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My main in that N64 podracer game.

Best thread on Yea Forums

Chud Bolt

I broke many controllers playing that game. It was fun as fuck.

Mars Guo

Nah nigga.
Bullseye Navior is for the pros


Oh n-

he was Chinese?

What is this from?

For me it's Gasgano


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>blows up and dies
what did Lucas mean by this

Star Wars: Episode 1
All these guys are pod racers and are in a hella agreeable racing game on the Nintendo 64

For me? It's Maggie Gyllenhaal

>Search for Wookiepedia
>He actually survived that crash


my boy bullseye navior will kick in everyones teeth when i lap your slowasses

> After his demise, Tyerell's family was reportedly seen grieving after the race's end. In fact, the little scrapper's death became an emotional event for the entire planet of Aleen, who had lost what was perhaps their most well known resident.[1] Deland Tyerell, Ratts' son, went on to found the Ratts Tyerell Foundation, an organization that sought to expose the dangerous and criminal aspects that surrounded the profession of podracing.

9.5/10 meme

Someone please post it

Benny boy is faster on a few tracks, but yeah, Bullseye is top tier.

based Gasgano enjoyer

>newborn baby and everything
This seems needlessly mean spirited on George's part.

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Good game

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The racer aliens had some of the greatest character designs in SW history

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>well hello beautiful

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sebulba is good, but the others are just long skinny stickmen, and blob things

I like how Gasgano is basically a walking hand with smaller hands on the end of each finger. Also, Neva Key is the best racer in the N64 game if you can handle his absurdly sensitive and maneuverable podracer. Did anyone else feel cheated when you finally unlocked Sebulba and discovered his flame jet attack does nothing to AI racers?

Honestly part of the reason I like watching the Phantom Menace is for the weird mix of late 90s cgi and puppet aliens. I can't think of another film that has that same look.

For me, it's Teemto.

I remember trading podracer parts with him in Phantom Menace

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he looks like he has the comfiest pod

the most disappointing part of the Sequel Trilogy is absolutely how bland and boring the few aliens we actually got to see were. I swear I saw this same design like 12 times just in different shades of beige.

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For me it's Ody

They all look the same wtf

Why was Anakin even in that game? Made no sense.


>it actually is a "RrrAAAWWrrrrrr" exactly like OP wrote


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They all have the same earth-tone skin, wide-set squinty eyes, and droopy mouth faces. No wonder the sequels have been forgotten. No creativity!

It kinda seems like one of those walls of various design concepts and instead of picking this and that one going "yeah, that's good, make those" JJ just said yes to all of them at once. When several are probably variations on one concept meant to have the best version chosen.



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just like real racecar drivers

Heh heh heh...

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>fucking dies

>still posting the bait image

based wookipeedia with the sick deets

Why nobody buys!!!?? ERGHHH


>make neat design
>don't use it

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He was called Anakin Skinwalker in my timeline


Now that's one sexy alien

I remember some EU crap about him being a terrible father and his death being generally to the benefit of his family.

This guy fucks

On the contrary



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TPM is peak 90s/2000s transitory soul.

>expose the dangerous and criminal aspects that surrounded the profession of podracing.
So the fact that the races are sponsored by the Hutts didn't make the criminal aspect obvious enough?

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Windows XP



>tfw the coolest pod is also one of the worst

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>not having a Mars Guo action figure

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How many people died in the race that was featured in the movie? How is pod racing a sustainable sport when all the stars either die, or completely destroy their vehicles?

Ohhhhh nooooo....

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Mawhonic rapes all these niggas

RAAAAWWWRRRRposting should replace Sneedposting.

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Same way golf does.

>] One such race, held at the same time as the Trade Federation's invasion of the planet Naboo, was presided over by Jabba the Hutt. This race was attacked by Orr'UrRuuR'R and his tribe, who fired at the racers with their slugthrowers, and the winner of that race was Anakin Skywalker,[1] who finished in 15 minutes and 42 seconds. Of the 18 participants, 66% did not finish, as only 6 racers did.[3] In the years that followed, Jabba had the number of laps reduced to two, and added Dune-Pipes to the Hutt Flats in order to make the race more profitable.[9]

Did you cum on it or something?

these look like a species portrait dlc for stellaris

>it should replace a completely lifeless forced meme pushed by discorders
What kind of vile backhanded compliment is this and what do you have against Mars Guo?

NASCAR has only had four on-track fatalities of anybody who mattered:
Fireball Roberts
Tiny Lund
Neil Bonnett
Dale Earnhardt

The rest of the fatalities were scrubs

>Orr'UrRuuR'R found his nomadic lifestyle among the Jundland Wastes' inhospitable desert terrain somewhat dull but enjoyed taking pot shots at podracers whenever he got the chance.[1]
I can relate to Orr'UrRuuR'R

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