>According to The Daily Wire, conservative political pundit Dan Bongino received a message from a Disney insider who told him that Disney executives are tracking the “overwhelming” number of negative phone calls and emails they’re receiving regarding the company’s stated, not-so-secret gay-trans activism and attempts to sexualize children’s entertainment.

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>So far tens of thousands of phone calls and emails to the executives at Disney have been generated. Americans, of all parties, are mad as hell about Disney’s attempt to sexualize children and force a radical agenda on them.

>According to AMAC Action’s AlignAct campaign, “We think [Walt] Disney would be as concerned about what’s happening [to his company] as we are. And we think he would say it’s time for concerned Americans to take a stand for the health and safety of our children!”

>If Disney refuses to drop their woke agenda the millions of people contacting them are threatening to “stop spending our money on Disney parks, merchandise, programming, and more.

>wah wah my political party actively discourages freedom of thought, creativity and art in general make art that i like!!!!
you guys really shot yourselves in the foot

>whining about Disney is the most pressing issue for the American right
This country is dead and decayed, but nobody realizes it.

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Sorry, I'm not a hysteric menopausal hag so I don't give a fig either way.

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Why are you panicking?

>if you want my money, stop pushing degeneracy
Seems pretty reasonable to me.

>kids get groomed and raped by fags
>"haha I don't care"
Enjoy burning in hell, lukewarm bitch.

>Conservatives: Go into STEM. Going into writing, animation, or any other form of entertainment is a waste of time.


everything from walt's biography says he was a consummate capitalist, he'd have tolerated the faggotry if there was more money in his pocket at the end of the day. would he be personally sensitive and accepting about them though? probably not.

Yea I'm sure the right will win this one just like every other major battle of the last 5 years

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lol. I hope you're posting in your Star Wars™ pods. Disney was banking on you to keep them afloat.

just stop grooming kids
its that easy

>According to The Daily Wire, conservative political pundit Dan Bongino received a message
lol fake

Telling kids to act like faggots isn't political discource, it's aberrant behavior that should be stomped under leather boots.

Liberals shut conservatives/centrists out you fucking dishonest jackass. Stop acting like it’s the conservatives fault the left turned into authoritarian lunatics.

Nobody does that unless you start to make movies and songs about converting children.

What are they supposed to do then, groomer?

Haven't you heard? Conservatives now want kids to take meagre jobs for the rest of their lives and avoid college because critical thinking is bad for the GOP narrative.

boycotting a business is any consumer's right, anyone who argues otherwise is a tranny/groomer

of all the hills Disney chose to die on. Teaching gender studies in elementary school is the hill they chose

Tolerating faggotry is in no way the same as actively admitting to both having and pushing an agenda.

Wtf. Liberals are the ones who hate critical thinking. Liar.

>According to The Daily Wire, conservative political pundit Dan Bongino
I love how you lot used to screech about ANONYMOUS SOURCES!!!! whenever it was the latest scandal but suddenly you're believing this obvious bullshit.

Don't care, didn't ask + you're behaving like a hysteria addled fag who's brain is being boiled in seethe.

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Suddenly conservatives love cancel culture, go figure.

>tens of thousands of phone calls and emails to the executives at Disney have been generated. Americans, of all parties, are mad as hell about Disney’s attempt to sexualize children and force a radical agenda on them.
Fucking finally! This was a long time coming.

Why are you sounding so angry? Don’t like being exposed?

then maybe these oldster idpol fags can find a better line than "walt wouldn't want this!"

You don't even know what critical thinking is.

Disney will do anything except stop raping children.

Skyscreamer General?

You don't need a source to know Disney's CEO and President fucked up big time

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The left are so delusional and aggressive I often can’t tell if they are trolls or actually deranged leftists.

The GOP actively wants a less educated populace and the more education one has, the more likely they are to be liberal.

>I have no response so I'll just pretend to read this pretty mild sentence as being "angry" and ignore the point

Sounds like the GOP hired another Russian bot farm

You need a free and open mind to express yourself artistically which naturally makes people lean to the left

It's when you can read FBI crime statistics and not cope about it

imagine unironically suporting making kids fags
literally and unironically end your lives

>cancel culture is good when my side does it
all the faggots who do this stuff deserve each other

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It’s when you question and analyse information that’s presented to you. Your definition is viewing the world through a left wing lense.

Maybe you haven't noticed but lefties have been taking heavy Ls for past few months. I think your grip is loosening lol

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I like that one of the posts is about Milo
>gay man was molested, says it's common among gays

Because they get indoctrinated in liberal colleges.

>It’s when you question and analyse information that’s presented to you.
Right wingers don't do that. They aren't even doing it with the OP of this thread.

>>cancel culture is good when my side does it

yes. kill your enemies.

>suddenly morals and fair play are important

Why did this anime website degenerate into a haven for fox news grandpas?

>Daily Wire
Ah, two more weeks until Disney is overturned. Just wait for them to audit the voting machines from Magic Kingdom. Trust the plan.

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Then why do Democrat states rank lower in IQ statisticsm

There aren't any leftists on 4channel. They're all on twitter complaining about us. The ones who pretend to be leftists on this website are doing just that: pretending. It's the easiest way to get (You)s. Notice how more often than not, they never respond to a single reply they get. It's because they're in another thread shitposting too.

Election tourists no longer have Twitter and r/the_donald to be schizos, so they just go here now to post their schizo ramblings.

it started with project scientology in 2011 which brought in the redditors then in 2016 which brought in the tradcucks

*shits on a canvas and calls it art*
yes truly, open your ass and your mind shall follow

Careful user, Clinton was found guilty and forced to pay a fine for spreading such lies

Liberals don’t either. They just agree and nod with the media and the liberal talking heads. Look how they suddenly hate Elon.

I feel called out by this post

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My brother in Christ do you ever take a step back and consider how fucking embarrassing the shit you write is?

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>what do you want me to do, dress up in drag and groom the students?

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Explains the smug condescending tone to illicit a reaction. Yeah just ignore posts like this from now on.

Boomer GOP talking point.
Sauce? Massachusetts, the state with the best public schools and most highly educated populace, is the heaviest Democrat state in the nation.

entertainers should be beaten with iron rods

Two more weeks?

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This is why moderate chads are the most intelligent no cap


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Mods don't care about off topic threads so I go in them and just say whatever I think will get the most (You)s. I'm considering writing scripts to make my shitposting more efficient but don't wanna get range-banned for spamming