>Goldsman also wants the viewer to know that he’s doing political allegory, with an explanation point. It’s initially quite unsubtle, using actual January 6th footage to make a point about societal divisions. And that’s missing the larger point. oh no no no no no ahahahhahahahahhaa
I would call it a heavy handed allegory but I doubt modern Star Trek writers can even spell "allegory".
Isaiah Williams
>By the fifth episode, the crew is finally established enough that we get hints of sorely needed conflict. Number One (Rebecca Romijn) and security chief La’an Noonien-Singh (Christina Chong) are the uptight authoritarians, Uhura the easily hazed noob, Nurse Chapel the young maverick, Spock and Pike the most perfect people ever, etc. Plus there are genuine stakes, and it’s funny too, with a comedic device that harkens back to the O.G. “Turnabout Intruder” episode. While larger narrative arcs exist for the characters, the A-story changes week to week
tl;dr white men aren't incompetent bad guys/needing to be lectured by women all the time and the show is episodic.
I don’t think Goldsman understands what an “ala gory” is.
Bentley Richardson
Goldsman and Kurtzman only wrote the first episode of the season and it's just an introduction to the crew. Rest are different writers and none were carried over from STD/SPIC. Cautiously optimistic.
David Sanders
>'Star Trek: Strange New Worlds' has promise, and the usual frustrations >There's a fun show in there, buried under clanky dialogue and odd plotting. >having now seen the first half of the first season (a second is already in production) I can say that Strange New Worlds will be a frustrating watch for fans. Frustrating because there are the bones of a really fun, interesting Star Trek series buried deep inside Strange New Worlds. Sadly, it’s trapped in the usual mix of faux-melodrama, clanging dialogue and dodgy plotting with the usual lapses in logic. Many writers are blind to their own flaws, which is why it’s so amusing that this is what Kurtzman and co. feel is a radical departure from their own work. >Maybe I’m being unfair, but this is the seventh season of live-action Star Trek released under Kurtzman’s purview. The three lead characters all had a full season of Discovery to bed in, too, so it’s not as if everyone’s starting from cold. But despite the gentlest of starts, the show still manages to stumble out of the gate, trying to do too much and not enough at the same time. The first four episodes, especially, feel as if someone’s trying to speed-read you through a whole season’s worth of plot in a bunch of partly-disconnected episodes. engadget.com/star-trek-strange-new-worlds-preview-040051197.html
based creepy shadow reposter reminder $VIAC quarterly earnings are on tuesday and top gun's box office failure is also assured this month, so get those put options in
Henry Brown
Who’s gonna buy them out? Sonic the Hedgehog can’t possibly keep them afloat.
Cameron Bailey
You expect him to know every single literary device that exists? It's LITERALLY impossible. There's simply too many.
Noah Green
>A bunch of Q boomers leaving bottles on the floor is the example people in the future will use to talk about social division
>Turnabout Intruder >the last and one of the worst episodes of TOS I'm thinking no Kurtzman's shit covered fingers are all over it, he killed the Amazing Spiderman franchise, he killed the Dark Universe before it was born. He consistently shit up everything he's involved in. Do not get excited.
Parker Nguyen
tough call, they don't make much now, but that classic cbs library sweetens any deal how about elon lowballs them?
Isaac Kelly
>superherohype.com/tv/513804-star-trek-strange-new-worlds-review-learning-to-lighten-up >Goldsman also wants the viewer to know that he’s doing political allegory, with an explanation point. It’s initially quite unsubtle, using actual January 6th footage to make a point about societal divisions. And that’s missing the larger point. Classic Trek navigated its allegories by being subtle enough to evade the censors at socially conservative networks. Paramount+ makes no such restrictions, but being subtle enough that certain viewers don’t instantly cry “Woke!” might open said viewers more to the underlying themes. Captain Kirk never busted out Vietnam war footage to make his arguments. William Shatner’s elocution and hand gestures were all he needed. Holy shit, it's real.
I'm not optimistic, I'll still pirate it because Kurtzman shouldn't be supported. But at this point being episodic alone puts it several tiers above STD/SPIC.
>Strange New Worlds mostly charts its own course with clear-cut missions and a new planet/alien/mystery each week, while still weaving in a few serialized strands throughout. The weekly format keeps it light and nimble, and it doesn’t get bogged down by impenetrably dense technobabble like Discovery and Picard do
Noah Flores
So it's just turbo overload disco.
Carson Jackson
Are they ever going to get over Trump?
Gavin Edwards
actually let's do a deeper dive: >classic library has a rapidly dwindling audience and can probably be gobbled up for cheap >let paramount pictures wallow for a few more years, they already need chinese capital for their productions >let nickelodeon and spongebob sit because children's programming is a high-risk market right now and they'll make a mistake sooner or later (remember the blue's clues pride incident?) >south park is a money pit being used to keep the rights away from other companies >ditto all these star trek productions, they won't give it away for what it's actually worth >mtv is probably cheap and can be revitalized to some degree for an aging audience, but beavis and butthead is not the way to go >there's no way to fix halo and it's worthless
Samuel Rivera
So what you’re telling me is that they should eat my shorts?
There is no difference, and episodically bad can actually be much worse.
Tyler Wood
The only way to fix Star Trek is to get rid of all of the jews in the writing room.
Aaron Allen
Berman was a Jew.
Ian Turner
Andrew Brown
honestly, if i had the money, i would have made a pass for naked gun just after the floyd riots not gonna post the really devilish buyouts one can do on a public board, though
Jackson Baker
Not a solution. Paramount needs to die.
Alexander Rivera
>episodically bad can actually be much worse Rarely. If you have one bad episode, there's a far greater chance of getting something better next week than if it's serialized. Serialized bad means one bad concept sinks the whole season.
the chance of them reusing the bad concept is exactly the same for episodic as it is in serial
Adrian Baker
Look on the bright side; Trump is now canon to Star Trek.
Jason Reyes
They didn't write shit and knew their places
Benjamin Powell
Sheer fucking hubris.
Jason Adams
"their places" being the top?
Juan Garcia
>exactly the same No. If this turns out worse than STD/SPIC, I'll be very impressed. Chances are it will be better just from being episodic. That doesn't mean it will be good but it will still be better because serialized is essentially trying to stretch one bad episode idea over an entire season.
Jayden Hernandez
Read the script and fucking act, no interjecting their biased JEW opinions into anything and everything
Jackson Turner
hey paramount how much do you think the rights to strange wilderness are worth i will buy it just for the meme youtube.com/watch?v=uvbKmyp9WI0
Levi Rivera
You're just like my wife. You woman.
Jack Reed
Nemesis killed Star Trek.
Camden Sanders
Just have to get rid of Kurtzman and Goldsman I think, they seem to be the harbingers of shit. Goldsman is a hack from way back who's continued receiving of work can only be attributed to pure (((isms))). These two just need to go.
This doesn't even make sense. Bad writers are bad writers regardless of episodic or serialized storytelling, but the very nature of episodic storytelling means there's a higher chance of you watching a good episode than serialized storytelling. One bad serialized story will ruin an entire season. A bad season of episodic storytelling could still have some good episodes. Like I said though; shit writing is shit writing regardless. Episodic is simply a better option IF the writing is shit.
Lucas Lewis
They seem to be very well hated by many types of Trek fans, how the fuck do they keep getting work?
Jeremiah Reed
they wrote the scripts and produced the show and ran the studio
Connor Hughes
Voyager and Nemesis (2001 and 2002) killed it, Enterprise (2005) made sure it stayed that way until it was resurrected.
Charles Nelson
Reminder. This is the guy who wrote Batman and Robin.
one bad serialized story won't ruin an entire season either and VOY is beloved
Isaiah Morgan
>They seem to be very well hated by many types of Trek fans, how the fuck do they keep getting work? Trek fans don't write their checks.
Justin Davis
Because Star Trek is currently in the strongest position it's been since the peak years of Next Generation, thanks to them.
Robert Howard
Kurtzman got handed all this by JJ, and Kurtzman brought Goldsman along for the ride. They're basically unshakable as running trek now until they get bored and decide to fuck off of their own accord
The finale was a studio dial in to wrap it up due to viacoms idiotic cancelation. Even fans of ENT admit this
Jordan Long
Luke Stewart
Which sci-fi franchise needs to be put out of its misery more badly, Star Trek or Star Wars?
Alexander Morris
>Because Star Trek is currently in the strongest position it's been since the peak years of Next Generation, thanks to them. And simultaneously, by far, the most hated era of trek by almost the entire spectrum of fans.
Liam Richardson
doesnt matter, can't happen. we've gone past the era where IP can be let go. it'll be in production forever.
Luke Diaz
Both are doing just fine, but I simply find tv Star Wars boring at this point. An entire universe and it's so ridiculously small and limited in scope. Time to go back to Tatooine again folks.
Benjamin Collins
Star Trek. Definitely. Some good things came out of Disney Wars, I can’t list a single good thing to come out of NuTrek. It’s the most popular Trek show.
Kevin Garcia
for good, star wars more urgently for a 10-15 year break, star trek
Austin Powell
>Jerry Seinfeld is Jewish And rewatching the show, that is painfully clear
Grayson Kelly
>rewatch ???
Benjamin Morris
Star Wars. Star Wars was NEVER supposed to go more than the original trilogy, even then I believe it was supposed to be a one-and-done movie. The more content you make for it, the worst it gets.
Jayden Bailey
James Hill
This. People forget the franchise was basically dead and making it action schlock brought it back. But there needs to be a balancing out between the cerebral oldschool and the actiony newschool.
And a complete expulsion of the virtue signaling. And before anyone says Star Trek was always woke/progressive, keep in mind that its best episodes were still the ones that explored sci-fi concepts and kept things more allegorical than on-the-nose.
When they were hamfisted about it, those were the worst episodes.
That episode where Trip goes to repair an alien ship and simps for one of their engineers and spends time with them in their own version of a holodeck and returns to the Enterprise pregnant is a top tier meta episode.
Also the episode where Trip and Malcom are stranded on a shuttle in space, peak comfy
Nathan Brooks
>one bad serialized story won't ruin an entire season either I'm not talking about a serialized story across a couple of episodes; I'm talking about how entire SEASONS are one long serialized story. And that has been the norm now for years.
Adam Brown
I hate how all the actors in all nu Trek shows look like they were hired from a casting call in suburban gated community.
Jaxon Baker
so you're saying if they fuck up every single episode it won't be good? shockingly pointless.
Asher Rodriguez
They need to go back to hiring starving Shakespearean actors
Joshua Lee
>for good, star wars >more urgently for a 10-15 year break, star trek This is actually quite accurate. Trek might be made into something decent again one day and has potential to be a good series in the right hands. Star Wars is just dead and needs to be buried.
It's only back because of the current state of affairs where EVERY IP with any remotely recognizable brand name is being recycled and squeezed for every drop they can get out of it. It has nothing to do with fans liking it and everything to do with studios unwillingness to create anything new.
Elijah Miller
It never went out of fashion. It was killed.
Bentley Martin
God that was so fucking stupid, what were the DS9 writers thinking with that one? Up until then I actually stopped thinking of Sisko as black and out of nowhere he starts seeing his 'people' as black even in an era of aliens, many of which also have black ethnicities. Sisko is basically admitting he doesn't see the whole of humanity as his people.