chinese funny money. they were writing a blank check and the cast and film crew all cashed in instead of putting it into the movie itself. I 100% support this


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what're you referring to?

Great , in your face blm Jaffa
Lgbtqi tokra
Lt Haileys story is now that if a trans character .
A shit ton of we wuz mythology .

Showtime made the first 5 seasons of Stargate, the pilot had nudity in it but they tamed it down after

>It's just a matter of time, isn't it?
You're joking right? Stargate was the first to get shat up, with Universe.

Wasn't that the episode where Teal'c is trying to dig his way out through the ground while O'Neill is living a cushy life with his possibly pregnant love interest and her son?

yes but showtime is showtime
what're you referring to with HBO, was their ever a pitch to buy it or for them to have produced the original pilot?

>Muh deep dark brooding storylines and "multi-layered" characters that are paper thin
Yeah. Universe was a shitshow.

I'm a different user, I was correcting the other guys mistake.

SG1 had great writers and the US military on their side, Halo is written by trannies that didn't even play the games.

I mixed up showtime and hbo. I knew it was one of the two.

>when the US went balls out to fuck over the Middle East for their resources.
normalfag cattle take
it isn't 2004 anymore, it's not okay to be this retarded still

If they reveal the stargate to the world, they are retarded, that’s all I have to say. Add trans Jaffa all you want or whatever but don’t fuck up the premise.

Yeah, S03E17. I like how they reference it a few episodes later when Jack "quits" the SGC.

they parked Atlantis in the San Francisco bay. they're gonna have some 'splainin to do.

What was this from? I only watched SG1 and Atlantis.

unless you are a comics shitter you can only milk villains for so long

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