The prequels are better than the se-

>The prequels are better than the se-

Attached: Obi-Wan vs Darth Maul.webm (860x366, 2.52M)

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Star Wars is for pedos

Attached: Indy.jpg (873x615, 811.19K)

Both are shit. Stars Wars has only had 3 good movies.
Star Wars
The Empire Strikes Back
Return of the Jedi
Everything else is garbage.

what is Maul aiming at?

Attached: file.png (906x348, 212.8K)

impressing the audience



George Lucas is a giant faggot and should be burnt alive for what he did to Star Wars.

feint, easily spotted by obi-wan


Watch the Plinkett review. He explains why that fight in particular was trash.

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The lightsaber choreography and score in these films were fucking Kino and you guys need to stop acting like it wasn't.

>>Both are shit. Stars Wars has only had 3 good movies.
Yea, the prequels.

why do they always aim for the lightsaber and not their bodies?

>gets his opinions from Milwaukee never-rans

Now that’s pod racing

Because the heat of the lightsaber cooks the legs

>6 flag event
Lmao, do prequelniggers really?

>prequels are better than the OT
Peak zoomerbrain.

How can this even be a question? Imagine ruining every OG trilogy character. How is that even possible?

What does OG mean?

Battle of Hypori is the best Star Wars duel and it isn't even close.

Attached: General Grievous Vs Jedi.gif (500x283, 1.65M)

old gay

The fight was awesome get over yourself, well executed choreography and awesome setting,

Mike was just butthurt because he can not comprehend what is going on when the characters are not screaming at each other or taking a talking breaks every 2 min to explain what is going on.

Yes. They're indeed better.

I don't think you know the definition of the word duel.

grievous was so underutilized it's not even funny

Lightsaber fights are spiritual battles. They are not merely swinging swords at each other

He really is. Him being the most direct parallel to Anakin/Vader in the classic EU was kino.
>both great warriors and heroes from a young age
>both lost the women they love
>both become cyborg monsters who only live to inflict death and destruction out of vengeance for their pain
The fact it's never been explored more in literally Star Wars material is a fucking crime.

Attached: General Grievous Clone Wars.jpg (695x800, 132.07K)

Tartakovsky was one of the few that understood how to have just the right balance between a good story and the "badass" factor in Star Wars.

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grow the fuck up, the duel doesn't even make much sense.

Does anyone else remember the disappearing dagger from the big fight in The Last Jedi?

Best duel was Anakin vs Ventress on Yavin 4 tho

2 good movies and one okay movie. What a legacy!

Were there really fans sitting in the cinema pissed at the scene

I liked Rogue One
its the worst fight in cinematic history

You're right, it was more like a massacre.

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It really feels like Georgey boy was jealous that a Vader clone was becoming more popular than Vader himself.
Filoni being a hack hasn't helped much, either.

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Thanks to confirm it with this kino webm.
Yea Forums has good tastes sometimes

I wonder how Luke vs Maul would've looked in George's sequels

Prequels - The Clone Wars - Rebels - Rogue One - Original Trilogy - The Mandalorian
No negociations

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No. He's a fucking retard and the reason we got the shitty sequels.

There's not a single fight in the sequels that is half as good. Dilate.

Attached: dead leia flies through space star wars The Last Jedi (2017) 2022-04-17 12-07-41.webm (1920x1080, 2.8M)

>Disney Wars

Attached: Negotiations.jpg (890x490, 79.62K)

Don't go back and look at those "fight scenes" and "saber battles"

The mandaloriaann season 1 is fine I guess. The only other star wars are anh ESB and rotj


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What a disastrous, this is bad, really bad.

Fuck RJ, really, fuck this guy, this mother fucker almost destroyed the saga.

Thanks to Filoni/Favreau and Gareth Edwards for carrying the saga in recent years.

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Post the real scene

Attached: Kamikaze Leia.webm (640x360, 728.33K)


That would have been based. People need to stop getting so worked up about sex. Teens are horny deal with it

at least the camera is not spazzing out and there isnt a cut a tenth of a second
there is real choreography there

I don't even dislike this movie or RJ, but this moment was insanely dumb. Easily the worst scene of TLJ.

Based George

>It would be amusing


Was it your intention to depict a single scene with more soul than the entire sequel trilogy?

I can tell something is fucked up with the shot where she starts flying but not exactly what. Is it that she moves at the same speed as the camera?

That would be any scene from the prequels

It's probably one of the best example of how music and sound can tremendously elevate an otherwise mediocre and goofy scene. I can barely remember the score in the sequels.

He is not wrong.