>is that... EXACTLY FOUR PEOPLE?!?!
>a-a-a-and they're fantastic?!??
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I don't care as long as Bible-man is in.
ass Mr Fantastic
Does ANYONE care about fantastic 4?
How many times are they going to try this shit?
>No Tom Cruise
>No Deadpool
>No Wolverine
>No Toby
>No cool weird creative other universes
>No interesting alternate universe forms
Are they really going to pretend to be satisfied when all they got was The Office guy as stretchy man? lmao
What exactly am I looking at? Why is he so fat?
>DCEU page
>is a pajeet
can't make this shit up
Is that Jim?
No one who likes the franchise wants anyone to make a movie about them at this point. Half the time they don't even mesh well with other comics characters
Fuck you sir
who are the others?
>muh heckin epic cameos
thank fuck feige didn't listen to retards like you and just had raimi make a strange/wanda movie
exactly my thoughts.
human torch is a pretty cool concept, sure.
but then you have faggot stretchy guy, faggot invisible girl, and faggot rock guy. Possibly the worst team of all time.
nigger they hyped this movie completely based off that. When you call your movie "multiverse of madness" and promote it using Professor X's voice in the trailer, you are setting the table for some yummy heckin cameos.
Disney honey dicked everyone and the fanboys are still going to lap it up.
Good morning sirs
>Does ANYONE care about fantastic 4?
Mr Fatasstic.
It's a scene in the next Dr Strange movie. Reed Richards appears with Blackbolt (The Inhumans) "Captain Carter" (Marvel's 'What-If?') and of course some nigger
Cap: Tina America
Do they really think the average pleb is going to know who those people are?
Me. They have cool villains like Dr Doom and Kang which have been fucked over in both comics and films. I see no reason that will change here.
who even is that?
he looks like johnathan frakes
CW Pressnts Crisis on Infinite Capeshit
I rewatched the 2005 movie last night, it was fun
just had some retarded plot holes in the 3rd act
I do. Early Lee/Kirby Fantastic Four was pure kino.
Le office man with an invisible Pam
>unreleased classic
It used to get unauthorized screenings at cons. Before everything got completely taken over by marketing departments. It's a different kind of classic.
Man, remember when attractive women were allowed on screen?
Bro, that is badass.
>look what i can do!
Yes, F4 is awesome, but like Green Lantern, the little content we got made them look terrible to the general public
>putting together a team
Yep, good to see comic book cleavage on screen. Libtards though
Mad that they show cleavage
>not all women have boobs and look feminine and they shouldn't be sexualised
Mad that they don't show cleavage
>shaming women for not embracing their sexuality and body shaming is wrong
>Sir it's you
>the original DCEU fans
What's with pajeets and the DCEU?
krasinski actually plays the human torch.
Git dat powah glow nigga!
I like them.
>I can't believe it's you. I can not believe it's Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022)
I like it.
and Morbius was marketed as A NEW MARVEL LEGEND with michael keaton and even a circled A to trick people into thinking it was an MCU movie but only retards fall for obvious marketing gimmicks. i hoped people on here wouldnt be that retarded.
I'm no Reed Richards but my dick just grew up nine whole inches
Her ass used to be fatter. What happened?
It's just the angle.
Hickman's run on the F4 is one of the greatest superhero comics ever, but he understood that for Reed to work as a character he must be an uber Chad and not an awkward nerd with a heart of gold. Reed's conflict is that he's by far the most competent man alive. No one else is even close. He could fix every single problem in the world if he wanted, but doing so would take all his attention, and it would mean leaving his family behind, so he's constantly struggling between all the glorious things he could achieve or being a good dad for his kids. It's kino.
>Marvel could've brought back Ioan Gruffudd and Jessica Alba for Future Foundation-era Reed and Susan
>this would've allowed for Johnny to not needing to be recast because he died in an alternate dimension
>they could've either brought back Chiklis or not, probably wouldn't have affected it either way
>instead we get tumblr girl-tier fanfiction of le quirky fourth wall Office man
no one does its a dead gimmicky group
Why would they whitewash the human torch now?
who is that? Punisher lady?
How many times do you think he practiced finding the perfect power stance width in front of the mirror
So is this basically just a once off multiverse cameo or is Office Guy going to be Mr Fantastic in the main universe too?
>all those 4's talking shit about Fantastic 4
if i had to guess i'd say its a one off thing but nobody knows since the f4 hasnt been cast yet
where are the shoops with nigger bond legs wider