This should have been called "Fury Road" and Max's name should not have been mentioned right up until the scene of him...

This should have been called "Fury Road" and Max's name should not have been mentioned right up until the scene of him giving blood to Furiosa.
It might have not been as marketable or profitable, but it would've been a great action film in the Mad Max universe. As is, Max isn't even really the protagonist and naming him Joe wouldn't have changed the story at all.
The film is fucking great, though. I miss the War Boy posting.

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This film sucked and you know it

>t. feminazi copyposter

one of the best movies of the last 10-15 years

It should've been Fury Road, yes, but Max shouldn't have even been a part of it. It could've been the exact same movie without him or any replacement. Obviously you'd have to snip a few dialog lines here and there but the core of the movie doesn't change and you get rid of a character that feels shoveled in to milk nostalgia points.

Yeah, fair enough. No need to snip anything, though, just name him John, or something. There's absolutely no need to tie it in to Mad Max.
But the end result was a really entertaining movie to watch.

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im just here for the warboys

>No need to snip anything
If you remove the character completely yes. I'm not only saying change Max for a generic secondary character but rather just remove the character entirely.
I don't want to imply the movie would've been better without it, it's just that even if the character was called John Smith it feels super weird all the investment there is in the prologue to open his character arch to just blur it into the background a few minutes later. That's what threw me off a bit, I was waiting for some "conclussion" so to speak. Like the whole introduction of the character was to lead you to a big moment later on.
Like the foreshadowing in A Quiet Place 2 when they show you the baseball match. The character is there for a reason and you learn it in the end even if the way they pulled it off is not the best.

it was the last movie with honest filmmaking

>I was waiting for some "conclussion"
I get what you mean, I felt the same.
What do you mean by that? The CGI stuff? Because, yes, the stuntwork was amazing.

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>honest filmmaking

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>There and Back Again: The Movie
Better than The Hobbit at least.

It's great up until the sand storm, then it goes to shit

would Road Warrior be any different if Mad Max wasn't in it?

Would Harry Potter be any different if Harry Potter wasn't in it?

Yes and yes. Fury Road, however, doesn't have Max as the main character. He's a sidekick for Furiosa.

Of course. You'd have to change half of the movie for it to make sense.
Although the leap from the first one to Road Warrior is quite big and doesn't connect well. But the movie is about Max's "one man army" problem solving.

I saw the first one a long time ago and I don't remember it too well but I'd say that it'd be different since Harry was some sort of super saiyan of wizkids, wasn't he?

Silence nigger. It was kino.

Bullshit. Furiosa would have been dead several times over if it wasn't for Max's intervention.

Sure, so would be Batman without Robin, or Xena without Gabrielle. That's the role of sidekicks in stories - they follow and help the hero.

Debatable, but even assuming that was the case it's just because they wrote him in, not because the story needed him. It'd be like an extra taking a bullet for the protagonist. Yeah you can argue that he saved the protag's life and thus the movie but the scene could've been removed from it and the movie would've been the same. Now this happens in other movies, of course, but usually not in the ones that bear the character's name in them (like Hannibal).

Max after the first movie is a wanderer, none of the antagonists are his enemies and none of the protagonists are his friends. He didn't even really "save the day" in RW, he was a decoy

>He didn't even really "save the day" in RW, he was a decoy
He got the truck in the first place. If Max didn't pass by the movie would've been about a bunch of people, the audience doesn't care that much about, negotiating their defeat.
But yeah, the spotlight is more on Max and his personality than the impact he might have in a world that's gone to shit. He's not like, let's say, Eli from The Book of Eli who has a more ulterior mission in the story. But without Max RW would've been a generic wastelandic movie.

>But without Max RW would've been a generic wastelandic movie.

so basically the fury road you are advocating for

>but the core of the movie doesn't change
Max and Furiosa slowly building trust in each other is the core of the movie.

I'm advocating for this one Which doesn't change the movie one bit. It just removes the nostalgia bait and makes it an entirely new wastelandic movie.
A new protag (in terms of the saga), Furiosa, who saves enslaved women from some despot to run away to a promised land that doesn't exist so she has to go back to fix things where they started instead of running away. Max doesn't fit in that equation because the movie is actually not about him and his pressence doesn't affect the movie in any way. You could've add the vault dweller, another crazy war boy or a T-800 and, unless you change their role, the movie would've been the same with a different bait. Only the prologue is about Max.

Now imagine Waterworld without the hybrid. Now that would've changed everything because the movie is in big part about him. Fury Road is about Furiosa and the brides.

And just to make it clear, I'm not upset that Max is in the movie. I'm just saying that they wrote him as franchise bait. If they wrote him in differently and fused him more organically with the story then it'd be a great Mad Max movie. But it's not, it's a great Furiosa movie.


unironically, yes

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>doesn’t want to get dommed by Imperator Furiosa

That's like saying that the whole point of Aliens is Ripley slowly earning Newt's trust. It's not the whole point at all, you could've enjoyed Aliens without Newt even if it lost the charm of that plotline. And in Aliens' case the ending of the movie would've need some rewriting, but in Fury Road the only change would've been Furiosa not turning around to look at Max, period.

you are trying way to hard

>that fucking cuck muzzle
lmao you guys actually watched this?

>Movie board
>Talk about your perspective on a movie
What are the voices convincing you that I'm trying to do?

> this movie should not have been marketed off of the iconic movie character who is in it

Filthy OP here.
>I'm not upset that Max is in the movie. I'm just saying that they wrote him as franchise bait.
>If they wrote him in differently and fused him more organically with the story then it'd be a great Mad Max movie.
>But it's not, it's a great Furiosa movie.
Great points that I'm too ESL and retarded to have put in words myself.
Checked, but femdom is for faggots.
I understand why they did it and know how impossible my suggestion would be. Also,
>movie should not have been marketed
was not my point. My point was that Max is not important enough to the core story of the movie.
Captcha: SAYTN

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who would? some bald headed chick with a robot arm who looks terrible without makeup

>nooo you mean he didnt actually jump onto a moving car with steel spikes and he didnt actually explode?

she should have been the khaleesi

I am not saying it's the whole point but it's the core of the movie. Furiosa and Immortan's wives run away and at first they want to kill Max, they think the whole world is against them. The relationship is properly explored. Furiosa is running away from her problems, from the problems of her society, thinking she will find her home elsewhere. When Furiosa realizes it's all just empty void and she is running away from the true home, she loses all hope and wants to wander into the despair and let it consume her. She doesn't take responsibility. If you remove Max, you remove the hero of the story. Furiosa is the main character, but Max is the hero. And as the hero of the story, it is him who takes responsibility, turns back, convinces others to follow him, fights against the chaos of the tyranny and revitalizes the society, brings back the proper structure.

Max in RW was Randy Quaid in Independence Day, they couldn't have done it without him but he wasn't "the hero" of the whole operation. Even then Max didn't didn't have real stakes in either part of the central conflict (along with BT and FR), unlike Quaid's character

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.

Do you really give a shit about the title of a movie?

Not really. I'm just imagining a world where the Fury Road is a stand alone move that does not have to rely on existing IP to make money.
Putting Max in serves no purpose story-wise and is only done for marketing.
That said, Max does not detract any from the quality of the movie.

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The scene at the beginning showing Max's hallucinations was cringe as fuck.

>Putting Max in serves no purpose story-wise and is only done for marketing.

Yeah fair enough, your point makes sense and is interesting.

I don't think it added much either but at the same time something about having a 'vague history' to the movie gives it an extra feel, if that makes sense

>admits it’s a good movie
>flounders about in a pool of semantics
Cool thread dawg

Do Australians really?

Harry is a sidekick. Grows old into mediocrity with a frumpy sack whilst Ron fucks the one he should have shared a glorious future with HARD and often.

Right, because dozens of marketing, racebaiting, polraid, actress worship threads are too precious to get pruned because of my thread.
Again, remove or replace Max and the movie is not much different.
Na, the whole HP thing is about Harry Potter. He's integral to the plot of every book/movie and couldn't be cut out without significantly reworking the story.

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Yeah if the box says "Churro flavored Pop Tarts" and little autismo fat kid opens it and there's like two blueberry flavored pop tarts in there, a motherfucker is going to do some screeching

>Again, remove or replace Max and the movie is not much different.
Wrong. See

I hated it too. But I also think mad max 1 was almost better than part 2, which seems strangely controversial of an opinion

Does this mean that the lives of autists are Lynchian?

Sure, now replace him with Jolly Jane and tell me the story is completely changed.

They should do a movie called "Furry Road" set in a post-apocalyptic wasteland where a guy fights bandits dressed in cartoon wolf costumes.

First you said remove him. Now you are talking about replacing him. Sure if you replace Valeria in Conan the Barbarian, the story will be same, but if you remove her it would completely change the story. If you are arguing about Max being a brand bait or whatever, who cares.

>If you are arguing about Max being a brand bait
That is my argument, indeed.
>who cares
Well, I do.
We can also just shoot the shit and discuss the movie.

i saw it in theatres on a whim with no expectations, massive screen, great sound. it was probably the best film experience of my life. insane

I mean 50% of Mad Max movies are him stumbling in from nowhere into an in-process conflict

>We can also just shoot the shit and discuss the movie.
Good. I think the character "Max" is the hero of the movie.

>I think the character "Max" is the hero of the movie.
I agree. "Max" is the hero. He can also be called Alex, Brad, Carl, etc. And he's not the protagonist.