This year's Black Panther

This year's Black Panther

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i will now never watch this movie

Humanity has had fire for tens of thousands of years, even the most primitive tribesman knows that eating raw meat is fucking stupid. Behold the Master race as they shit out their guts.

Anglogermcucks will never be Roman or any type of European

>babadaboopy badabing gabagool bapadoody

lmao enjoy salmonela you dumb retards

i eat raw meat all the time, ive never shit out my guts. i bet youre vaxxed too

Wtf are you saying
Go back to /pol/his/int/

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You get that from chicken, user. Not beef. Beef you just run the chance of getting worms.


Cooking is what separated us from animals by making food easier to digest and allowing us to get much more nutrients out of it or even creating/activating nutrients with certain processes, all of which allowed our brains to develop. It's no wonder that pale niggers are against it. Just like the goat wants to go to the mountain, the subhuman wants to go back to the mud hut.

>eats raw meat
>is scared of a needle

Lmaoooo coward

fuck snowniggers

I was gonna see this film tomorrow but this picture came up last week and I changed my mind.

Nobody is scared of a needle, some people just don't let the government coerce them into participating in medical experiments

Whatever salutes or white pride garbage these fucks are doing but seriously what kind of subhuman eats raw meat? Haven't your ancestors learned about fire?

>do your part, give the jews your money!
90% of /pol/ is retarded spics these days what a shithole it has become

I wasn't going to see this movie until i saw this image so I guess its a wash

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I'm not reading that

lmao seethe tranny

only americans could turn nazism into consoomerism

Based and redpilled, my honorable brothers.

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Well said.

You’ve gotta stop putting in these hours, it’s crazy. You’re not going to die before 30, for the entire rest of your life you’ll never not have done this with your nonrenewable time and youth. You’re about to get really bizarre this decade, zoomer, your brain is inevitably going to develop and you’re gonna lose your teenage numbness to this shit as you get closer to 25 and it’s going to sink in that this is your memory/youth forever.

Wait a minute...

How is watching a Jewish-Chinese movie supposed to save the white race?

who fucking cares



the vile traitorous backstabbing white race doesn't deserve to be saved

Remember this website?

Northman would be like 90%+ Jewish.

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>eats raw meat
>with a spoon
Look at the little cavebaby, his hands are too small to eat with

>pay for corporate product to own the libs
The absolute state of /pol/ddit

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Thank God, no one wants these cultureless, larping muttoids here

>i eat raw meat all the time
... why?

eating raw meat right after you kill something is fine, depending on what it ate.


Lol what the fuck are you talking about?
>Look it up
>It is funded by Disney and China
Lol wtf.

Did you know that Dune, which won 6 Oscars, was funded by China as well?

Weird shit, innit?

>t. subhuman who can't even drink milk

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Why is eating raw meat a white supremacy thing now? What's the rational behind it?

>unironically scared of needles
>didn't get my triple dose against sòyvirus
>live in a first world country so fresh ground beef is an actual dish

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>nooo wtf you can't eat raw things

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besides raw being le good for some reason
why eat raw meat? how is it any better for you in terms of nutrients

lots of sushi are cured cutsfish dont need strong curing like meat does so its not a strong salty taste

So it's just weebs trying to be more Japanese?

White people be like
>this cooked food is too spicy!

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No one even knows what your beef is, mate. All people see you as is some retard schizo.

Basedjacks are the worst because it enables people to make such low quality posts like this

Do you want me to spell it out for you? White people eating raw things is le bad like orange man, yellow people eating raw things is le good like senile man.

hope every single one of them gets captured in an FBI sting operation and executed in a black site located in some Utah shithole

I dunno, man. Defending that cringe LARP is pretty cringe too. There's no need to dissect it and start talking about raw meat and whether there's actual benefit or not or whatever because it's so obviously a LARP and LARP is literally gay.

>retards are now going to force themselves to eat raw meat to own the libs
I can't wait for this arc honestly.

Two more weeks, flatten the curve, save grandma and stand with Ukraine!

>I don't know this user's political leanings, better throw every buzzword I got at him!

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Political leanings?