Pure Kino

>Anger does not change the fact that your father failed to act.
>The man had a gun!
>Would that stop you?
>I've had training!
>The training is nothing! The will is everything! The will to act.

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why are they dresesd like jedis

>The training is nothing!
Then why do it?

retards will still go
>it’s a le children’s movie

So you can act in style.

Nolan dialogue is an affront to all human dignity and sanity.

the outfits are pretty kino desu., especially Bale's tan with brown gauntlets

Begins and TDK are both peak Nolan and peak Batman and nothing will ever come close.

Training is preparation. Could you walk for a full day? Sure. But you'd have a much easier journey with training.

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Brainlet take. He's pointing out the will to act/fight is what will make the training worthwhile. The will that would have made him act. The will that will make him put his training to use, if not the way Ra's intends. He isn't actually saying that Thomas would have saved them, just that he failed to even try.

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Rises was an abomination only good for the Bane memes.

>plebs think this is somehow good writing/advice
also Thomas Wayne tried to wrestle Chill and got shot, so what did he fail exactly, other than to continue to live?

Its Tibet or someshit. It's cold nigga

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To have the courage to act more often
But Ra's point is that with 0 training and some balls, you can still act

Agreed, I have no idea what drugs they were on when making it, it's a failure of a finale on every level.
>awful editing
>awful script
>every characters death is filmed in the most comedic and nonsensical way possible
>Alfred just disappears halfway through the movie after Bruce gets mad at him when before he would support him against all odds
>Bruce decides to stop fighting crime for almost a decade because...why?
I could go on but you get the idea, just awful all around. Still kind of entertaining in a bad movie way though.

>Thomas Wayne tried to wrestle Chill and got shot,
No he didn't. Watch the movie again.

1st half of Begins is peak capekino.

It's a shame Begins and DK had to lead into it. It honestly makes me enjoy both less, knowing all those things, and those you don't, along with the idea that Batman would retire to fuck Selina in Paris after only several years of actually being active and hand off the cave and tools to a cop who is going to get himself killed his first night out.

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technically jedis dress like them

Ras was right. Charge a man with a gun. Run from a man with a knife.

>why are they dresesd like jedis
To look Oriental. At least it's something. Batman is supposed to be a man built like a brick shithouse wearing a grey, fitted ninja outfit with a bat theme. Not a body-armor wearing tank.

christ that made me realize that the batman made batman into superman not just making him an idiot and bulletproof but morally turned him into a fag at the end too


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>along with the idea that Batman would retire to fuck Selina in Paris
It's the boldest thing Nolan ever did and one of things in this movie that makes it standout from lazy manchild fantasies. Bruce either retires early enough to have family or else he does one of the two.

1) Die fighting(Ironman, Craig Bond)
2) Give up at one point when your body gives out and retire as a bitter lonely old man(pic related).

Having him retire is a well thought ending. One that gives the character closure.


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>Give up at one point when your body gives out and retire as a bitter lonely old man
That's kino because it leads to a Batman Beyond scenario.

Beyond was the only realistic way Bruce would ever retire. You can claim muh manchild fantasies till you are blue in the face, and it will still be bullshit and you know it. Even if we agreed on the idea of it being bold rather than retarded, it was handled in a shitty, shitty way. Or do you think handing odd all his gear to Blake was good writing?

There's more soul in this scene than in the rest of the trilogy, the entirety of the DCEU, and The Batman.

>Beyond was the only realistic way Bruce would ever retire.
Most versions of Batman, yes but this one was written in way where being Batman was always going to be a short term thing.
>do you think handing odd all his gear to Blake was good writing?.
Bruce's arc itself was done properly. Blake being Batman without training strains the suspension of disbelief, yes but then again which version of Robin other than Damian is in anyway believable as a crime fighter? Being a circus gymnast or a petty thief is far less believable than a former cop.

Just let brainlets seethe.

>Bruce decides to stop fighting crime for almost a decade because...why?
Because he won and crime was down to unprecedented levels. Rachel also never really liked the vigilantism, so hanging up the cape during the period of prosperity was probably his way of honouring her memory.


That’s Qui Gon Jin on the right dummy.

a circus gymnast who gets trained by his adoptive dad, batman, for years. you missed that part

nolan just really wanted to see qui gon jin in action again

He doesn't know if he's a murderer, he could be an innocent poster on a Laotian television and film forum for all Bruce knows.

Oh so he exploded an innocent man. Bravo

Still a teenager. Unless his training lasted a decade, it's not really much of an advantage.

The farner escapes, as do many of the league.

either that or he cucked to mountain monks

ummm gonna need a SOURCE for that buddy. peer reviewed

There's actually a quick shot of him running away.

He's confusing it with BVS where Thomas Wayne clearly goes for the mugger like a retard

Thought as much. Snyder had him go for the gub because of "muh hotblooded hunter heritage".

Ra's is trying to convince Bruce to take more direct action against Gotham.

I get his ethos when he defends the murderer and kills the ninjas to defend him. I don't get him not saving Neeson though.

It's obvious Ledger's death ruined whatever Nolan was planning and he said "fuck it" and gave us Rises.

>shout platitudes at each other
>redditors mind: "KINO!!!"

Learn the meaning of the word pajeet.

How dyou lads think of Batshit 2022?

I personally like hows he's bulletproof

I don't.

It’s stupid for him to be like that
I get that you always go for centre massage but he just walks into automatic rifle fire and takes about 25 shots directly to the chest without even flinching, one of those shots alone would at least slow him down and hurt him as shown by the shotgun directly to the chest which winds the fuck out of him
Also one goon would think to aim up at his exposed face 7 inches above the chest
I have no issue with him taking a shot here and there but make it so he CAN survive a gunshot but it’s still something he avoids at all costs due to the pain
Not have him walking towards full auto rifles slowly

I love how they gave him a leather cowl that somehow is just as invulnerable as his plated suit

Yeah if his suit is so bulletproof why not cover your face in the same stuff
Why risk taking a shot to the face or head when your suit can take shots with no issue (until the plot demands it)

>being Batman was always going to be a short term thing.
If Batman is a long term thing then the entire concept is fundamentally flawed and it is a complete waste of time

You mom's pussy is an affront to human dignity and sanity.

wtf are you talking about? Rises was the only good movie in the trilogy, second was good because of joker, but the movie was retarded

Wrong. In this version Wayne gave Chill his wallet. Then Chill pointed his gun at the wife. Wayne stepped in front and got shot.

only once you realize Bane was the good guy

WB begged Nolan to make Rises it was just a money grab. That said, Bruce retires because the police are after him, and the city doesn't need him since with the Dent Act most of the criminals are in jail. Plus, Bruce is injured from his last encounter (getting shot in the midsection and falling from that height).

Blake would presumably go on his own journey. He did have police training at least.