Can someone explain what's happening today? I missed the last couple days. Seems like some abuse expert is on the stand rn
Depp v Heard Official Trial Thread
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/qa/ won
What does this mean?
asmongold is seething about her bias towards woman victims and the assumption men are inherently the abusers, but he's been appeasing this woke leftist feminism when he talks down on conservatives, religion, and trump, and defends Hasan and props up Channel 5. he doesn't realize you reap what you sow
This witness is pretty convincing desu. I can't find fault with her arguments
where do i watch this
Posting this again because I think it's funny.
Did she just say that Johnny abused Amber when he was on drugs and alcohol? The sheer audacity of this femoid.
>And I am a firm believer that she will lose
Imagine still thinking like this after the Chauvin case.
>The research is clear black people are more likely to commit acts of violence
>White people are more likely to be the victim
Imagine if somene said this in a fucking criminal case in court, they would be thrown right the fuck out immediately but for some reason gender bias against men is acceptable?
No, I believe that she is just talking in """"general"""" right now
Enjoy, best daytime content on tv rn by miles
Fuck yeah best show in years
When will Angela Merkel stop questioning the witness so the cross examination can start?
>pick up a glass
>get arrested for abuse
Do Americans seriously do this?
Y'all soft cunts crying just because of gendered language lmao. You triggered? Feel like the system is set up against you?
looool keep crying bitch niggas. little snowflake cunts.
he panders to his audience alot with lukewarm takes. his streams have no entertainment value without mcchad
Damn that's an insane statement. Why do we let generalization of men be ok
I wish she had discussed top and bottom gay partner violence some more desu
mind you black people have been dealing with this game thing and now white men are getting a taste of their own medicine. this is what its like to be guilty until proven innocent, statistics be damned no one wants to feel that way
Yeah man remember that time when white people had to spend 800 years being enslaved in Africa and treated like second class citizens?
That was crazy!
mind you black people are violent apes
Amber team really thought this witness was their saving grace, didn't they?
I heard heard was talking the stand. Why is this lady still talking? Shes just saying the same shit again and again
I don't care because I know the true purpose of this is to barrage the jury of facts that women are victims to really hammer it into the jury that Heard is the victim here.
>Umm, Mr Depp, does your team want to make an objection?
>No your honor. We'd like her to keep talking. It's helping us immensely
>OH N-
/pol/ said the same thing about the witnesses speaking in the Floyd case.
How'd that go?
why was mommy muffing looking at the right, and this old slag looking at the left
white people enslaved white people and blacks enslaved their own kind first before selling them off to whites
what does pol have to do with this case you deranged tranny
She was looking to the left as well in the videos I saw. Presumably the feed you saw was mirrored.
Turdovens... is the tide turning?
lol, Chauvin was decided guilty long before the "trial" even started. they could have literally put a literal monkey on the stand saying Chauvin is racist n shieet and it wouldn't have made any difference
they're impotently trying to drag pol and floyd into this, so no
can someone post the painting of jack sparrow walking into a room where amber is shitting
>Johnny Depp use Psychic Abuse!
He literally knelt on Floyd's neck for 9 minutes while he panicked and kept saying "I can't breathe" before dying. The police man is to protect and serve, he didn't protect nor serve anyone that day, he couldve called an ambulance, he couldve forced floyd in the back of the car; he didnt, he played a part in killing Floyd and he got what he deserved and only incels and chuds will say otherwise.
literally the only way i can watch this
Love my psychic bros. Simple as
Has the tranny janny been put in their place from the feedback submissions?
nigger, Floyd was saying "i cant breathe" long before he was put to the ground. he also WANTED to be put on the ground.
i'd imagine he was fucking dead regardless of Chauvin. the guy overdosed on fentanyl.
Asmongold is a mongrel.
You're missing the point retard
>Black people are more likely to commit crimes
Isn't used against black people in court cases
>Men are more likely to commit domestic abuse
This is used against men in court.
See the bullshit?
Men weren't systemically oppressed and made slavers for hundreds of years you dumb nigger
We won, Amberchads
Antifa fags would probably murder him in his home and vandalize the court building if he got off free. It was too big of a case. Much bigger than this celebrity gossip bullshit.
The Ottoman empire spanned over a good portion of Northern Africe so yeah, actually that did happen for a while.
And? This is about statistics.
He protected the entire world from all the criminality that Floyd was inevitably going to engage in for the rest of his life. He served me, an American citizen, by removing the scourge of George Floyd from society.
You're still missing the point, or are you saying that because men didn't suffer systemic injustice in the past that should now? What fucking sense does that make?
his best friend who he has on the stream sometimes when to jail for beating his girlfriend and they lie and say it was for "yoinking irl" (stealing)
How did Raimi get away with this?
And the Trayvon case? The Breonna case? The Jacob Blake case?
I have that TV as well
LG chad
we're back lads
>/pol/ said
Go back then.
we watchin this stream?
who votes for the winner, the goblin judge or the jury
Im a lawlet
It's the C2? I recently got the c1. Didn't know Yea Forums liked oleds
jury, but judge has final say + the scope of the verdict
Rottenborn is such a square
Who the fuck listens/watches to assmongoloid and the breadtubers like that clown Hasan?
Streaming has become so astroturfed it's unreal, it's hard to watch with how performative it has become. Money does ruin everything.
he's good ngl, too bad his client is probably a nightmare to work with
Is it happening bros?
What's Yea Forums's defense against a psychic attack? Reminder that you don't have a Charles-proof helmet.
Does /pol/ really live rent free in trannies heads like this?
>that name fuck up
>someone bought a $500 superchat
for what purpose
Yep, jury. But judge can say "$50 million isn't happening, we all know that. Give him $10 million" for example.
Why is there no trial next week?
>waah why doesn't the big streamer not agree with all my politics ):
>he couldve called an ambulance
They did.
>knelt on Floyd's neck for 9 minutes
As he has been trained to do.
>kept saying "I can't breathe"
He was saying that when they put him in the cruiser. Junkies say a lot of stuff.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
>Reminding the jury of mommy doctor
Oh no
>4 hours over Zoom
>I can evaluate someone in that time
Amber is losing.
Too much money, not enough impulse control.
Aleta's cool
>the case is coming down to my blonde mommy psychiatrist is better than your blonde mommy psychiatrist
intimidating/mimicing shout
she shouldnt be allowed to practice
Yeah. It's called the Barbary slave trade you uneducated mongrel.
could you fix her? or would she shit your bed?
Good? Did you reply to the wrong person?
>wasn't her psychiatrist
>evaluated through a zoom call
She is more of a hack than Q-scoreman was yesterday
its the second time already, 1 fucking k for absolutely nothing
Why do faggots love ecelebs so much?
Defecation trial
Depp blows them the fuck out in that case.
>watching the stream of some fag interjecting with his fag shit
>not watching a direct stream
>Men weren't systemically oppressed
Men had to fight in wars while women didn't. I'd call that oppression.
>commentary by obnoxious retards
>reddit wants you to believe this is below average
>she's got PTSD
Id either fix her or go to jail
the minute she raises her voice Id slap her. She either submit and behave, or keep being psycho, get beaten and go to the cops
Dr. Curry spent 30 hours with Amber doing her evaluation. Muffins were served.
Are they allowing one thread now?
>well she wasn't a client teehee
>but i did diagnose her with ptsd and saw her for 30 hours
There is not recovery from THE WALL.
It's because she already made her mind she's reinforced her view that men are always guilty for 25 years. Her certifications should be stripped
>We might see mommy doctor again to blow this doctor the fuck out
I just farted so hard I think I tore my asshole a little bit
This would be an amazing arc.
The para-social relationship meme. Which isn't a meme anymore, it's real fucking grim man.
that's because they're ruled by emotions, because they're golems
amber is a giga-stacy regardless of her being a psycho
>4 hours over Zoom
>I can evaluate someone in that time
I can't wait for cross.
Didn't Dr.Muffins say that as a psychologist you shouldn't give legal conclusions? How can she claim that Depp abused her because she did a zoom interview for a couple of hours?
>diagonoses PTST over Zoom call
>not her client btw
Why is this failure of a doctor on witness stand.
Would you say your asshole was abused by this fart?
Because Dr. Mommy is a professional and this lady is a hack.
Witness impeach incoming bros
b-but she's board certified!
She can't. But she can conclude that Heard exhibits strong signs of having been abused.
Amber hit the wall hard
I'd shit the bed first
Why the FUCK is Heard dressed like some waiter at a fancy restaurant or like she's an extra in a Fred Astaire movie?
Stick your finger up there
Women who do shit like that knowing there's zero consequences IS gigastacy behavior.
>she did it again
they just embarrased her for saying the witness name wrong lmao
>Judge looking confused and incredulous talking to her lawyer
This gonna be good
I'd say it is more like the wall hit her, sick in the head like a brick in the head
>Dr Curry
Of something she co-opted
shes not a fucking doctor