>Be Robert Eggers
>Make greatest film of the decade
>Refuses to elaborate and leaves
Be Robert Eggers
just based off how much praise ive heard about this film, i know its going to suck. you guys never get shit right. you conned me into watching nonsense before.
>be robert eggers
>make another flop for artsy white kids and nazi schizos
>producers realize they shouldn't give you so much money
>won't make another big budget movie ever again
What did he mean by this?
This movie we didn't deserve, like that mecha del toro movie.
Some Jews take a tax write-off and Eggboy goes back to making small character driven kino. End of the fuckin world right?
i just wanted to thank you david.
your kino might have bombed at the (((box office))), but honestly , could have we expected otherwise ? regardless of your personal profit, and very much against the top down “directives” , you wrote a timeless love letter for our culture, our history, our identity.
your film has everything: norse mythology, shakespearean dialogues, beautiful natural shots, a outright european herrenmoral. the fights have always a dramatic meaning , the story is so archetypical that a petty action movie esque plot would only ruin it, and your never voyeuristic fondness for the white body shapes was manifest throughout the whole movie from the opening to the final climax.
you are a poet and a hero , david, and i thank you for that.
It's okay, I preferred Conan with Arnie, this is just a dark version.
Go on youtube and you can find countless junket interviews with Eggers and the cast about it.
There is no mystery.
>Robert Eggers: “Anya had just turned 18 the day we started filming.”
>Marc Maron: “You said that defensively - like, 'she was old enough!'”
>Eggers: “Did I?”
is no one going to comment on how horrendously photoshopped anya is
It bombed?
But it's just Conan for people who don't work out, innit?
you just know this film is pure fucking garbage since Yea Forums shills it so hard.
to all newfags / r*dditors in here: if a series or movie is shilled hard by Yea Forums its guaranteed to be garbage.
movies and series shilled hard by Yea Forums:
Uncut Gems
Borat 2
The Boys S2 (S1 was not shilled in here but hory fucking shit S2 was shilled hard af)
Queen's Gambit
The King
that cartoon superhero bad superman
and now The Northman
I will now watch your movie.
>you guys never get shit right
This, whatever the general consensus on Yea Forums assume the opposite, these faggots have been wrong 99% of the time
It's a 7/10 m8
don't forget Godzilla King of the Monsters, that was fucking shit too
There's different kinds of people here, tranny.
shut the fuck up troon shill
>be me
>see this movie recommended organically by fans
>go see it
>enjoy it
>go back to Yea Forums
>see it shilled desperately
>see Anons turned away by the same stench
>turn a bit sad inside, knowing the damage this will do to what could have become Yea Forums core kino and will now be forever maligned, AND RIGHTFULLY SO, YOU SWINE! HAVE FAITH! YOUR MOVIE IS GOOD! WORD OF MOUTH NEED NOT BE DISTORTED! LET IT GROW YOU FOOLS!
no bro its great, definitely worth leaving the basement and seeing it in the theater
This is the most obvious shill I've ever seen in this board.
Robert Eggers. He is restoring pride in our people with his great films. The Northman is going to be epic… Hail Odin.
i went to see it on a sunday morning and the theater was 80% full, with hispanics
it was truely kino
you got big hands
I wouldn't really say it's the greatest film of the decade, I'd probably say it's the greatest film to ever grace the big screen.
Incredibly agreeable
jews hate this film and are fudging the box office numbers. i work at movie theater and every showing is packed
Nice interview of Eggers about the film, contains spoilers.
I'm starting to think this as well, saw it this last Friday and the theater was decently full, like 75-80%
I generally think most of these threads are bullshit because nobody brings up the best scene in the film, when Amleth fights an undead Draugr in the burial mound for the sword, that scene was legitimately right out of Dark Souls or Elden Ring, even the way it was shot and how the Draugr moved had to have been an intentional Fromsoftware reference.
>that scene was legitimately right out of Dark Souls or Elden Ring, even the way it was shot and how the Draugr moved had to have been an intentional Fromsoftware reference.
>>make another flop for artsy white kids and nazi schizos
Ah yes, the nai-pandering movie that depicts the ubermensch norse society as animal-like savages who literally rip men's throats out with their teeth, constantly murder and rape each other and other nearby cultures, with a hero that is literally a half slavic rape baby
Yes, such pandering.
Honestly if any of you brain dead shills actually watched the movie you'd realise its not sympathetic in the slightest to the culture or characters that it depicts. The "hero" of the story becomes a serial killer after returning to his childhood home, slaughtering 'innocent' men in the night to try and terrify his uncle. He is not portrayed as morally decent in any modern understanding of the term and barely even by the contemporary standards.
I’m glad /pol/ schizos like you don’t like the movie. Now fuck off back to your basement
>The "hero" of the story becomes a serial killer after returning to his childhood home
Whoops my bad, not his childhood home, but his childhood community, though they have changed locations.
>not listing any capeshit
please grow the fuck up.
>give evidence that this movie is produced by jews
>getting called muh /pol/ schizos
Meanwhile, your shill friend here said that Jews hate this movie.
Maybe stop obsessing over Jews and find real meaning and enjoyment in your life
Grow the fuck up, the Jewishness of people involved in Hollywood isn't a secret, it isn't new, and it isn't relevant.
Saw it tonight - theater was pretty packed. The woman kept saying oh my gosh every time something happened. Dafoe was too good in this.
It's true, we're retarded fags
They barely are though, since Fjölnir and the men who helped him with his coup slaughtered the villagers who were loyal to Aurvandill, and they were the ones who fled with Fjölnir after he was deposed by whoever took over the kingdom at that point.
lmao say it aint so!
I thought 'chuds' were supposed to be your target audience. Why you hate them now lel.
So ONE kike's involved. it's a hollywood movie, what'd you expect?
This film has some really weird parts but it's refreshing because it doesn't have anything modern in it. It's just history and mythology. 8/10
90 IQ chuds are lured in by the Viking imagery and don’t understand the Shakespearean themes of the movie in the slightest, we are better off without them
>NOO! He can't heckin' market his movie!!!
You are reddit.
>it isn't relevant.
Found the lie.
I thought the way they incorporated Amleth's visions of his Norse beliefs into the film were really cool. The way they visualized Yggdrasil was incredible looking, eerie and morbid with the older, more dessicated corpses at the base of the tree, and becomes more serene when it gets towards the top.
Also when the ravens free Amleth in the barn and we pan up and see Odin with his ravens standing behind him was bad-ass.
Trannies detected. Only discord trannies hate this movie.
It was a bit silly that the sword he found was named Draugr. Because Draugr doesn't mean "undead" or anything cool like that, it means "poor wretch". Why would you name some legendary magic sword "poor wretch"?
Amleth was a poor wretch though
>Why would you name some legendary magic sword "poor wretch"?
A sword could be named for many reasons. I haven't seen the movie yet, but if the sword was in a burial mound, defended by literal undead, it seems like a fitting name, no?
So now the northman haters are tranny? I think just a minutes ago your shill friends said only /pol/, chud, and jews hates this movie
I liked how Amleth insulted Fjolnir for worshipping Freyr
Ignore the discord agent. No one cares who thinks what about who hates this movie.
Based. Did they rent an entire theater?