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>too dumb
>corporation doing poorly because other corporation(s) doing better
Why should I care, OP?
Is this era the end of wokism?
No, do not be mistaken
Yes, fucking finally. With the ascendancy of Musk, the white world will finally return to its meritocratic roots.
We're living in the age of the God Emperors, first Trump, now Musk, next, perhaps, Fuentes
Yeah. These things move in 50 year cycles, give or take a few. People were all politically charged assholes in the 60’s, too. Things mellowed out in the following decades.
God, fucking finally. Stop marketing specifically to old moms. What the fuck.
>Netflix makes a bunch of layoffs, many of them not women of color
I hate this timeline so much
also ive never heard a latino say latinx
I hope I live to see the day where women lose their rights again. This Amber Heard shit is really waking people up.
>Latinx women
What the fuck?
Nope. This just means there are too many woke companies so the lesser woke companies will die
>hire mostly women of color
>fire people later on
>who are mostly women of color due to your hiring policies
>cue this article
They have infinite money. They're just getting new propagandists to replace the old ones.
Not their language though is it? Latinx people can call themselves whatever they want in their taco language
>of color
Don't be racist, just say "women"
they're really trying hard to push this meme but hispanics are not buying it
Imagine if every diversity hire in Hollywood got fired and ignored.
>at fan site
they paid for people to run and operate a fan site for them?
Corporations are starting to wake up and realize force diversity doesn’t equate to profits. Big companies like Netflix and Blizzard are hopefully setting industry examples.
NO! You can't fire anyone who isn't white, especially if they're a woman!
Of course. Nobody actually likes that shit. They have to pay people to support it. Haven't you heard of movie companies buying out tickets for their own movies so it won't look like nobody went to see them?
Imagine if the white tax rate was 80% to support People of Color
If I had the power, I'd start petitions to force Netflix to hire them back on the grounds that firing them is racist and sexist.
Based Netflix pulling the rug on the dead weight quota exploiters.
Nourish me with your delicious CNN loving Marxist tears Moshe. Mmmmmmm.
Oh my the leftist salt is so nourishing. Have a free YWNBAW.
holy cringe
I never hear them say latino either. It's always hispanic/hispano
It's not too late to detransition
Its interesting, the generation before were really radical and the ones now are more moderate/conservative,
no one cares about that fag
by fag I mean all the "fags" clint eastwood smoked on the set of his various movies which is TV/FILM related stupid janny trannies stop banning me for speech you don't like
This has been said for over half a decade now...
Humanity in general is retarded running on cycles. Woman in the 60's fought to show more skin now woman are fighting for Shariah Law
no, it ends with outright kiddie fucking, we're close but still not there.
>the ones now are more moderate/conservative
They're not though, they're just less vocal
It's a religion. People don't abandon their religion over a few lost sheckles. They'll keep doing it until they are physically incapable of continuing. It's all they know.
theres a book called Generations that talks about this, I havent read it but yeah that generations move in cycles, one generations always become very radical and then it fizzles out and starts over again
Why dont humans learn from history? we have all this information o history and humans are still retarded
>“Well. I just was laid off from a significant contract originally intended through August so I’m looking for stable work… and rent. I need rent,” tweeted Nichole Perkins.
Shouldn't have worked for Netflix's "Fan site", idiot.
>Musk buys twitter so they can no longer manufacture consensus
>Disney and Netflix plummet due to backlash against woke shit
>anti-tranny laws passing in numerous states
>SCOTUS set to BTFO abortion, affirmative action, and gun control
>blatantly obvious that Dems will get creamed in the midterms because of gas prices and Bidenflation
Chud bros... we fucking won.
They're also fighting for more skin on the streets, just not in television and film, remember that free the nipple shit?
I wish
not the diversity quota...
>the majority of the people you hire are diversity-squad
>the majority you fire are diversity
Looks like an issue of statistical chances. It's hard to fire a lot of white hetero males if you don't hire them in the first place.
They do though. Heaps of thinkers have recognized that there are patterns and trends throughout history. It's just that turning those into a rigorous system capable of prediction is difficult.
Actual latinos fucking hate the term latinx.
turns out diversity hires aren't actually productive. It must suck to have to lay off whoever is holding you back. It sure looks bad from this angle.
They may lay off with the tranny worship and the whole hiring based on gender/skin color stuff, but it will never be truly over.
9/11 is the sole reason you ever felt like there were better times to begin with. Because people were so mad at towelheads, they didn't have enough of a fuck to give about blacks, lgbt etc.
You know what was before 9/11? LA riots and O.J. Simpson. AIDS hysteria coinciding with LGBBQs being more active than ever (you can imagine how fun it was). Insane rightoid fundamentalists trying to ban everything left of Beatles. And so on. Internet would have fucking sucked back then if it was as popular as it is now.
They finally have to stop humoring the idiot leftists now that their funds are running dry
Spiteful Zionist useful idiots don’t win, they only make things shit for everyone else too
trains rights
Notice how said nothing about Trump, but you still had to bring him up for some reason.
unironically based.
tranny female ape mudskin bros . . .
we got too cocky . . .
>now that their funds are running dry
Their funders literally print money. They're not running out anytime soon.
I'm a spic and when I hear a white liberal say "latinx" I want to send a pitbull to eat his nuts off. But then again I just fucking hate white liberal soibois in general, their entire ideology and way of looking at the world sickens me deeply.
Worst thing I've ever read
>for some reason.
Not if Garry Fink has anything to say about that.
>anti-tranny laws passing in numerous states
Until they redefine transgenderism as a mental illness (and homosexuality, for that matter) and start treating it as such, this means nothing and they'll continue on as they always have.