>that was considered übermensch muscular in 1954 Italy
That was considered übermensch muscular in 1954 Italy
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why did she keep plodding along with him? was it severe autism?
thank god for vitamins and better nutrition
Italians are scrawny little men who cling to their past because they got repeatedly raped by big germanic bulls.
>posso spezzare questa catena
They had no food bro, the war just happened.
Have you seen images of strongmen 100 years ago? People used to be much smaller.
more like local schizo clown got his one minute of fame.
And they had to hire a foreigner for this role
Compared to who? Some of the strong men were huge circus freaks.
Say it again
If you're Italian.
They're also half black.
Some, but the average buff dude at that time was much smaller than the average buff dude today.
It was because of food mainly, people used to be smaller.
Its because of roids
your mother fucks pigs
Yes, he was sculpted, but nothing like today's strongmen. Proved my point basically.
Compare him to OP faggot, which is what you were replying to.
People were shorter back then.
I didn't say OP looks like a strongman, just that standards were different back then.
actors used to be choosen for their acting back then not their appearance, at least for certain roles.
Gay thread
Sandow wasn't a strongman, he was the first to concentrate on aesthetics rather than functional strength
I'm Italian and I'm superior to you niggers.
He wasn't a strongman, but a body builder. He was BTFO by actual strongmen.
Yeah, he kiked up the male physique. Later kikes made it literally homosexual.
>he kiked up the male physique by taking inspiration from ancient Greek statues
Hilarious how the amerimutts in this thread are too fucking retarded to know that zampano is played by a literal La Creatura spic/amerishit mutt, actor Anthony Quinn. You're making fun of one of your own. Pic related an actual italian you dumb niggers.
why did it take this long for this obvious fact to be mentioned?
sardinia not est italia
current standards are skewed by the (((gym)) industry and supplement kikes pushing ever bigger and more ripped actors and influencers to the front to make it seem like a norm. men are not meant to carry substantial amount of muscle
user che cazzo...
no i'm sardinian
Greeks weren't working out to look good though, it's just that aesthetics were the consequences of living properly.
>Proudly proclaims to be a sheep fucker
She had nowhere to go and probably didn't want to disappoint her family, she was earning money for them after all.
I look also huge next to child
meds are funny little brown things. adorable
On the left a based world
On the right a cucked world
Wow, it's like different times have different technologies, huh. Who could have thought.
Men are supposed to have more muscle than soigoy Pierce Brosnan who has never worked a day in his life.
This isn't the body of what a normal man should look like. That's the body of someone who doesn't do anything physical. If you look like this as an office worker, fair enough.
Can you remind me which people were responsible for those technologies?
Principally, the greeks and semites
Oh cool, which technologies did the greeks and termites come up with? Engines? Rockets? Computers? Electricity? Please educate us.
Civilization, the bedrock for others to build upon.
Yeah all of them actually.
I pity american education, I really do.
Italy, a country with an agrarian economy, divided by several powers for centuries, has produced a wealth of scientists, poets, artists inimaginable for bigger countries.
From Volta, to Fermi.
Fibonacci and many others were essential for modern math, Galileo put the groundwork for the scientific system. Marconi advanced technology a lot, but gets no recognition for it.
This is just scientists that came after the roman empire, when Italy wasn't a world power anymore. And it goes beyond science. Have you ever wondered why pianissimo or fortissimo are expressions in classical music? Or what alphabet you are using?
Civilization is older than greeks and kikes. In fact kikes never had a civilization and were just a traveling group of leeches who shit up every civilization until they were kicked out. Try again.
Shut the fuck up and stop embarrassing yourself any further.
Why do you think the volt is used to measure electricity?
Who invented the barometer to measure pressure?
Your lack of education is the only reason you think so lowly of meds.
Now this is some insane cope
He's just a germoid, all the American achievement has come out of Italians, slavs, Latins, jews, and lately the Asians
Nigger, not only was being a strongman Sandow's fucking JOB, one of his acts was breaking a chain around his chest just like the OP picture.
Who invented your dilator?
Isn't that an American invention
>after the roman empire, when Italy wasn't a world power anymore
>implying Italy is a political successor to Roman Empire
I see this is all you can answer when faced with facts.
I will never deny the merit of german scientists, I truly admire many of them, but the importance of Italians in the history of civilizations is undeniable, even when not a world power.
Roidbodies are considered hot only by faggots.
I was disproving the idea that Italians neverd did anything after the roman empire.
I don't consider myself roman, I consider myself Italian.
your weird obsession for something that doesn't belong to you like the roman empire is quite embarrassing
americans have nothing to do with the native people of latium in any shape or form whatsoever, their culture, their politics, their ethnicities, their view of the world couldn't be any more different than yours.
they say at the beginning that she's a little mentally challenged
what depressed me most about the movie was how shit their act was. I went in expecting their journey to be arduous, but I figured they put on a good show.
Women like that strong built daddy body and no I don't mean modern definition of a fatfuck "dadbod"
Wide shoulders, huge forearms, nice back, a bit of belly. This is what women unironically like
A thread full of weak dorks, service and office workers, fags and trannies, discuses the strength of real men despite never working a day of real shit. Truly a work of art.
>you mentioned it therefore you're obsessed about it
ok schizo
they don't know anything about Europe in the first place, do you think they know about Italians like Francesco Redi and how important they are?
it's not just you, it's all your fellow american schizos who copy roman and italic iconography at every chance they get
Nigger, I used to have to carry around 50kgs of coil in each hand to and from jobs. And shovel shit.
You'd never understand. The US is the success story of europeans coming together and creating the best amalgamation of european success in one nation. Too bad it's all fucked up and invaded now.
It's over Yankee
Oh wow you used to do something until you quit your job. Good job.
>The US is the success story of europeans coming together and creating the best amalgamation of european success in one nation
Hijacked by judeogermanic elites, satanists/yahwists and literal Israelis. And now it's pushing its degeneracy on the entire world. America is the Great Satan.
Lol I'm southern trash, northerners are yankees.
I got a better job. What sort of a faggot are you?
Yeah it sucks. This will happen to every major power. Those in the shadow are parasites
It's all Yankee to me
This is true