Saw this movie a couple weeks ago, absolutely amazing design and atmosphere. Any other movies like it?

Saw this movie a couple weeks ago, absolutely amazing design and atmosphere. Any other movies like it?

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Yeah this MOVIE is great. Hopefully the MAIN CHARACTER pulls through.

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The ending was confusing as fuck to me

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are we safe here

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He literally got enlightened

I can't remember, didn't the main characters wife leave a grumpy in his bed?

The devil is a woman. He fucks her. The end.

who is this wizard guy?

any kinos where board games become reality?

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He watches over Corso

Was she satan all along, /megapint/?

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After Corso doesn't heed his warning, he gets struck from above

The work it's based upon makes it a bit clearer despite being somewhat different. The girl is actually lucifer and more or less she is the prize, but she doesn't have much to give ironically besides her love. So in the book dude does the ceremony from the book and gets torn apart by demons while trying to summon whatever the fuck. The protagonist decides to get with the girl instead.


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For what purpose did satan write a cryptic book 300 years ago, in order to fuck a scuzzy book dealer?

Just trust me, bro

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Unironically lonelyness and kind of as a game. In Club Dumas Lucifer is more portrayed like a rebel of sorts that's constantly on the run from other angels, few of which she has been wrestling for ages at one point. So Lucifer travels light and once the game kicks off slowly falls in love with Depp. Something like that.

Kek hag lawyer getting BTFO'd

Polanski's other thrillers

No, just a fallen angel.

Just watch other Polanski movies like Rosemary’s Baby. The man is a master at the craft

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new puzzle.

>finally another thread up
>nobody uses it

>What character was Johnny Depp going to play in Pirates 6?
is amber turd's lawyer a literal retard?

The Ghost Writer. Also has books, it's comfy as fuck.

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Did that actually happen? Jesus Christ

yes lol. I mean what her lawyer was trying to do was just break the flow because the questioning was getting to the heart of the damages.

>AH's lawyers are fuming
>Depp's agent testifies that upon the release of the op-ed, his fees started dropping instantly

The judge needs to slap that lawyer around with her nonstop interuptions.

unfortunately no, it's a unique kind of kino

I mean other Polanski movies have a similar feel.

just tried to watch the ghostwritter, but the editting was so atrocious in the first 5 mins that i couldnt watch anymore.

what was so bad about the editing?

i call her hagetha

qrd on today's events so far?
just got up

why would she hire such an unlikable lawyer?

doesnt let the takes breathe imo. Cutting too much

Just a servant or high witch. She had engravings done with her visage on them so still important LT. Id say.

I watched this the other day after someone here said that there was a nice ass in the end but it was from a mile away.
Good movie but they fucked up the ending. Apart from the boota booba in the end there's no payoff.
pic unrelated

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not only that, but she just let his agent say AGAIN on cross examination that the op ed was catastrophic. maybe things will go better for amber when her witnesses get on the stand i donno, but this cross examination is a trainwreck

Avatar fag trailer released. Somebody posted a 9th gate. So ...just getting started. There is a nice milf pawg thread tho

the trial has been going for 2 hours already hasnt anything happened?

There was a wizard.

>not even satan can resist johnny's charm

FAG get off this kino thread.

you know thinking about it, Ringu/The Ring is actually pretty similar in that it's a procedural mystery unraveling through investigating media objects and there's a strong visual aesthetic and sense of interior design though it's not the same "comfy" vibe as old estates and books

Yeah! Watts/corso film when!!

He objected to his own question too

I'm an angel. I kill firstborns while their mamas watch. I turn cities into salt. I even, when I feel like it, rip the souls from little girls, and from now till kingdom come, the only thing you can count on in your existence is never understanding why.

repulsion is creepy

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I hope for your own sake you don’t share your thoughts publicly. Because you are dumb as fucking shit

>boomer is telling his entire life story and going on tangents

Da Vinci Code
Secret Window
Devil (elevator one)
Eyes Wide Shut
The Omen (the old two ones)

thats all i can think of

Wizard testified that Amber physically abused him and Johnny didn't lift a finger. Agent testified that deals started falling through right after the op-ed was printed.

I actually don't mind it. It's nice to just sit and listen for a minute.

thanks frendo

Who closed the deal on this movie, I wonder

>a film by a kid fucker

Watch Angel Heart & Lord Of Illusions