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2 more days. Trust the plan.

Big if true.

this is BIG

Where will Joe B. be removed to?

Attached: Two-Weeks1.jpg (490x267, 53.02K)

Joe Mama


True if big.

who will play OP's Tard Wrangler in the inevitable biopic and de facto modernized remake of One flew over the cuckoo's nest?

I didn't know Trump was the vice-president

Let’s go Brandon! FJB!

>twitter screenshot thread

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Biden bros... not like this

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-Low level.

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finally! WWGOWGA!

Wtf is this real???


My 70 year old aunt has fallen into this Qtard shit and is trying to redpill the rest of the family about the deep state and draining the swamp jesus christ it's so sad to see, we're not even americans or from an anglo country...


>We pray it's so accurate.
why do simulant-abusing wine mom boomers type like ESLs




You sound corrupted. Misinformed.

Attached: Meme bake 100.png (501x500, 422.23K)

i have an aunt that believes in stuff like this unironically. The fact that it never became true didn't make her suspicious.

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old folks home

Who’s this broad?

It's a cult for boomers who need a community.

>Trump returning to Twitter after Elon ubans him
>Trump returning to presidency

Unironically they have a low IQ


Reminder that /pol/ unironically believes this shit to this day

That’s worse than going senile.

Libtard, you are, from the truth, you are afar...

Attached: proof bake.png (600x800, 256.66K)

so, not much change then

same, boomers cant handle anything more than newspapers, their underdeveloped brains malfunction

I'm continually amazed at how Trump convinced these retards that he actually cares about them politically

yes, Trump, who has lived his entire life in an ivory tower, cares about "draining the swamp" and making working class people money

>mfw Trump arrives to the white house with this blasting out his helicopter

forgot link


freaks need to have "Proud Q Patriot" engraved on their tombstones so future generations can know how truly retarded and worthless they were

Tough to tell who is just pretending to be retarded.

not really, reminder the current admin belive cutting your cock off litterally makes you a woman.


that's nothing my aunt believes in climate change

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It's Happening right now!!

Lel this level of cope is almost as bad as thinking taking pills and cutting your dick off makes you a woman. Horseshoe.

It's crazy to me that ALL sorts of crazies attached themselves to him, I don't understand what happend. Even Dale Gribble types that used to hate every type of government figures and agencies now suddenly on board with old money NY elite reality star

My theory is he cares about making himself look good. And leaving a legacy does just that. His intentions are good, even if they are narcissitic. oh and dont forget to dilate

Yeah, i'm thinking bout BLACKED

>trade one senile boomer retard for another senile boomer retard
Just nuke muttmerica already

>ignore everything else and focus on the >1% of the population.

lets go BRANDON, ammirite fellow rightoids?

>tfw I made the first ever qpost on /pol/
After it started to take off, I was unceremoniously locked out of my trip. As to who's running the show, let's just say I predicted it...

Because he trolls the ruling class

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You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Yea Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have posted a thread, but the thread has nothing at all to do with the topic of the board! Whoops! You should always remember to look at the address bar to see which board you're posting on! Posting offtopic threads is poor form. You should always try to stay on topic!


Libtard kike, fuck off. Brandon is winning. Schlomo.

>trump is senile
>Biden is senile
>Qs are full blown pants shit retarded.

why are so upset abut an outsider getting into pollitcal power user? just consider all the cope running through your mind right now as to how the media got you to hate a non corrrupt carrer plllitician running things for a bit.

Every "youngster" leader elected by eurocooms are blackedposters like macron or unironic retarded women

Dems and Republicans are trapped in an endless cycle of announcing that the other guy will finally be arrested next week.

why... just why

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Just 2 more weeks and then we'll finally release the Kraken and reinstate Trump and my family will finally admit that they were wrong and invite me back to holiday dinners!

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it's a prettty insane belife to have user, haed to ignore.


For the same reason they're melting down about Elon Musk buying Twitter or the idea of controlling our own border. They want power and they view the struggle for it as a zero-sum game.

Trump broke so many people's brains on both sides of the political spectrum. Libs think he is Hitler 2.0 while Qtards think he is unironical second coming of Jesus.
How come a fat retard has so much power?

Hey bro your dude shit himself in front of the pope and ruined the economy.

>he wrote as his crotch surgury wound stink wofts up to his nose

So, what's the explanation when this doesn't happen?

welcome to democracy and teaching the poor how to read and write. mass literacy is the greatest mistake of the human race


he ran in their circles and paid lobbyists for decades. just because he talks differently doesn't make him an outsider. he based his whole strategy on analytics from facebook.

Just 2 more weeks fellow 'pedes!

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