You are fucking dumb if you haven't realized by now that this show was made because normies were catching onto the fact...

You are fucking dumb if you haven't realized by now that this show was made because normies were catching onto the fact that magic was real so the magicians had to act fast to """discredit""" themselves. This was mainly caused by Chris Angel performing too many feats of magic that were too fantastic to have a conventional answer (the whole point of these magician assholes is that they want you to think all their magic was done by some complicated contraption of trap doors and mirrors and shit because you are all dumb enough to see real magic and think to yourself wow I guess they just had 50 trap doors that violate the laws of physics to do that trick.) Chris Angel was literally levitating and teleporting around on cable TV and so they had to quickly slap this show together (why do you think the set is just some random warehouse) in order to calm everyone down.
>B-b-but this show came out before Mindfreak
Yes you fucking retard. What good would releasing the show after Chris Angel do? They sent the show back in time into the past.

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Other urls found in this thread:

based take

Your meds

Magic is real, street magic is not

>Yes you fucking retard. What good would releasing the show after Chris Angel do? They sent the show back in time into the past.
damn this was the only retort I had, based

i can literally talk to the dead

>gets to heaven
>asks god “was their magic real”
>no they used tricks of light and sleight of hand
>it goes even higher than this

for me, it's this fat fuck

I believe this now and no one will convince me otherwise.

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What if they sent the show back in time into the future?


I am god ask me anything

Genuinely a good peformer.

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he cant keep getting away with it!

I like the way you think, OP.

I love when fat people get so fat that the fat starts to accumilate all over their face. It's interesting to look at. Go big or go home.

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>normies were catching onto the fact that magic was real

Lmao no. No one gave a shit about magicians, people like Uri Gellar and David Copperfield were already forgotten in the 90s, but this guy's show revived interest in stage-magicians and illusions, and this directly gave way to "street magicians" like David Blaine and Kriss Angel being given airtime. Everyone was tryna levitate when Blaine's show hit the streets.

Didn't even read the rest of your post.

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I didn't even read any of your post
Lol get fucked

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You're scared.

Scared of being cringe like you are

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>Weird replies
>Weird animal reaction images

You're scared.

Am I the only one who remembers a masked magician show airing in the 90's? Except his mask was metal.

why do they call it oven when you ov in the cold fold and ov out hot eat the food?

I see spirits all the time, how do I make money off of this?

No that's this dude he definitely fucked these girls as well it was always weirdly erotic

Can I have a Snickers?

>normies were catching onto the fact that magic was real

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I'm having a pretty bad day and this legitimately cracked me up. Thanks, dude.

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Someone explain this now.

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she was holding on the underside of the sheet really tightly

2D beings have been living among humanity since time began. They appear 3D depending on whatever angle you see them from, hence how they've escaped detection all this time.

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For all the niche boards on here a magic board would be interesting.

There is one newfag-sama

>zoomoid downloads a torrent and tries to tell everyone how smart xim xam x5box playsti5on xwii xxyxxxer is than everyone who watched it when it was a fetus or a sperm in one of it's dads nutsack

Kill yourself

It was just some trap doors. Don't worry about it bro :)

She was inside the chair

>What is /x/?

this show came out before Chris Angel

>magic is real bro
literally wat

I honestly thought that was Frakes wearing a costume for a story intro

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>Chris Angel was literally levitating and teleporting around on cable TV

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Magicians really do rely 90% on performance.

Honestly over the years coincidences just keep getting worse and there's no framework for explaining any of them so we're all just forced to pretend that weird shit doesn't happen and nothing is real. I feel like we're being laughed at.

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>Not being satisfied with political conspiracies, highly "progressive" minority rights/identity politics and UFOlogy, the CIA is now trying to instigate full-blown mass schizophrenia by introducing "dude magic real!" posts on boards.

The endgame is Satan worship, I'm sure. Perhaps hell is real, and they're trying to take us all with them.

As a magician I can confirm this is true

She was in the sheet all along in fetal position facing towards the audience. This is why the guy had to twiddle for a sec above the chair - to win her enough time to sit at the edge of the seat. See the bump in the left pic, that's the top of her head. The right one depicts how the sheet opens at the bottom and reveals (the high heels of) her boot.

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Actually very entertaining.

hows gilbert doing

You can't swing a person like that.

she is one of those crazy bendable weirdo contortists and she was literally bent upside down in the chair with legs pointing up and belly downwards on seat and the backrest of the chair opens up lika a trapdoor

I don't care about the magic bullshit, I only watched becuase of the sexy women. They made my 10 year old insides feel funny

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Yeah wow how the fuck did david blaine do this


>chris angel
kek randomly thought about this guy the other day
what is he doing today?

Yeah but those guys aren't discussing card tricks and book tests are they?

died of AIDS

This is why one side of the sheet is made from that silk-like, shiny material and the other (which is not coincidentally faces to the ground) is as black as it gets. I'm sure straps and hidden pockets are also involved but you get the idea.

you can see his right hand is usually balled up because its holding a ball

schizo board but without politics