Best movies involving time paradoxes?

Best movies involving time paradoxes?

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Donnie Darko
based, redpilled, sneed /thread

I know it used to have a cornucopia because that logo is specifically from where I learned what a cornucopia is.


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Literally obsessed. Have sex and touch grass.

Your picture is wrong.

shouldn't post online that you are from the old timeline

why do people think there's a cornucopia on the logo

Where'd the logo on top come from then?

Death to your family and salt on your lawn.

Based anti alternate reality poster.

Because we remember it.

You have to go back

I remember walking around Walmart with my mom around 2009 or 2010 I'm between the grocery and clothes departments and Fruit of the Loom had a shelf with clothes on it and the top of the shelf had the cornucopia logo on it. Apparently it never had the cornucopia, yet OP Pic is exactly how I remembered cornucopia looking. Alternate realities obviously aren't a thing, but it wrecks my brain thinking about it. Wtf happened?

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Kids are stupid, you were a kid. Simple as.

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Retard user keeps using the same picture for these threads. I keep telling you to use this one faggot

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You've been marked by the simulant for eternal torture across 100 you-entities for this breach. Ponder on your guilt and remember that the pain you cause your prime is a result of your weakness.

same, I distinctly remember looking at the logo and thinking I'm smart for knowing what a cornucopia is and that other kids are stupid and don't know what it is

The artist who made pic rel was interviewed about this and he explicitly stated that there was a cornucopia as that was the point of the joke and it wouldn't have made sense to make otherwise

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There used to be and they're lying about it.

You will never pass, seek help before its too late

Exactly. How does everyone remember exactly the SAME cornucopia if it was never there? It was specifically a short, fat one.

And even here, everyone knows which one it is.

oh no no no

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I remember watching Star Wars movies as a kid for hundreds times and never paid attention that C3PO has a silver leg. Only years later when I finally read about it I started seeing it in every scene

Then show me proof. It was such a ubiquitous logo, surely there would survive an example of the old version.

Never had a cornucopia. Only a faggot would put fruit but no vegetables in a cornucopia.

Literally same. I feel like I'm being gaslit.

Bernstein bears

you all beter get into gnostic christianity

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Never watched it and don't care. Also, it was always Sex AND the City. I found out that early one. People need to learn the difference between a Mandela Effect and a Mondegreen. Most of these are simply Mondegreens.

In sick and tired of these god damn gaslighting anti-cornucopia posts. Clearly the universe without the cornucopia is the corrupted fake reality

>was interviewed about this and he explicitly stated

Me too

It's not
"Life is like a box of chocolates"
"Life was like a box of chocolates"

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he's rarely the subject of the scene he's in, and there's frequently a lot of light being reflected off of him

it's just not something of consequence, and clouded by other factors.



Feed of the Sneed.

I’m pretty sure they just had an ad campaign in the 90s with a panout of fruit in a cornucopia, but not in the actual logo.

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A lot of this literally is government-sanctioned gaslighting no doubt.

Bitch, I been trying to kill the Demiurge and his archons since before I'd heard of the bastard.

Maybe but the desert scenes now show clearly that he has a silver leg

the Butterfly Effect was much better than i thought it would be. watch the director's cut.

Gnostics are 100% correct

This. I just want to return to my world. Let the others remain here in their corrupted, jewish, dying world.

are you're suggesting that decades of clothing by an international brand were wiped off the face of the earth with no trace

Same desu until I saw people selling used "c3po silver leg" Lego minifigures.

If you look the logo up it's not been erased by fake clickbait sites. So this all feels like some shitty marketing thing that fruit of the loom is going for a more simplified logo. And why would they do that? Because removing the brown cornucopia means that's one less color to spend on when making clothing tags or marketing material.

Lmao keep projecting. There’s a big beautiful world to enjoy, and you’re not welcome in any of it.

find one (1) surviving example of an authentic fruit of the loom product with the cornucopia on the logo, and i'm sold.

>Gnostics are 100% correct

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You clearly are a zoomer. Everyone wasn't armed with a camera at all times in the 80s. Most of the policies and behaviours of CORPORATIONS of that time would be seen as quaint by today's standards. The average citizen CERTAINLY wasn't fucking tweeting back then. Remember, anti-social media hadn't even been thought of yet. Most people didn't own a computer yet. And those that did were """playing""" E.T. the video game with it.

>Lmao keep projecting. There’s a big beautiful world to enjoy, and you’re not welcome in any of it.

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> stupid kid, he thinks he is seeing a cornucopia

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>the only way an article of clothing could survive 20 years is via photography

You've made this world ugly. It WAS beautiful. Until you came along and made it hideous. There is literally nothing beautiful about a global Weimar.

And you are not welcome in the women's restroom.

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>what is the heckin retard sacrificed himself for his high school crush!
gayest shit ever

More like 30-40 at this point.

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i know for sure all my FotL underwear had the tag part either fall off or wear down to being blank after a couple years.
it's all connected. they planned this.

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>Jewish trickery

I watched it as a kid when it came out and it was way over my head.

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I remember the cornucopia from the early 2000s
Anyway, you can google all this shit. It doesn't exist.

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there 100% was a cornucopia
the question is how did it disapear and why are they covering it up

Thread for 15 year olds

You're glowing


>arguing with imaginary trannies
Mentally sound behavior.


only thing glowing is his dunning kruger complex

I remember it from the 80s, most likely because it was bootleg fruit of the loom shirts

Just like there didn't used to be a star on the flag of the USSR but suddenly now there is one, and evidently there always was.

millions of people remember it
we cant all be crazy user

It's the first one obviously

>these corporate logos slightly changed over time
>the name of this children's cartoon is one-letter off from how it got transcribed onto a print TV Guide
>this is evidence of an interdimensional anomaly
Do schizos really?

It's easily overlooked.

And these "trannies", are they in the room with us right now?

I bet you believe gravity is real

Looks like the jidf is here

Stop talking like this and get laid you dorks