Shows only YOU watched

shows only YOU watched

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what went wrong

not giving the claymation dog butthole more screentime and not having enough laugh track

daughter should have fucked her assistant or whatever she was supposed to be

It was in a weird era where nick at night tried to compete with adult swim.

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what else did nick at nite even have at that point? i literally cannot name a single show besides glenn martin. fucking like full house reruns??

It was like storage wars but instead of storage units it's airplane luggage

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I have almost no recollection of this show

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Hideous artstyle

Anyone remember a cartoon show called Goomer?
I can't seem to find anything about it

I know I watched it but don't remember much, only bits of the intro theme

the weird thing was they'd play incredibly age inappropriate promos for this on normal Nick

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I still remember the commercial narrator saying "glenn Martin dds"

It's Laser Time, Boyzz!

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my family got some fancy cable package that included boomerang and the nickelodeon equivalent. then one day the channel converted into rejected Nick shows rather than aged ones

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u fucking me up right now man

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have another random show from the same channel

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A talking doooooog
how absurd

so was he an elf or what was his deal?

everyfucking show from nick about 2 friends doing a stupid job and loving one kind of food, everyone was a fart in the wind.

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I think I had a toy of this, despite never seeing the show. It was the triceratops guy.

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this is one of those cartoon you could tell they liked anime

I don’t see it. Looks more like a bastardized version of the 90’s absurdist style.

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Is this bait?

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This fever dream

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I don't think Bruce Willis remembers this

Time flies lads. Turing 28 soon. Life has been good tho. Can't wait to have kids of my own.
lol remember that short with the panda bear choking on popsicles and dying on this channel?
that was messed up.
Loved see Kablam on that channel tho. G4 was amazing when I was young.
>Morgan Webb
>the girl from Cheat
>Screw Attack girl
feels good.
These were good.
What's this one called?

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It was a french cartoon


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George Lopez


Really great premise

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Wtf was andy’s problem? Was it a cry for attention?

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I actually loved this show...

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Holy shit

The guy who made Celebrity Deathmatch also made this show. She also had another claymation celebrity based show on E also also worked on a bunch of Barbie direct to video releases.

>What's this one called?
The Three Friends and Jerry, from the same guy who make pic related

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God fucking damn it you beat me to it.

This and monster house was a werid era

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good show but shit was always rigged when one team found the really good item and 95% of the time they won

The show that filtered the world. The only show to ever make me feel hopeful for humanity and the future.

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