Holodeck baseball edition
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Fuck you.
Actual new:
Do you believe her? Did she really not do anything in those clubs?
>It was in the spring of 1998, while Jeri Ryan was still playing Seven of Nine, that her husband took her to some interesting nightspots. Her version of the story emerged in court documents, released Monday, relating to their 1999 divorce and 2000 custody negotiations.
>Referring to Jack Ryan as "Respondent," Jeri Ryan told the court:
>"On three trips, one to New Orleans, one to New York, and one to Paris, Respondent insisted that I go to sex clubs with him. These were surprise trips that Respondent arranged. They were long weekends, supposed 'romantic' getaways. . . ."
>"The clubs in New York and Paris were explicit sex clubs. Respondent had done research. . . . One club I refused to go in. It had mattresses in cubicles. The other club he insisted I go to. . . . It was a bizarre club with cages, whips and other apparatus hanging from the ceiling. Respondent wanted me to have sex with him there, with another couple watching. I refused. Respondent asked me to perform a sexual activity upon him, and he specifically asked other people to watch. I was very upset. We left the club, and Respondent apologized, said that I was right and he would never insist that I go to a club again. He promised it was out of his system.
>"Then during a trip to Paris, he took me to a sex club in Paris, without telling me where we were going. I told him I thought it was out of his system. I told him he had promised me we would never go. People were having sex everywhere. I cried, I was physically ill. Respondent became very upset with me, and said it was not a 'turn on' for me to cry." In response, Jack Ryan told the court the claims were "ridiculous" and an attempt to "libel" him when he had "political aspirations."
No, you're late.
Why would I post in a NuTrek edition when I can post in a Trekpu thread?
Hymen is a meme. Most women will either break it by accident or while masturbating.
This thread was linked first, this is the new thread.
The rules might be harsh, but they're fair.
I believe her. She is a good Christian woman.
Now that is a fancy dan!
I am all of /trek/.
Just two more days until Star Trek: Strange New Worlds premieres on Paramount+.
> 11 Star Trek: Enterprise
Well, that's what you get for being a holonovel:
I honestly don't get the TNG S1 memes. Mike & Rich really double down on it. But I don't see it at all. Pretty much every season of TNG has a mix of hits and stinkers. If anything S1 is more bearable because when it flops it's usually because it's just so weird that it's still interesting
TNG? More like ReddiTNG
>I honestly don't get the TNG S1 memes.
ure retarded then. every single person involved in the show gets it.
>Respondent wanted me to have sex with him there, with another couple watching. I refused. Respondent asked me to perform a sexual activity upon him, and he specifically asked other people to watch. I was very upset. We left the club, and Respondent apologized, said that I was right and he would never insist that I go to a club again. He promised it was out of his system.
Sounds like she blew him in front of some other people.
ReddiTN_G_ _ _ (s)
>wear vinyl catsuit and fuck people while people watch
no way
>wear vinyl catsuit and pretend to fuck people while people watch and also fuck your boss
yes way
no, it doesn't
This is fun.
Doug Drexler has put the completed pages of a cancelled ENT cookbook his wife (the show's food artist) was making that takes a fat shit on the VOY one.
It's over.
Woke shit. Women can't play baseball with men.
>ya'll can't beat real
I hate when northerners try to copy southern vernacular and fail
Considering everyone and their dog is saying y'all these days you must feel hate a lot.
>Prodigy > Lower Decks
Your problem is that Neelix is more soulful than anything in Enterprise. So Neex's book is better.
>born too early to live on Deep Space 9
Born just in time to mall walk, fren!
I think she did plenty of shit. I once had a conversation with the bodyguards of US ambassador to the UK one afternoon while they were waiting around in a hotel. We got on to the topic of Star Trek (they brought it up) and told me they used to be attached to Jack Ryan and that him and his wife used to get up to shit you wouldn't believe at their house parties. No real details but they definitely implied sex with multiple people.
>trying to write dialogue for a southern character
>a word being adapted by another vernacular in a different context
Dumb comment from (You), thanks
You are too angry today /trek/
>You'll never play dabo in Quark's
>You'll never get a perfectly tailored suit at Garak's
>You'll never eat gagh while the Klingon chef is singing, and playing his accordian
>You'll never hear Morn's stories
>You'll never fuck a wrinklenose
Why even live?
Why was it Ok for riker to fuck his holodeck tulpa but Barclay was some kind of war criminal for doing it
Minuet wasn't a simulation of a coworker.
Devil's in the detail.
Minuet is a fictional character. Not someone Riker works with. Plus, she was some special hologram.
how the fuck do you play baseball in a holodeck? people are 300 feet apart
>me they used to be attached to Jack Ryan
Why were they attached to him?
>ywn fuck midge Holo Riker
Rikers holodeck girl wasn't a coworker.
I'm just the right amount of angry.
It's not creepy because Riker is handsome and oozes power and manly spunk.
You really piss me off. Not New Trek. Not Lower Decks. You. Your newfag ass pisses me off
> Star Trek Timelines - Medicine for Mayhem is our first Star Trek Lower Decks event! This galaxy event (supply missions) will start on Thursday and feature Dr. T'Ana, USS Titan Bradward Boimler, and Bat'leth Mariner. Will you join in, what could go wrong?
Gonna need our gaymers to report back to /trek/ about how this turns out.
Are there really clubs where people go to have sex in front of each other?
It's a kink.
Kys lying piece of shit. Jeri is pure
The really sad part is he's not a newfag. He's been here for years.
Oh user you precious cinnamon roll.
lol yeah she accidentally fell into a sex club twice. she's a lying slag
Mobile shit aren't games, they're whale attractors.
user, it's just a pastime, you know, for fun?
Yo! Where's all my TNGeezers at?
You are not, in fact, an impish, youthful person engaging in sardonic play. You are ugly man in your mid-30s and your presence in a star trek general on Yea Forums is evidence enough of this. Your persona here is merely a reflection of your gay pervert sexual tendencies and nothing more.
At Micky D's
so is strange new worlds any good? should i watch the premiere?
It's not out for 2 more days
do they ever axe handle in nutrek?
A Medieval Knight would obliterate a Klingon in melee combat.