You think the Stranger Things season finale will be worse than The Ozarks?
You think the Stranger Things season finale will be worse than The Ozarks?
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Natalia was the only cute girl on this show
Girl on the right is hotter
Stranger Things already jumped the shark
No shit retard
Unironically looks like garbage.
This is why Netflix is broke
bet on it
I'd let maya spit on my face unironically
>Finn's feet on display
They're getting desperate
bogged & mogged
Who knows, but they look too fucking old.
if you are alive in 40 years you will look back at this time and think: "why didnt i make something out of me, i had all the time in the world, why didnt i man up"
Is she running for congress? Brave
>I'd let maya spit on my face unironically
wow what after?
Maya Hawke is a goblin. How do you look even more of a goblin than Maya Hawke?
Qrd on Stranger Things. Is it actually a good show? It always looked gay to me
s1 is great. after that they ran out of ideas.
s1 is the goonies
gets progressively worse after
why is maya hawke too comfortable being naked around her brother?
LOL, no wonder the Netflix stock is tanking.
This is the only big subscriber draw they've got coming up and it looks like shit.
Season 1 is the only must watch season. Season 2 has some highs but also really bad lows. Season 3 is all over the place but kind of fun because of Steve and the Russians.
He looks like Howard Stern now, what the fuck happened ?
are feetfags really this pathetic
gib skelly gf
I already didn't care for Should I Stay Or Should I Go Now? before I watched the show but s1 made me loathe that fucking song.
It's well produced, well acted generic Netflix stuff. Season 1 is good, rest is watchable.
Wow, two absolutely beautiful girls. I can't even choose!!
Shit taste who likes skeletons.
Holy FUCK Millie is so beautiful.
And when she's dressing up as S1 Eleven she still looks like she's fucking 12-14 years old. She looks good, young, and healthy.
Yea Forums retards are so fucking braindead it's scary. 'DURR SHE LOOKS 40', no, you're just acting out because women don't like you.
Is Ben Affleck really short or is Uma Thurman's daughter really tall?
Millie, please.
why is Will so sweaty?
I'm right tho, buddy!
Season 1 is great, probably the best thing Netflix ever produced. Should have ended it there though because the rest of the show doesn't come close to capturing the same sense of mystery and excitement. Sometimes less is more.
Is this meant to be a joke? Because it isn't funny.
Season 2 was pretty enjoyable. But S3 was terrible. In any case I'm okay with more Millie on my screen.
: - |
how old is millie in this photograph?
Probably like 16? And she looks 17 - I know, fucking disgusting!!
Why is the girl in the back making this face?
will millie eat finn’s ass for the finale? some say yes, yes she will.
I think the funniest shit was that one episode where 11 hangs out with goth edgy teens and then it never gets brought up again and none of the characters reappear for the rest of the season. Really activated my almonds
>They're ugly
They were cast for looking nerdy losers
>They're too old
They are 18 to 20 in real life they look older in the show with the hair style
>their careers are finished
They make hundreds of thousand for each episode and have upcoming movies lining up
I'm getting pretty sick of 80s nostalgia garbage...I grew up during the 80s and it was never like this.
Not enough cordroid.
America is collapsing
Millie Bobby Brown is relentlessly cute and I adore her roles. I think she is charming and I'll gladly watch anything she acts in. No amount of memes or hate will ever get me to change my mind. There is nothing, absolutely NOTHING that will get me to stop thinking that she is cute as sin and talented.
For me it's Millie. Simple as.
S4 is gonna be good, and Enola Holmes 2 will be fantastic. She cute.
Looks like those 3 ugly hoes you see at the pizza place at 2am hoping for that last chance at romance.
millie bobby brown looks like my dads dick
If one of them looked like Millie i'd be satisfied.
She looks real fucking cute-o with the bangs.
Just want to take her home and feed her eggs benedict 4 times a day.
>rest of the season
There was 1 more episode that season kek.
How old are they meant to be on the right? If it’s like 16-17ish it’s alright, if it’s 14-15 they look a bit old for that
Based poster
Big self admitted incestual faggot poster
They didn’t come up next season either though, did they? If they did it wasn’t memorable to me
Lucky for you, used 45 year old up divorcee can be found everywhere looking for attention
Mike is too kissable
No they did not, I was just teasing how you worded it though but your point remains true. The writers clearly saw all of the negative feedback about them and didn't include them in the next season.
Ah there he is, the retarded memer.
Show me one fucking 45 year old who isn't Kate Beckinsale who doesn't have a single wrinkle or mark on her skin, who has clean shiny hair like that with no receding hairline, who looks young like a 18-22 year old like Millie looks like.
Show me one. Just fucking one.
>They are 18 to 20 in real life they look older in the show with the hair style
Have you seen what people looked like back in the 80s-90s? Go look at old school photos and you'll see old these fuckers looked back then,
i want to marry millie
shes acute
Absolutely fucking BASED. But get in line!
Ahh you found my photo, props user
Super cute!
>But get in line!
im at the front of the line tho been waiting for years already
>that oblivious faggot samefagging "millie is cute" every 5 minutes
>brainlet Yea Forumstard cant comprehend that more than one person likes a very popular actress
cope and sneethe dumb faget
I never post it, but I think Millie is cute too.
How about you guys look at the catalog for pics of Sophie Turner to see a poorly aged woman? Because I don’t see any ITT. Just retards who fell for a meme.
The entire show is worse than Ozark. stopped watching half way through S2.
>young like a 18-22 year old like Millie looks like.
Hahahaha aaah. She went from 15 to 40, miles of dick does that. God, just imagine how blown out that snatch is. Double meat if you know what I mean.
Sophie Turner looks fine for her age.
I'll always post that she is cute. Haters gonna hate.
Still looks younger than Millie.
Better makeup too